Luna C's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts (477 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.


First, to be clear, I do know what the remaster is. I do know that, in most games, I can use original PF2 content--but if I want to, for example, play a PFS scenario, or in a game where the GM prefers to adopt remaster content as it comes out, I will indeed need to use remastered content. Furthermore, I am specifically delaying my own foray into GMing until there is more remastered content available, for the very same licensing reasons Paizo is doing the remaster.

I did notice that glitterdust and faerie fire are combined last night; a player in a game I'm in on the forums here used the former and I looked it up and saw they were merged. This is probably the biggest challenge I have with the remaster: finding how spells have changed.

I also promise I did search for the spells I mentioned and did not find them. Not sure what happened there. Maybe a glitch as AoN updates things? I do software myself and I'm willing to blame goblins hiding in 4U servers :)

Life Boost is a good start, but doesn't really compare to the other options.

I appreciate the silence in snow recommendation; two recommendations definitely means it's something I should look at.

Flexible casting is interesting! It's a lot to give up, but then sacrificing two hexes is pretty significant as well. It's on the list of things I'm considering.

Everything said here suggests that the primal spell list, perhaps combined with the flexible casting archetype, will get me most of the way there--complete with snowball vending machine! No wall of force, but the PF1 witch doesn't get that, either; well, I know where to find the arcane list if I want it.

I love the theme of The Resentment, though! When I make the character I have in mind, I may think of ways to spin the lore of Silence in Snow to be closer to The Resentment.

Overall, this has been super helpful and educational. Thank you to everyone who's responded so far :)

I feel like this must have been asked before, but I'm not finding anything on the forum. Maybe I'm just awful at searching?

I'm playing a witch in a PF1 game right now--specifically, a hedge witch. I'm the party's only caster, so I need to perform a lot of roles--battlefield control, battlefield medic, buffs, debuffs, vending machine for snowball fights, out of combat healing / curative magic, typical arcane utility magic, walking encyclopedia, and so on. This is also why I chose the hedge witch archetype--being able to spontaneously heal like a cleric has saved the group more times than I'd like to consider.

I would love to build something like this in PF2. I understand I certainly won't be able to do everything in the above list, so I'm willing to compromise: the two things I'm most interested in focusing on are battlefield control and healing magic. I'm also happy to explore other classes for this besides witch.

I'm also having trouble finding remastered versions of battlefield control spells I'm familiar with from my 3.5/PF1 days, like web, wall of force, solid fog. To be clear, in contrast to the above links, I am using AoN for those searches. :) Have they all been removed? Are they coming in Player Core 2?

Just wanted this feature and am disappointed that it doesn't exist. Also, please do keep RSS in general, it's one of the best features of the open web!

Please consider this for the website refresh!

... and oh my goodness my sympathies to the folks working on it, I've got a sense of the tech you're working with right now and you have all the empathy in the world <3

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The flowers on the minotaur's hooves, though! So pretty! I want to play one just so I can have hoof-flowers. :D

This is still an issue two years later. It would be quite nice to have this fixed to reduce confusion.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
CrimsonKnight wrote:
A t-shirt with an orc ripping up a contract (ogl) or slaying a dragon

No, an orc slaying a wizard. By the sea. It's satire, it's legally protected speech. :)