The Expansionist

Vonyar's page

Organized Play Member. 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 21 Organized Play characters.

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That was then. Fast forward almost 5 years and...

Q: **Can you use Explosive Rounds to trick attack Swarms?**

Now we have Explosive, Rounds, Small Arms
(,%20Small%20Arms&F amily=Explosive )
which has the Fiery Property
( )
Which says it "counts as a weapon with the explode special property against creatures with swarm defenses"
And Swarm Defense
( )
Says "A swarm takes half again as much damage (+50%) from effects that affect all targets in an area, such as grenades, blast and explode weapons, and many evocation spells."

The Power gamer in me says "yes you can trick attack and get and extra 50% damage on all of it as well."

The "I'm in this for Fun Gamer" in me want to verify my assumptions.

Thx :-)

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OK I know it isn't PFS but from an old D&D game I have a character who keeps getting cursed to hand out business cards when she meets adventurers, which reads:

Paladin of Ukko
Member in good standing of the
Foundland Assassins Guild

What's worse is that she has been on a couple of hits for the guild... What's a Paladin to do when "informed" of the evil necromancer building an undead army?
(The church has gotten some very generous tithes in her name)