Varisian Barbarian

Vrakk Kybosh's page

10 posts. Alias of Tinkergood.

Grand Lodge

12 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I can't seem to find the "Flyby Attack" feat anywhere in the Alien Archive or Starfinder core rulebook feat. I'm assuming it works the same way as it did in Pathfinder, but very few things work the same so... what does "Flyby Attack" do?

It is only mentioned as the feat on the air elemental graft (p. 47 AA)

Grand Lodge

I'm a little confused on how to interpret the reflex save DC for Grenade Arrows.
- Grenade Arrow I - Item Level 6, but uses the statistics of a level 1 grenade. Easy enough, you can attach a Frag, Shock, Smoke, or Sticky Bomb Grenade of Mk I stats and quality, so d6 to d8 damage or effect...
- However, do you calculate the DC using the arrow's level or the grenade's level? e.g. If my Dex is 18 (+4), is a Grenade Arrow I DC 14 (10+ 1/2 +4) or DC 17 (6/2 + 4)?

Doing a quick skim, I don't understand the balance of +1 BAB vs. a weaker more complicated version of sneak attack? Does lowering the average damage while flanking by 1 per 2 levels really justify creating a modification of an existing game mechanic? The vigilante is a complex enough character as is and to have 2 sets of dice based on the situation seems unnecessary.