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Vinland Forever's page

347 posts. Alias of Kelsey MacAilbert.


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Kajehase wrote:
If it were anything like the movie Pathfinder, I'd not.

James Jacobs would never fail us in such a manner.

Danke for all the links. I'll go through them as soon as possible.

Epic Meepo wrote:

If you're comfortable with fairly basic website design (using the Google sites page editor), you can also contact the folks at d20pfsrd and ask to set up a custom creations page.

That's how I went about setting up my Epic Meepo Presents page. That gave me plenty of writing practice, and opened up several freelance opportunities once I'd posted a hundred or so monsters.

It's been seven years, it was Dreamweaver, and I don't have the software or remember what I learned :(

LazarX wrote:

Keep in mind that if you're looking for a career that will pay the rent, the odds that you'll find it in this field get seriously smaller each year.

But at best, you're not going to be getting a 9to5 from even Paizo, at least not off the bat. What you can realistically shoot for is to develop a recognised body of work that can land you some freelance assignments.

It's not my intention to pay the bills with this. I'm anticipating I'll make just a bit above nothing, even after several years. My goal is to have stuff with my name on it that I can point to as evidence of the fact that I can write for a gaming audience. The money will come from the Computer Science degree I'm working on right now.

The key thing in doing any creative discipline is to not listen to any of the thousand excuses you'll get or come up with yourself for not working. You have to keep working and keep in practise, whether its in gaming design or in illustration.

This is the part I really need to work on. I have too many aborted projects.

I need some game writing cred for when I get out of college, and I figure 3PP is a good way to get it. However, I have no clue how these groups are formed or how an industry outsider finds one willing to take on people. Can anyone point me in the right direction?


Freiya Fireheart is banned for having exposed cleavage.

Kelsey is banned for forbidding people from banning in the ban thread.

It's a work in progress, but should be complete enough for adventuring in Vendair.

If you want to play, the following is important:

Magic and Technology in Devaia



New Rules




All of these house rules are in effect.

-Anything not covered in these sections is handled by the official Pathfinder rules

This is useful for inspiration and visualization

Now, making a whole new world from scratch is hard work, and you guys are welcome to help me out. For example, there is only one religion so far. If you want to make up your own, it might end up being added to Devaia. If you invent stuff in your character's background, such as a city, important NPC, or something else, I just may add it to Devaia. Most of the rest can be hammered out as we go along.

The vehicle rules have not been done yet, and won't be until after Christmas, so we don't be driving anything soon.

Character level is first, stats 25 point buy, money maximum for your class in the core rulebook.

If I haven't provided enough information about the world, feel free to say so. I'm going to bed now, and will check back in the morning, answer questions, and post a story hook.

If you have suggestions for things to add to Devaia, I'm listening.

Warnock is banned for knowing nothing of Vikings.

Stark is banned for discrimination against sock puppets.

Derek is banned for implying that he has paternal instincts.

Aranna wrote:
The other bit that could prove helpful is to reread every section of the rules that came up in play that day. You learn a lot better when you have fresh real life experience to draw upon. Or maybe I am just weird wanting to curl up in front of a nice fire with a rulebook.

I'm going to start doing that. It's a good idea.

with the idea of

Will there ever be a Pathfinder version of Savage Species? I will buy it. Guaranteed.

James Jacobs wrote:
Vinland Forever wrote:
Have you ever met Monte Cook? What's he like? Do you like his work? How does he feel about Pathfinder? Is there a chance he will ever work on something for Pathfinder?

Many times. I've even gamed with him. He's a cool guy, and yes, I quite like his work. Ptolus is one of my favorite game supplements ever.

He likes Pathfinder a lot... he was a consultant on the core rules, in fact, and he wrote an adventure for us called "Curse of the Riven Sky." I'd love to have him write more for us but he's a busy, busy guy!

^_^. Monte Cook's work is awesome. My favorite thing is the magic system for Monte Cook's World of Darkness.

Have you ever met Monte Cook? What's he like? Do you like his work? How does he feel about Pathfinder? Is there a chance he will ever work on something for Pathfinder?

If we all use our PCs wile GMing that still leaves us with four characters, I believe.

Jiggy wrote:
Vinland Forever wrote:
Back in high school I usually played D&D while walking home or to the library or wherever with my friends, so we had no table for maps or dice. So, what we'd do instead is tell whoever was GMing what we wanted to do, and the GM would decide if it worked, and if not what happened. No dice would enter the equation. It was basically "what the GM says, goes". Now, since we were all RPers and were more focused on advancing the story than on always winning, screwing with the PCs, or making the GM play fair, this worked for us. However, I've since moved to another state, and now I'm interested in playing the traditional way (with dice). I get dice just fine, but I've never used a map, so I could use some help on how they are created.
How interesting! I never thought of having a "while you walk" campaign...

The best part is that as GMs, we actually didn't do much preparation. We came up with a general idea for the plot, then we just made the smaller stuff up on the fly. That was so much fun, because it meant that if the PCs did something unexpected the GM could easily roll with it, leading to a campaign that ended up far different than what was originally intended.

Jiggy wrote:
Vinland Forever wrote:
I've barely ever even rolled any dice.

How do you manage that? Do you not present your players with challenges against which they might not succeed? They never have to gather information with a diplomacy check? They never need a knowledge check? No combat? No environmental hazards to avoid (or fail to avoid)?

I'm rather curious about your games.

Back in high school I usually played D&D while walking home or to the library or wherever with my friends, so we had no table for maps or dice. So, what we'd do instead is tell whoever was GMing what we wanted to do, and the GM would decide if it worked, and if not what happened. No dice would enter the equation. It was basically "what the GM says, goes". Now, since we were all RPers and were more focused on advancing the story than on always winning, screwing with the PCs, or making the GM play fair, this worked for us. However, I've since moved to another state, and now I'm interested in playing the traditional way (with dice). I get dice just fine, but I've never used a map, so I could use some help on how they are created.

In all my years of GMing D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder, I have never once used a map. I've barely ever even rolled any dice. So, suffice it to say that I know nothing of mapping in this game.

What I'm curious to know is how many maps you guys who do use them usually have, and how big are they? Do they take forever to draw? What do you do when the PCs try to leave the map area?

James Jacobs wrote:
Vinland Forever wrote:
cibet44 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

I do agree that there are plenty of areas of the current game that could use revision—number one being the way we present information in the book. But I'm not really keen on an incremental "edition change" like what 3.5 was marketed as.

But would Lisa be keen on it?
Lisa knows what's best for gaming, trust me.
Just use the "Call of Cthullu" model where the game is forever compatible with itself no matter the "version".
This. I don't want to shell out a couple hundred bucks for a new set of rulebooks every time the game gets some revision.
The RIGHT revision is the one that you won't MIND shelling out more money for the revised book.

I'd shell out for one or two revised books, but for a whole set (CRB, APG, UM, UC, Bestiaries, and so on) every time the game gets a revision? That's where I balk.

cibet44 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

I do agree that there are plenty of areas of the current game that could use revision—number one being the way we present information in the book. But I'm not really keen on an incremental "edition change" like what 3.5 was marketed as.

But would Lisa be keen on it?
Lisa knows what's best for gaming, trust me.
Just use the "Call of Cthullu" model where the game is forever compatible with itself no matter the "version".

This. I don't want to shell out a couple hundred bucks for a new set of rulebooks every time the game gets some revision.

Ultradan wrote:
The word "NEWS" is actually an anagram for North, East, West, and South.

Really? That's interesting.

The Emancipation Proclamation did not free all the slaves in the US. It freed those in Confederate territory. It did not apply to slave-holding territories not part of the Confederacy at the time of the proclamation (Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, Tennessee, and some parts of Louisiana and Virginia [namely, what would become West Virginia]). The slaves in those areas were freed by separate actions. Slavery was not made illegal in all of the US until December 18th, 1865.

There was a fair amount of trench warfare during the American Civil War.

There are a lot of white people in South America. In some countries, such as Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay, they are the majority. They also make up about half of Brazil.

Let's all take turns listing some of the awesome things that happened in history that a lot of people know about, and historical facts that are interesting but little known or contrary to what most people know or believe. I'll start.

During the American Civil War, the King of Siam offered Abraham Lincoln a herd of war elephants as a gift. He politely declined to accept it.

During the first battle of the American Civil War, the Confederate's used a man named Wilmer McLean's as a command post. To get away from the war, McLean moved to Appomattox after the battle. When the Confederates decided to surrender at the end of the war, a messenger was sent to find a house suitable for Grant and Lee to meet for the surrender. The house the messenger found? Wilmer McLean's.

Chinese immigrants served in both the Union and Confederate militaries.

The Confederates wore butternut (which is brown) and scavenged Union blue more often than they wore grey.

CunningMongoose wrote:
Vinland Forever wrote:
This is absolutely hilarious. Check it out. There is also a WW2 version, but I like the WW1 version better.

Really funny, thanks for sharing!

Would you also share the link for the WW2 strip?

Here's the WW2 version.

What's your favorite part? I'm torn between Russia whacking Austria with a vodka bottle, England's reaction to Germany kicking Belgium, and the part where everybody gets helmets.

This is absolutely hilarious. Check it out. There is also a WW2 version, but I like the WW1 version better.

James Jacobs wrote:
Vinland Forever wrote:
Did you know almond milk was very popular in the middle ages?
I did not.

I'm full of random facts like that ^_^.

James Jacobs wrote:
Vinland Forever wrote:
Which is best: dairy milk, soy milk, or almond milk?
Dairy milk, from a cow. As long as it's 2% milk. Any more or any less is nasty.

I prefer almond milk.

Did you know almond milk was very popular in the middle ages?

Which is best: dairy milk, soy milk, or almond milk?

I'm up for it if everyone else is, Grunnar.

Hold a vote on impromptu and established storylines?

If you guys all agree on taking turns, go ahead.

A CR20 Seagull wrote:
Soo...If our GM doesn't come back, would anyone be against me trying to GM it? >>

Nope. I've bit off more than I can chew, to tell the truth. GM of another campaign, player in a campaign, and author of the Voyager project, which begins playtesting tomorrow. I should not have gotten into so much stuff at once.

Ross Byers wrote:
I removed a post. Do not make bigoted, hateful, or racially insensitive statements.

Sorry about that. It seemed funny at the time.

Is it weird that I consider you a role model?

...Is it odd that I have 14 aliases?

Wait. Wasn't there a serial killer halfling in Baldur's Gate 1 and 2?

James Jacobs wrote:

There are no evil halflings in Pathfinder primarily because I don't want there to be.

Duergar and drow got in there because they've been part of the game (and mythology) for a long, long time. There's no analogy, really, for halflings.

Yea. James is boring like that ^_^.

If you want them, make them yourself. Homebrew is the best part of Pathfinder.

WHOOT! 500th post on Paizo ^_^.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Do some research on police shootings.

You're assuming I haven't. Your argument doesn't follow from your "information", and I don't like the backhand ad hom.

Lets look at the worst case of that

The four officers fired forty-one shots, hitting Diallo nineteen times

So they hit roughly half the time- and i'd be willing to bet that the the hits are pretty heavily frontloaded in the first half of the bullets fired.

I'm not sure i want THEM shooting at people. If you're worse than three times as bad i REALLY don't want you popping off more shots

I've done my research, too, and you can bet about when the shots hit as much as you want, but the very nature of shootings means we'll probably never know which shots hit. Plus, the Diallo incident is not representative of the majority of officer involved shootings. The fact of the matter is that gunfights are highly fluid situations in which accurate aiming is difficult, and missing is to be expected.

ulgulanoth wrote:
so if someone polymorphed you into a bat, that would be the worst thing that could ever happen to you?

I'll go get Ezren.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Now, the AR-15 is a good choice for home defense. Why in the blazes would I say such a thing!? Don't I know that the AR-15 is an evil military assault weapon!? I say this because ALL calibers if they miss their target are a liability. BUT, ballistic tests have shown that the higher grained bullets in .223/5.56 (75 grains or more) have a much LOWER chance of "over-penetration" when the round hits its target...
Look, if you haven't managed to hit them in the first 12 shots you are not the sort of person who should be allowed another 18.

I'm trying to stay out of this debate, but I have to challenge this. Do some research on police shootings. You will notice something: trained police officers generally miss more than they hit, even at close range. Why? Hitting a target in a shoot out is not easy, what with bullets flying everywhere and people trying not to get hit. Missing the first several shots in a real fight does not mean you shouldn't be allowed to have guns, because trained professionals do that all the time. All it means is that you're a human being.

James Jacobs wrote:
ShadowFighter88 wrote:
What about calamari rings? Crumbed, fried and just made from that hood over their body?
All that's left then is the chewy stuff... which is also gross. It's a texture thing.

O_O. How did you turn into a dinosaur?

TOZ wrote:
Let's....let's not even start on Forgotten Realms elves. Okay?

Do tell. I know nothing of FR elves.

voska66 wrote:
I find elves to be boring. If you play Human you have lots of flavor as you have so many different cultures to pick from. If you play an elf you are just an elf. Same goes for the other races. At least Human and Half Human have cultural background to make things interesting. No real game effect but I can visualize my character better. That's why I play humans and why most other do as well.

Nothing says there can only be one culture, though. In my settings elves tend to take a lot from human cultures (to the point where they don't have their own language), but differ from humans in being more conservative and having a lifestyle closer to nature and more reliant on magic. This means that while elves are still elves and do differ from humans, a "Persian" elf differs from an "Irish" elf quite a bit.

Tim4488 wrote:
Careful. Bad Axe Games released a supplement for 3.5 called Trailblazer around the same time PF came out, and with a somewhat similar purpose. Not sure what the copyright issues of the name alone would be, but it's something to doublecheck.

I switched websites to Blogger, as it's better than Angelfire. No popups giving Poison Apple a bad first impression.

I changed the name to Voyager after someone else pointed out the existence of a Trailblazer. I like that better than Trailblazer, anyway.

bigkilla wrote:
Vinland Forever wrote:
Here's the Blogger version of the site.
So are you working with Badaxe Games on Trailblazer ? because I would definatley be interested in more stuff for Trailblazer.

I have no affiliation with Bad Axe. In fact, I renamed my project Voyager because of them already having something called Trailblazer.

Liz Courts wrote:

As has been discussed in the other thread, there are some details that go in to having "Publisher" next to your name on the boards, and familiarizing yourself with the Open Gaming License and Pathfinder Compatibility License should be a priority (even for a free product).

Please note that just adding your name to the Pathfinder Compatibility License Registry does not grant you the ability to upload PDFs--that requires a separate agreement (which, as Lisa has pointed out, you can email me about).

I know I need to be familiar with both licenses. I've got the compatibility license down. I'll be finished with the OGL soon.

I'll email you about it when I finish the pdf.

EDIT: Got it. I've fully read both licenses.

James Jacobs wrote:
Vinland Forever wrote:
Vinland Forever wrote:
Could you please answer these two questions for me?
I got the second one answered, but I could still use some help on whether or not I should apply for a compatibility license.
Looks like things resolved themselves before I came around?

Yup. I gots me a license.

What do you think of a 3rd party Pathfinder future project that brings the game to 1500 to 1918 (with a possible extension to 1945 or further), and is made up of "Punk" technology sets (Steampunk, Petrolpunk, the like)? It'll have equipment, new firearms mechanics, feats, spells, archetypes, and rules for naval and air combat. It'll have a campaign setting eventually, but that'll be offered separately from the main pdf, just like how Golarion is mostly separate from the CRB.

It was originally to be called Trailblazer, but I changed the name to Voyager. A 3.5 pdf called Trailblazer already exists.

Kierato wrote:

Sanguine Knight

HD d10
BAB: +1
Good Saves: Fort
Skills: Appraise, Craft, Bluff, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana), Perception, Profession, Survival
Weapons and Armor: Sanguine Knights are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all types of armor (heavy, medium, and light), and with shields (except tower shields).

1) Bloodline Power
2) Fighter Training
3)Bloodline Power
5)Bloodline Feat
7)Bloodline Power
9)Bloodline Feat
11)Bloodline Power
13)Bloodline Feat
15)Bloodline Power
17)Bloodline Feat
19)Bloodline Power
20)Bloodline Power

Fighter Training: You are treated as a fighter of 1/2 your level for the purposes of meeting the prerequisites of feats.
** spoiler omitted **...


SmiloDan wrote:
Matt Stich wrote:
Kierato wrote:
Diskordant wrote:
How about some classes based off the mistborn allomamcers. At least the ones that would be useful, it's been awhile but the strength one, the ones that push and pull metals, the ones that push and pull emotions.
I'll need to wiki that...
I'd like to see a 4 level arcane caster with full BAB, like an arcane paladin kind of.


Also, someone mentioned a full-bab class based on sorcerer bloodlines, with no spells. I think a class like that, with supernatural and possibly spell-like abilities, would be really cool too. But pretty hard to design, especially since the iconic abilities of aberrations, demons, dragons, and fey are so different from each other.

Yea. That's why I suggested it. The difficulty of design saddens me.