Bow Guardian

Ville Pätsi's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 2 posts (56 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 40 Organized Play characters.



Nefreet wrote:
Ville Pätsi wrote:

Shattered Star Player's Guide also has some nice traits.

It is not listed in Additional Resources, but has traits that are legal through another source: Pathfinder Chronicles: Faction Guide.

Those Traits are actually different, which is why the Player's Guide isn't listed as legal.

The Traits in the Faction Guide require certain classes. Those in the Player's Guide don't.

It's actually a somewhat common mistake.

Ah, I see now. Source listing for the trait in Archives of Nethys is actually inaccurate then as it only has a description for the Faction Guide version.


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Shattered Star Player's Guide also has some nice traits.

It is not listed in Additional Resources, but has traits that are legal through another source: Pathfinder Chronicles: Faction Guide.