Vheod's page

15 posts. Organized Play character for BRIAN LAUX.


Liberty's Edge

For a great Kitsune miniature look up "Robin Hood the Fox" by Dark Sword. It's one of the best Kitsune minis I've ever seen. It's like a serious Robin Hood and not at all cartoony.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

And don't forget none of the animal feats in the bestiary are PFS legal even though it lists them in the Core Rulebook. I found out the hard way!
: (

Liberty's Edge

Do you HAVE to use pregens with this? Thanks!!

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Just one spell: Emergency Force Sphere!

Liberty's Edge 4/5

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You haven't even put your books down yet, and the DM is telling you to roll a fortitude save... And he's dead serious!

Liberty's Edge 4/5

I've run EoT twice now in Orlando. Once at Megacon and once in a home setting. (Both reported). And I'm pretty sure I'll be running it again at another con coming up. Orlando is getting demanding for high level adventures. Players have asked for another round of Acadamy of Secrets. One GM has been running high lvl Reign of Winter adventures. We have numerous other mods asked for of 13-14+.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

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"With that said, if you have any positive suggestions outside of the 'suck it up GM, that's how the Pathfinder Organized Play Society rolls' attitude, please feel free to share accordingly. I'd like to hear how others handle power gamers, so I can add to my learning experiences and provide an even greater roleplaying experience at the table."

People are going to power game..
People are going to have normal characters.
People are going to have characters so inept you have NO idea how they survive to the end of the scenario.
The only thing you can do is spend your 4 hours GMing to tell the best possible story you can. That's your job as GM. It's not you VS them in a titanic death match to see who the last one standing is.
Just tell a good story.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Like most people here, I take guns seriously. If someone pulls out a gun in public, (pfs game or otherwise)places it on the table, passes it around, or even talks about using it, (joking or not) get away from that person and notify law enforcement. I had an angry co-worker threaten to shoot everyone. Within 10 minutes he was being escorted out of the building by the police. 99.9% of the people who play PFS are normal decent players but if you have a firearm, just keep it to yourself.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

If a person sits down at the pathfinder table for their first adventure, then there's no way I'm going to kill them. If it's someone's second character, and they're an experienced player, then you can go a little harder on them. Most of the time I'll do a little fudging on the dice rolls until a character gets above 3rd or 4th level. (And you'll never know I'm doing it). I have killed a couple characters. One was a first level who was outright cheating with a legit crit. (Thank you intro 1 halfling). And the others were 7-11 characters.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

BVLarson wrote:

As a PFS player of a true-neutral cleric with a true-neutral god, I was surprised when a GM at an event informed me I was now "evil" at the end of the adventure, because I'd cast deathknell on a fallen demon (no less). Atonement was required to play the character further, and it was marked on my chronicle sheet, etc. That was the only evil act in question.

Anyway, is this sort of thing entirely at GM discretion? I was under the impression that things like animate dead and deathknell were dangers for "good" characters. That performing a single evil deed would no more make a neutral character "evil" than casting a healing spell would make him "good".

All in all, I think spells that can only be used in the performance of an evil act should be removed from the game, if this is the right ruling.

Awww.. He didn't want that poor Demon to suffer needlessly. Should have changed his alignment to good, not evil!

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Backfromthedeadguy wrote:
So a druid wild shapes and decides to mate with an animal of the same type...what are the possibilities? There's a lot of mythological stories of this very thing, especially dealing with Loki, who gave birth to Sleipnir (and other less pleasant things) . Let's say there was only a 1% chance of offspring, what would they be like?

The Hellknights have been notified of your post and will be there shortly to "collect you". Please do not resist.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

IMO The whole grapple thing sucks and needs to be removed from Pathfinder. A tricked out maxed Maneuver Master is just a pain to deal with. (Not impossible, by any means.. just annoying to make sure every encounter isn't one he's going to steamroll over). In my past experience I've seen that the only one having fun at the table is the Man.Master himself. In a home campaign it's possible to tailor encounters around him so that everyone can have a good time and something to do. But in a PFS setting you cant do that and I've seen many encounters just ended when the end guy got grappled. Everyone has fun in their own way and the monk deserves to have fun also, but I just hate seeing five other players leaving the table with a bad experience.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

While I'm the worst ever at coming up with names (I have a guy I go to) some of the ones I've heard have made me want to slam my head into the table. One player I know has a cleric named... Smurfberry. Yes, Smurfberry. And its not a joke. He wears blue armor (even though smurfberries are red) and he expects you to take his name seriously and gets PISSED if you dis his name in any way. The same guy shows up to the table with a female druid named Justine Timberlake. (I hit my head on the table twice for that one). He has more, but I'll spare you the pain! ;)

Liberty's Edge

3-17 Red Harvest
Levels 7-11

I've never seen so much role playing in my life!

In the naga-ruled nation of Nagajor in southern Tian Xia, the Pathfinder Society finds itself caught between feuding factions in a remote village. Forced to choose a side, the decisions of the agents involved could determine whether or not the Society gains access to a valuable religious artifact considered sacred by the village's nagaji population.

Just being able to talk to people who don't speak common was interesting in itself. A fun mod, but challenging to run.

Liberty's Edge

Lacking Spells? Scrolls!! 1st lvl scrolls are only 25gp each. Very useful to have a stockpile on hand with your Handy Haversack to call forth just the one you need. Few Gravity Bows (1 min duration.. battles don't usually last longer than that) frees up some first level slots. Always have the utility scrolls on hand you need. Orcs raining arrows down on you? Mount spell for +4 cover. The fighter is, once again, drowning in his plate mail? Summon a dolphin. Silent image, Disguise Self, spells you may eventually need, but don't wish to waste a slot memorizing them.

Full Name

Tsiron Ragmar




Magus 1




6' 5"



Special Abilities

Weapon Enchance, Weapon Finesse, Arcane Pool (4), Vestigial Wings, Scaled (Fire), Prehensile Tail, Fiendish Sprinter, Maw (1d6)








Common, Abyssal


Wandering Researcher/Adventurer

Strength 13
Dexterity 19
Constitution 15
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 12
Charisma 10

About Tsiron Ragmar

Demonborn. That was the label that accompanied Tsiron everywhere he went during his childhood. A heroic couple took Tsiron in, hoping to give the boy a good life. And yet, a year after, their house burned down. By the time the tiefling was of six years, he had went through three homes. After that, they just gave up and left him on the streets. At twelve, he left the town. Tsiron scraped out a living by drifting like a ghost through various towns, scavenging out of trash. He was scorned, if not outright driven out, everywhere he went.
However, the blood of heroes and the blood of fiends were mixed in Tsiron's veins, and from the two of them came an unshakable determination. He would persevere. He would live.
But finally, after twenty-two years of punishment and scorn, something in Tsiron snapped. His abyssal blood manifested and gave him undreamed-of power. And so, Ragmar of Fiendblood rampaged across the Lost Coast, using Tsiron's body as a vessel.

For three years, fiendish power pulsing through his body's veins, Tsiron watched helplessly as his body wreaked unspeakable havoc. And then finally, an aasimar paladin Ragmar... and then all was black.

Tsiron found himself in a forest grove, with the paladin making stew. Croaking out a question, Tsiron asked "Why?..." The answer he got before he blacked out was "Because it was the right thing to do."

Saphira-as Tsiron came to know the swordlady as-was calm and peaceful. As the tiefling recuperated, she helped Tsiron find peace that he had never known before, peace that he never could have achieved without her help.

One day, Tsiron confessed that he would never be at peace while the wrongs he had wrought remained marring his soul. He would repent for Ragmar's sins by helping people as Ragmar had destroyed them. For every soul destroyed, another protected. For every town razed, another saved. Sapphire smiled and simply said "I hoped you would say that."

For the next few months, Saphira helped Tsiron