
Vishnu's page

8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Can anyone give me the stats for the Shadarkai - cause I don't have the Fiend Folio (and NO, I'm not going to buy it just to look up one race...)


DUDES the topic has COMPLETELY derailed off track...

1. I DO have a copy of Dragon #333. I buy it mainly for the articles on the Demonicon.

2. I was looking for a high - resolution map for my players; no, I don't want to photocopy the map off the magazine...


My inspiration came from The Matrix Reloaded:

My character was Smith (15th level Red Wizard) with 5 clones of himself (using the Simulacrum Spell) Each had a ring of Telepathic Bonding 'built in'.

Together they were a collective consciousness - they thought and behaved as a single person - just like Smith in The Matrix Reloaded.

The background story was that Simth was looking for the secret to immortality and got inspiration from Mind Flayer colonies - on how the Overmind was a collective consciousness; except that his clones were just that - clones. He sought out ways to make them into real characters (i.e. gain XP, HD, etc.)


Does anyone have a downloadable map to the abandoned mine office - a map of it appeared on Dragon issue 333 - in the section "Worm Food".

It had details on how to make the site your base-camp. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find a printable map for my players.


Does anyone know where I can download a pic of the abandoned mine-office so that I can print it out and give it as a hand-out to my players? They'd decided to use it as a base.


Hi guys,

I mailed in an artcile for Critical Threat 2 weeks ago and still no reply. In your experience - just how long does it take for the editors to get back to you (for crtical threat articles I mean)? Has anyone had their article published?


Does Paizo accept articles sent in from outside the US, like little old Singapore perhaps? I've sent in many queries, but only once or twice have I gotten a copy-pasted reply...

If they're biased...I guess I can't complain - it's their magazine afterall...


Over the past month I've sent about 6 e-mails to Dragon@paizo.com with queries regarding articles for submission and I have yet to receive a single reply.

I wonder if it's because I have a Yahoo!-based e-mail address or maybe it's my foreign name...