Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Theoretically, if they could contact Mengkare, I'd say that it could short-circuit Emaliza's threat altogether. Inizra can fill in her spot in the plot, minus the imminent betrayal. Of course, Mengkare wouldn't know the PCs from any other rando throwing messages at him. Is he likely to take an unsolicited spell message seriously when there's a world to save? That said, even considering that Mengkare is in Axis at that point, sending targets "1 creature with whom you are familiar," and dream message targets "1 creature you know by name and have met in person" - neither of which are likely to apply. They'd need some other means, and then would still need to convince him that it's more important than his research into the Anima Invocation.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
There are stats for a few of the students in Book 6, but they're (almost literally) not quite themselves. I wouldn't necessarily feel constrained by the stats there, given the nature of the changes to which they've been subjected, but you could use those stats for some guidance. Tucking details in a spoiler tag, just in case it matters.
Book 6 Details: Okoro (p 18-19) seems to have originally been a spontaneous occult caster (almost certainly a bard).
Mariama (p 20) is apparently a witch with a Fate patron. She still has a bunch of hexes in addition to prepared occult spells. Anchor Root (p 23-24) is a prepared primal caster I intend on making her functionally a witch as well - she doesn't seem to fit druid all that well in my opinion, and already has a familiar. Haibram (p 24) is prepared arcane caster. I intend on making him essentially a wizard, maybe with a "dedication" such as fighter to account for his martial nature. My original concept for him was a magus, but this version of him has way too many prepared spells for that to fit. The nature of Mariama's encounter may be notable if a PC relationship with her lasts into Book 6.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
I would have her show up in that case, possibly with additional guards if she knows the PCs don't trust her. Of course, given that she expects the orb will dominate Mengkare (and if you don't want to make the encounter even harder), she may be overconfident enough to only have her bodyguard with her. The Orb will still benefit from the additional shards the PCs carry. In this scenario, I wouldn't penalize Mengkare's starting Doubt or the PCs checks once "negotiations" start. They'd still lose out on the two arguments as mentioned on p49, and (to me) that'd be consequence enough - they lose a couple options to increase his Doubt, but not so much as if they trusted Emaliza all along. Or, possibly, you could have them emerge from Vengegate after the final boss, to find Emaliza has Mengkare incapacitated from the Orb. Given that that's after the climax, though, I'd shy away from that.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Alesta's Ring isn't next to Guardian's Way - it's just another way to get TO the portals. Page 48 notes that Guardian's Way is "6 miles northwest of [Breachill]", while page 12 notes that the citadel "stands just over a mile northeast of Breachill...." The caves between Guardian's Way and Alesta's Ring are "6-1/2 miles" long as noted on page 54. Additionally, the Cinderclaws trapped in Alesta's Ring can't climb to be able to get to the Goblinblood Caves, and the ones that are in the citadel above can't go back down the collapsed staircase. For more info on why the Cinderclaws are separated, take a look at the "What Happened Here?" sidebar on page 22.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Reebo Kesh wrote:
Yes. The handler's fist strike has the Grab ability, which means that it can use an action AFTER a successful strike (itself one action) to automatically grab the target, for a total of two actions. That leaves it with only one action left in that round - not enough to use Hog-tie. Reebo Kesh wrote: Someone on Reddit mentioned you need to Restrain someone to tie them up. Since the Clockwork Handler auto succeeds the Grab it can't roll a Critical Success to Restrain the target. So how does it ever use the Hog-tie ability? Unless something else gives it other opportunities to inflict the restrained condition, it'd have to use the normal Grapple action of Athletics and get a critical success. If anything, that seems underpowered when put all together. Maybe attempting to grapple after using Grab is a good use for its third action.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
I am getting the same issue when I go to the main homepage, to the Pathfinder landing page, to the Pathfinder FAQ, or immediately after I log in. It does, strangely enough, let me get at the forums, and from there I can get to (for instance) my Downloads. I also see the same behavior that Hawkmoon269 mentioned, where once I hit a broken page, I can navigate to other pages by using the menu successfully, but not if I go directly to the URL. ISP: Verizon
I also tried this in Chrome (86.0.4240.198) which encountered the same error. Strangely enough, MS Edge (86.0.662.69) worked just fine until I log in, at which point it hits the same error. |