
VektheGoblin's page

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Apologies if this has already been answered, but what does this mean for Pathfinder Second Edition content that was released before the Remaster? If I wanted to make a collection of feats or subclasses for Gunslingers, Summoners, or Thaumaturges, would I be out of luck? Are there plans to re-release the six still-OGL classes in Second Edition under the ORC in some future Player Core 3-esque product, or will we have to keep publishing them under OGL and not on Infinite for the foreseeable future?

I'm coming into this discussion late, and I may well have missed this answer somewhere listed above, but I have a question about a specific licensing scenario.
Paizo presumably owns their interpretations of mythological creatures, like the kelpie, and so the kelpie as presented in Bestiary 3 is Paizo owned material—but Bestiary 3 is published under the OGL. If I wanted to reference pieces of the kelpie statblock for my own version of a centaur ancestry, would I be forced to publish that content under the OGL, or would the Community Use or Infinite License be required? Does that content fall under the designation of Open Content or Paizo owned content, I guess is my question.
Similarly, azarketi are an ancestry invented by Paizo and have yet to be republished in any ORC licensed book; I assume any reference to them or any related ancestry feats or features would be Community Use or Infinite and couldn't exist under ORC.

I've been considering implementing automatic progression to my party of newcomers to alleviate some of the item tax and focus on giving them options that are flavorful rather than powerful, but I noticed something as I've been looking through the rules. Does anyone know how ABP interacts with weapon traits like Shove or Trip? Do you apply your attack potency bonus to those maneuvers if the weapon has the appropriate trait, or is the removal of item bonuses just a net loss in that case?