Miacknian Mun

Vazhimort Nachipi's page

89 posts. Alias of Andostre.


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"Hello! Enjoying the view from the quarterdeck, are we? It is a nice view, I'll give you that!

"Me? Vazhimort Nachipi, pleased to meet you! I'm from a town called Thom, but I work in Sevenarches. I was hired, see, to see about Pitax being a better trading partner! Guess what? They're not! They've got issues, and one of the issues is that they have an issue with anyone else knowing their issues!

"Anyway, I was hired by a group of merchants out of Sevenarches to look into Pitax's readiness to resume open trading. I learned that it was not, and when Pitax authorities learned that I learned that, and then when I learned that they learned that I learned that, a mad dash was on! Me, madly dashing to escape with my news, and them, dashing madly to prevent my escape.

"I booked passage on the Nixie’s Impulse because the good captain was ready to depart, like, yesterday, and well... I'm wondering what the captain is running from, because we're still sailing like all get out, and we're approaching Heibarr. I kind of think we should slow down a bit!"


Vazhimort is short and slender even for a gnome. Knowing that he's smaller and less strong than everyone around him, he quickly learned to rely on his smarts, speed, and what he considers a genial personality. He tries to be unassuming, but his natural inquisitiveness makes him difficult to go unnoticed for too long. Sometimes his curiosity draws the attention of the wrong sort of people, which is problematic because of Vazhimort's is smaller stature.


Thanks for considering this PC for your campaign, GM Elfriede. I've been playing PbP campaigns for quite a while. I know that keeping momentum going is important, and that it's the responsibility of the players as well as the GM to keep the game moving.

"I bet the invisible imps are this way!"

Vazhimort runs off, never to be seen again.

Vazhimort Nachipi wrote:
Vazhimmort will grab the potion of gaseous form, if there's no issue.

You can delete Vazhimort from column C of the loot sheet for this item so that it stays in play.

Hey, gang. It's become apparent to me that I've over-extended myself concerning how many PbPs I can keep up with. I'm going to drop out of certain games, including this one. I figure with Iorghil returning and Eric joining, you have 5 PCs, which is probably a good number.

DBH, if you could mark Vazh as inactive, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

Ariadne Rithann wrote:
Added stuff.


Also anyone can edit if you click this link

Nope. I can't enter anything into a cell, and the only mode I can select is "view only."

I tried to add the loot from the thugs to the loot sheet, but I only have "view only" access.

Vazhimmort will grab the potion of gaseous form, if there's no issue.

"Hi, Iorghil! Hi! We saw Zelera! She was a spooky ghost! It was pretty neat!"

Moving forward, Vazhimort switches his hypnotic stare to the only thug still on their feet (green), and then fires his crossbow at them.

Ranged attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Damage + Painful Stare: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

"Feel my sting!" he screeches, hoping that the thug actually felt his sting.

I'm taking my family camping, this weekend. I won't be back until Sunday evening. Feel free to bot me until I start posting again.

Vazhimort doesn't take rejection well, but he forgets about it alarmingly quickly.

Vazhimort tries not to let it bother him when Ariadne threw down her crossbow. He refocuses those negative feelings on the gang members attacking them, especially one of them that's a little bit off by themself.

Hypnotic Stare on cyan. That guy gets a -2 to Will saves.

Next, he casts sleep nearby, hoping to get three of the gang members in the area of effect.

DC Will 14 negates; centered near pink so that it also gets cyan and yellow.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Loading his crossbow and standing next to Ariadne, Vazhimort looks up at her and says, "Hey, look! We're crossbow buddies!"

2 actions: load and move.

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Eric Gennady wrote:
"Um, hi? You're... rather lively."

Vazhimort flinces at Eric's words.

"Too soon!" he whispers as he cuts his eyes over to Zellara's ghost. But he returns the shaman's handshake.

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Vazhimort pipes up. "Hi Zellera! This is all very strange and I love it! We got the REVENGE! We captured Gadrenn Lamm in a basement room that he hardly ever left and turned him over to the guards to put him in a jail cell! And all of his lieutenants?! We KILLED them instead because they were between us and Lamm! But they probably deserved some good ol' REVENGE, too!"

Vazhimort pauses, looking up while slightly swaying his head from side to side as he thinks over what he's just said.

"Anyway, aside from all of that, Lamm can't distribute anymore drugs, so that's less future lives that may be ruined! Unless they're ruined by other things!"

Turning suddenly from Zellera to Eric, "Hi! I'm Vazhimort!"

It was a priority for us to return to Zellara's shop after we turned in Lamm and re-located the children. Maybe we can encounter him there.

"REVENGE! Ha ha ha ha!" Vazhimort screeches as Lamm is hauled off to face due process of the law by a faceless criminal justice organization.

"How sweet it is!" The gnome closes his eyes and takes a deep breath as lets this novel experience wash over him.

"Mmm! Oh yeah!"

Vedika Bhatia wrote:

"I know it's a lot to ask... but please help me. Someone who has a weird title and buys 'exotic' children... that's not the kind of person who lives in a shed somewhere, that's someone with some kind of power or influence, and they use a pseudonym to protect their 'regular' identity. Not the kind of person that I can deal with myself."

"I need to get my sister back before anything else happens to her... and I don't think that I can do it alone. Will you help me?"

"Vedika, I am riding high on brand new endorphines! I am absolutely agreeable to facing a new -- and eccentric! -- danger! Count me in!"

Basing 99% of my preference on the phrase "trip down the coke trail," I like the Shoanti tribesman.

Sounds good to me. Are we waiting for more kids to arrive, or can we haul him off to the guards now?

Ariadne Rithann wrote:
I mean...it'll take the slight silliness you get with Vazhimort's gnominess, and turn it up to 11.

Oh, dang. That sounds like a challenge. :)

Hey Trevor!

If you want to make an oracle, then no problem. I'm happy to stick with my mesmerist.

Here's the recruitment thread where the build rules are laid out. I think everything is in the first post except for the discussion about combat stamina further down. We're at level 2.

All right. I'll re-roll Vazh as an Oracle (most likely), and we can pretend he was an oracle all along. If that's all right.

If it's helpful, I'm perfectly happy to roll a healer, and we can bring someone else in as... whatever the heck role Vazhimort's role is.

The only person I can think of is already in a Shattered Star campaign, it looks like. Do you remember Zloorp from the Ruins of Azlant campaign before the GM burned out? The player, Zanbabe, plays a fair amount of healers, and she's very reliable and a good role-player.

My other go-to is Grumbaki, who plays Bharak in your Shattered Star campaign, but I don't know how he feels about playing a healer.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That sounds like a heck of a vacation.

Sorry to hear it, Iorghil! I hope you heal up quickly.

"Hey, that's cool and all, but let's not forget that we were sent on this adventure by a g-g-g-ghost! I mean, that explains how she got those Harrow cards into our things (not really, but you know what I mean), but also maybe we should... put her to rest or something? Or at least make sure she's not going to haunt us?

"I mean, we're all experts on revenge, now, but revenge from beyond the grave is a whole other level!

"Let's try and take care of that before we go to jail!"

Feeling that Lamm wasn't much of a threat, Vazhimort walked up to Ariadne and Nethen while they talked.

"Aw, I guess that's revenge, but I wanted to get a REVENGE, you know? I wanted to really see him--CALLISTRIA'S CAJOLING KISS IS THAT A SEVERED HEAD?!

"That's so gross! Oh, hey, we know her! Or... knew her! Still gross, though. I'm going to see what Vedika's doing! Lamm's over there nursing his injuries if you want to keep an eye on him!"

Ariadne Rithann wrote:
Hope one of you guys is good at Diplomacy.

*raises hand*

Vazhimort finds Vedika and catches the tail-end of her story.

"Hey! That sounds a lot like... Oh! Metaphor! I getcha!

"Hey kids! I bet you're glad to be free of that dumb old Gedren Lamm, eh?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Vazhimort is getting bored watching the severely injured Lamm. It seems like Vedika has already left, and maybe Ariadne and Nethen are packing things up?

"HEY! What are we doing with him? If we leave him, won't he just go back to his usual antics with the kids and the drugs and things?"

Vazhiort stays put and cheerfully watches Lamm to make sure he doesn't try anything.

Hypnotic stare in effect

GM_DBH wrote:

Lamm glares at you and spitefully tells you, "He fed the Gator like all the useless brats do!'

** spoiler omitted **

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Vazhimort looks at Lamm in confusion.

"I feel like you should have lied about that?"

He indicates Nethen and continues. "That's just going to make him angrier and want to do revenge on you even more! You could have made up some story about how he's still alive somehow, and that might have calmed him down. You must be pretty nervous and not thinking clearly! Understandable!"

The excitable gnome rubs his hands together and looks up at the others.

"What's next? Who gets to do the BIG revenge on him?"

From the back, Vazhimort hops a couple times and points at Lamm.

"That's what you GET!"

"And I'm in your mind! I can make what they do hurt very much!" Vazhimort replies, chipperly.

Aid Another/Intimidate: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

"I'm really excited to see what happens next!" he whispers to Vedika.


Vazhimort somehow conveys his enthusiasm into his crossbow as the wire sings when it flings the bolt at Lamm.

Ranged attack: 1d20 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (16) + 2 - 4 = 14
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Painful Stare: 1d6 ⇒ 3

That's assuming he's in melee, which I think he is, but the map doesn't look like it. Remove the -4 to attack if the map is accurate. If this misses, the Painful Stare damage of 1 will be applied to the first hit landed.

Vazhimort squeezes past Iorghil, Ariadne, and the narrow doorway. He laughs obnoxiously at Gedren Lamm from across the water and screams, "YOU'RE NEXT!" He affixes Lamm with his hypnotic stare and loads a bolt onto his crossbow.

You can pass through space occupied by friendly characters without issue. You just can't stop in the same square.

GM_DBH wrote:
@Vazhimort. Is that an extra point of damage for Nethen & Ariadne?

If Vazhimort causes damage, the painful stare is 1d6 at this level, so that will always be the preference. Otherwise, since this is a PbP, let's just go with the first person to hit the target. So for last round, the 1 damage would apply to Nethen's attack. This round, if Vazh hits below, apply the 1d6.

Maintaining his mental connection to the alligator, Vazhimort sets a bolt onto his crossbow and fires at the "useless" beast.

Ranged attack: 1d20 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (17) + 2 - 4 = 15
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Painful stare: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Seeing that the alligator will need to be dealt with before they can focus on Lamm, Vazhimort directs his will at it in the form of his hypnotic stare. Then, he'll cast daze on the beast.

DC 13 Will, but with a -2 due to hypnotic stare.

If anyone strikes the alligator this round, Vazhimort will enhance the pain the strike causes due to his connection with it.

Painful stare, but only 1 extra damage.

Finally, he'll fit a crossbow bolt to his light crossbow.

GM_DBH wrote:
Except Vozhimort as he's small.


Vazhimort jumps back and forth and leans over the water trying to see what all of the commotion is in the room ahead. Being short in the realm of humans often means being at the back of the line.

He probably can't do much, so he'll focus on the mesmeric mirror trick he implanted into Ariadne's probably-undamaged brain earlier. The instant she's targeted, he'll activate the trick.

If by any chance he catches sight of Lamm, he'll cast ill omen on him.

Failing that, if he catches sight of the alligator, he'll cast sleep on it. DC 14 Will negates

Good catch.

Vazhimort jumps in the air to click his heels while pumping his fist.

"YEAH! Let's go! Vengeance! This is going to be great!"

I think we all realize that we need to go down, but it hasn't been clear where we need to go to go down. Rereading a bit, it looks like DBH gave Vedika an infodump while she was stealthing around. In that post, A3 (the slippery pier that only one person can walk on at a time) leads down to the ship at A11, and then we can take A12 to get to Lamm.

So we need to come up with a strategy for getting down the pier safely.

Ariadne Rithann wrote:


wand of acid splash (27 charges), acid (3), thunderstone; leather armor, dagger, light crossbow with 10 bolts, brass key (unlocks all doors in the fishery), iron key (unlocks the cabinet in area A7), garnet amulet worth 100 gp.

studded leather (small), MW kukri, disguise kit.

potions of cure light wounds (3); chainmail, composite longbow (+3 Str) with 20 arrows, flail, 72 gp

six small pouches, four of which contain 50 cp each, and two of which contain 50 sp each.

How do you guys handle loot tracking?

Vazhimort addresses the children.

"Wow, kids! You all are having such a BIG day, huh? You sure gave that guy what he had coming to him!" Vazhimort indicates Hookshanks' butchered corpse and then himself. "But this gnome is on your side, right? Ha ha? Yep! In fact, we all are! We just want Gadren Lamm!

"Can you tell us if there's anything else we're going to find when we go down there? Maybe there are traps or some sort of hazard we need to know about?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Assuming we get he cabinet open, does anyone object if I give a couple of the 50 cp pouches to these kids?

Vazhimort follows along behind Nethen and Ariadne. Paying attention to his psychic link with the latter, as soon as she's targeted by her opponent, he'll activate the mesmeric mirror trick he implanted earlier.

"WOW!" Vazhimort watches Ariadne end Yargan's life.

"How does that feel? Wait! We don't have time, now, but after we get Gaedren Lamm, we can compare notes! Let's go!"

Vazhimort moves to follow Nethen, but when he sees Iorghil head in a different direction, he pauses in indecision.

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Seeing that Yargan is magically (and barb-ally) chained, still under the effects of his laughing spell, and -- sensing through his psychic connection with her -- that he's now being approached by a vengeful Ariadne, Vazhimort is confident that the alchemist is taken care of.

He'll run over to help Vedika climb up if she's having trouble, otherwise he'll just call to her.

"Come on! Let's catch up to the others! Ariadne's getting vengeance! Let's watch!"

Unless he's helping Vedika, he'll enter the warehouse via the main doors.

"Nethen, wait for the rest of us! Ariadne's getting vengeance! Come see!"

Hearing that Yargan is not ignoring Vedika as he had hoped, Vazhimort pokes his head around the corner and affixes him with a hypnotic stare. When he feels his connection to the alchemist, he casts hideous laughter on the man.

DC 14 Will negates, but he has a -2 from the stare.

GM_DBH wrote:
A sizzling blob of acid just misses Vazhimort.


Vazhimort turns tail and sprints up the pier and around the corner of the building where Yargan can't see him.

Double move. There's not much I can do to this guy alone from across the water even if I can disable him, and we've split the party three ways, so I'm going to rejoin the the larger part of the party. He might not even know you're there, Videka.

The ability is called "a bad memory," and conveniently lets me forget things like sleep not being a standard action!

I guess Vahzimort stays put and casts the spell.

Vazhimort cocks his head and chuckles in confusion at the unexpected chaos that's been caused. He suddenly remembers himself, casts sleep on Yargin, and then sprints back down the pier.

Sleep DC 14, Will negates

Hey, I can't move my token on the map. Vazhimort is going to wander aimlessly down the larger pier on the two columns on the right side of the map.

"Oh, hello! Someone is home! Excuse me! I was told to meet here! It was very," Vazhimort puts his finger to his lips and makes a "Sssh!" noise, "if you know what I mean. Some urchin said they needed help? Do you know what this is about?"

Bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

This is just a distraction to maybe lure him out or allow Vedika to do something else, like attack or catch the door before it closes behind this guy when he goes back inside.

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