Vengeful Triceratops's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts (6 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Silver Crusade

Look up "way of the angry bear" to do stupid damage, it's basically multiclassing monk and druid. It can also be very helpful if you're wishing to grapple like the best of them.

But honestly go lion or saurian shaman if you're looking for straight damage

Silver Crusade

So while looking in the bestiary recently I discovered an animal called a warcat. It's CR thirteen and is basically a huge cat armadillo monster. So as an 8th level druid I'd be able to turn into a 13 CR warcat? That seems pretty OP for those mid levels, I just want to make sure I'm not missing any thing.

Silver Crusade

A method you might want to try is going up 4 levels of druid, taking shaping focus at level 5 and going up the rest of the way tetori monk. You can take growth domain instead of an animal companion so you can cast enlarge person on yourself, and being a huge animal than can become gargantuan with stupid monk bonuses to grappling can be very very nice. I'd recommend being something with multiple attacks that can grapple and has the ability to rake. Another thing you could do is find an animal with pounce and take the monk archetype Maneuver Master so you can pounce on a target, then grapple and pin them on the same turn.

Silver Crusade

I always prefer starting around level 2 or 3 then going up from there. It makes it so if you want to dip into another class, let's say cross-blooded sorcerer then theologian cleric, you won't have to grind that first level as a charisma based caster with not the best charisma score. Also first level spell casting is generally just terrible

Silver Crusade

Hi all!

So I have a question about the Triceratops animal companion's gore attack. For it's 7th level advancement it's gore attack does 2d6, while the natural attacks table states that it should only be 1d8 for a large animal. So my question is, after dipping a level into Mammoth Rider to make the companion huge, does its gore damage increase, and if so by how much?