Red Dragon

Vorthas's page

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Honestly I can't wait to bring back my old PF1e half-red dragon (or fire-themed dragon) gunslinger character in PF2e without resorting to homebrew or third party content. I've been using Luis Loza's Dragonkin versatile heritage for a while now and Dragonblood will likely replace it. I just want to see if it brings wings as a feat tree and whether it will give a breath attack by default or needing a feat to get it (Dragonkin gives you a breath attack by default for instance).

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I personally am happy there's likely gonna be more focus on Serpentfolk. They're one of my favorite villainous races on Golarion. I'm even running a variant of Serpent's Skull in PF2e where I want to inject some Babylonian and Sumerian deities as aliens into the serpentfolk lore overall (there's an old topic somewhere on here about expanding upon Serpent's Skull with ancient aliens that I'm taking a bit from).

I'd love to see some more unique monsters statted out for the Darklands too, since while my group hasn't entered the Darklands yet, they will be fairly soon.

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