Gnaeus Gnaru

Vladimir Wallachia's page

3 posts. Alias of Wivvy.

A man, a big strong man Twin Has No Life-1

Gameplay is up now.

A man, a big strong man Twin Has No Life-1

For now go ahead and finalize crunch and everything you need to do, Gameplay will start when I know where the other two players are coming from. This is where rules can be debated, so feel free to ask questions and (Please) play nicely. :) If any of you feel like a rule or a stat is "game breaking" then I will take a look at it.

As for crafting feats, they are only active during gameplay, so your starting equipment is not discounted by them. Anything you make during the game, however, is affected by the crafting feat. Hope that makes sense.

Looking forward to it guys!

Hello everyone, I've been itching for some more Pathfinder recently and I'm sure there are plenty of people that feel the same way. So, here it is:

I want to run a short, fast paced game loaded down with monsters, weapons and explosions. One with minimal railroading, and maximum action. In this campaign you will be able to do literally whatever you want! Be careful though, it will be a very challenging campaign with no punches pulled. Unless my party unanimously wants to do mythic, I'm going to say no-go on that.

Have an idea for a non-combative character, but it doesn't fit this campaign? IT DOES! There will be plenty of opportunities for characters to buff themselves to epic proportions. Say you have a Charisma based character the would have a very slim chance at taking on a dragon. Well if that bard happens to make friends with a commanding officer of an army, he will stand a much better chance of winning.

You want to be evil? AWESOME! You want to be good? AWESOME! You want to be Neutral? STILL AWESOME! Any alignment you choose is fine because you don't have to like- or even stick with your party members. But if you decide to kill the weakling bard, and that bard just so happened to become best buddies of a commander of an army, good luck. If you decide to go out on your own then I won't stop you, but I certainly won't guarantee your safety either. Remember, I won't pull punches.

ALSO! If you die then you CAN resubmit a new character, but it will be thrown back into the pot with the rest of the applicants and I will choose again.

ON THAT NOTE! Recruitment for this campaign will close...never! As long as this campaign is active, the recruitment will be also. After I pick my first group, there is no guarantee that anyone else will get in, but there is still a pretty good chance.

Now for the fun stuff:

Character Building:
Starting at level 18, will go to 20.
20 pt. Buy one-for-one (I told you it was high powered.

Any Paizo for classes, races, and anything else. As a general rule, I say no third party, but feel free to run it by me unless it involves a completely different rule system such as Psionics. Also, no Synthesist summoners, and no Immortal Spark.

700,000 gp 1 cp(just because)


2 extra skill points per level

2 extra feat to start with

Max HP

2 traits. 3 if drawback.

Alignment: Any

Your backstory can be whatever you want, but it must be epic. If you're evil, then you were pulled from the deepest darkest pit of hell that you could imagine. If you are good, then you are Batman, Superman, and Spider-man all mixed together and multiplied by two. The only stipulation is that you are knocked out in some way and the last thing you see is the inside of your eyelids. You don't see who knocked you out.

This is to be set in Varisia.

If I missed anything, feel free to ask!

So I'm kind of itching to kill somebody. So I'm proposing a campaign that should really only be about 2-3 weeks but be filled to the brim with battles and things. Any alignment is fine because what you do doesn't change the story in anyway. If you so choose to try and slaughter your party then props to you, but if the bard you betrayed happened to become best buddies with a war chief then you better be ready to fight your party +30 soldiers. There's gong to be plenty of opportunities to make allies and foes so don't count out the people-pleaser characters. If we end up having a blast then I'll probably extend it a little longer, but I'm not really looking for a long-term game. Oh, one more thing, if you die- sorry. You can make another character, but you're going to be thrown back into the pot with the rest of the remaining applicants. So that makes it very likely for you to get in. This is just an interest check, so if it generates enough buzz then I will open up the actual recruitment.

I have been dying to play in a Way of The Wicked Campaign, but I don't really feel like GMing one. I'm not asking for a reserved spot, I just really want a shot at playing in one. So if anyone feels like starting one up, I would be grateful.

A man, a big strong man Twin Has No Life-1

The sun is rising above Sandpoint. It's cool rays light up the courtyard and paint paint the steeple of the new church golden. A breeze is blowing through the air that carries an overwhelming array of sounds and smells with it. The town square is flooded with hundreds of people, all laughing and talking. Merchants set up tables and tents around the courtyard with their finest food and items up for sale, and they shout at anyone within earshot about how their product is the finest in the land. Everyone is waiting for the famous Swallowtail festival to begin. Finally, a man walks up to the stage and and calls for the peoples attention. This man addresses himself as Mayor Deverin, as he speaks the crowd seems to love him more and more. He cracks jokes, talks about funny stories, and even picks on a few of the residents as a friendly gesture. After he is done, the crowd is in a much lighter mood. This mood is quickly soured by the second speaker. Sheriff Belor Hemlock gives a monotonous, boring speech about the safety risks associated with the bonfire fire later this afternoon. He also calls for a moment of silence for those lost in the church fire a few years ago. The next speaker is a man named Cyrdak Drokkus. He quickly explains that Lonjiku Kiajitsu was supposed to speak but a sudden illness has struck him. At this, even Cyrdak roles his eyes, knowing that Lonjiku was almost certainly not sick. After a quick recanting of the events that the town went through to build the new cathedral, he invited everyone to go see his production of "The Harpy's Curse" at the theater. Finally, Father Zantus got up and thanked everyone for coming and declared the start of the festivities.

You all start out in the town square, around you see several merchants selling food, drink, and other items. You also see a number of games going on such as sack racing, arm wrestling, archery contests, Tug-of war, weight lifting contests, foot races, and of course drinking competitions. Feel free to wander around and play as many games as you like, I'll advance the story whenever you guys want.

A man, a big strong man Twin Has No Life-1

Welcome to the discussion! :)

A man, a big strong man Twin Has No Life-1

Gameplay thread is up! Dot away.

A man, a big strong man Twin Has No Life-1's open guys!

Hello everybody! For my first time GM-ing I have decided to do the Anniversary Edition of Rise of The Runelords AP. I will be taking one or two players as I already have two or three slots reserved. Posting once a day is fine, but I would prefer at least 2-3 posts a day. Also, I like to use maps and other images for a better experience, so if Google Docs is a problem for you then I would suggest you look elsewhere.

For your backstories you will need to describe why you are in Sandpoint for the Swallowtail Festival. I am really big on fluff. While crunch is important, a strong backstory is what can set your submission apart. Your story needs to make me do one or more of three things: laugh, cry, or fist pump and shout "Hell Yeah!" Fluff also needs to make sense with the traits you take as well.

Character Build:
Race/Class: Any Paizo (no third party)
25 pt. buy
2 traits (one from Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide)
Average gp
No CE (CN is okay, but you can't use it as an excuse to be CE)
Anything third party is wasting your time, and min/maxing is wasting your time.

Okay well I think I've covered the basics, let me know if you see anything wrong.