
Veterial's page

7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Hi all,

I have made some maps and a legend of Castle Teraknian. Maybe some of you can use them too.

Many greetings,


Thanks. I have described an Olman Quetzalcoatl church in my Sasserine locations document also. This church is based on a Church I visited in Mexico.

Many greetings,


Hi folks,

There are 3 Olman in my campaign. One Olman priest of Quetzalcoatl, one Olman half-orc barbarian and one Olman-Suel thief. I have made a document about Olman weapons and armor for my own campaign. I have placed it on my website too:

Many greetings,


I really liked the article about D&D music. I found some very good and useful thrilling music. It is a pity though that I can't use the Imixes in the country I live in. Isn’t it possible to publish the lists also on the internet? At least I would like to know the albums on which I can find 'Main Title' and 'Religion'.

Many thanks,


Nobody knows?

I was wondering about the building in the middle of the picture. You can see it between the opening of the arch on the left. It looks like a church. Is it Castle Terknian or the Arabani Manor?

I also would like to subscribe. Many thanks! veterial (at) miracleblades (dot) nl