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Organized Play Member. 18 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.



The text in the Bestiary reads "once per round, in place of a melee attack..."

Does that mean that the Shoggti can use this ability only with one pincer per round, or with four, since the Braincloud can be used in place of tentacle attacks, and it gets 4 tentacles as part of its melee attack?

In part four of The Asylum Stone, the players potentially encounter a

Pale Stranger
in area C4 of the Black Keep.

I don't particularly care for the use of

in my games, and this AP is no different.

I'd love to hear some suggestions for suitable alternate encounters in this area.

In part four of The Asylum Stone, the players potentially encounter a

Pale Stranger
in area C4 of the Black Keep.

I don't particularly care for the use of

black powder, gunfighting, etc.
in my games, and this AP is no different. I'd love to hear some suggestions for suitable alternate encounters in this area.

Thanks for responding. I do have the chronicle sheet, but was unaware of the GM reporting thing.

I searched the forums but couldn't seem to come up with an answer to this.

Are all scenarios played supposed to be listed on the character's sessions page? I played Shades of Ice Part II back in December of 2013, but just noticed that it is not listed on the session page.


I so wish that I wasn't already running this. I'd love to play an adventure path sometime. Have fun, my group is enjoying it so far (and starting for a 2nd group soon)!

Thanks again for all the responses, very helpful.

Thanks for the reply!

I'm going to be running Shattered Star soon for a group of 6 players, and one of the characters is sort of specializing in knowledge skills and linguistics.

The character will be an archeologist of sorts. Outside of the ones listed in the Core Rulebook, are there bonus languages that I could allow him to take, without it breaking any encounters later on?

On a side note, his character idea and languages question has me thinking of this quote - "If only you spoke Hovitos". Time to watch Raiders again I think.

Which other pawn sets do I need to combine with the Shattered Star set to run Shattered Star? In the description it says "Bestiary Box", but someone in the reviews section said "Bestiary 2". Can someone clarify? Any other sets needed besides those?


Which other pawn sets do I need to combine with this to run Shattered Star? In the description it says "Bestiary Box", but someone in the reviews section said "Bestiary 2". Can someone clarify? Any other sets needed besides those?


Is there a roll20 link for this set up yet?

TOZ wrote:

There's something rotten in Andoran.

Current Roster wrote:

1. David Schopmeyer Summoner 3

Just signed up on warhorn, Paladin 2, although might be level 3 by then.

I (Brent) apologize, but I also need to withdraw from this one. Looks like both alternates are in!

Thanks for the responses. I did check my spam folder...I suppose just for informational purposes I could look at the other player's for now while I wait for a response...which really is the problem, I'd just like a response saying she has my info and will get it out as soon as possible.

If I recall correctly, I signed up via warhorn, and as far as I know, the GM sent the sheet individually as an attachment to the other player.

Yes, an online game. Thing is, I know someone else that played in the game, and he received his within a couple days.

I understand that it's the holiday season and all, but I played a 1st level adventure 8 days ago, and still have not received the chronicle sheet for it. I'd really like to play that character again, so what is a realistic length of time to expect to receive one?

I emailed the GM the requested information right after the game, then a couple days ago to make sure she received it. I tried again today, re-sending the information and asking if there is any other info she needed from me. I've yet to receive even a response to any of the emails. I've not been critical in the emails, but I feel like 8 days is too long to wait.

Any suggestions?