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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Hello beautiful people, long time no post. I have taken on the GM duties once again, and I have decided to run something fun and challenging for a group of players with mixed knowledge of Golarion and Pathfinder/ttrpgs as a whole. The elevator pitch of the game is: Evil Cult Kingmaker. The players are whispered to by the Demigod Arazni, she has recently escaped the clutches of Geb and plans to solidify her freedom. I'de like to know everything there is about Arazni, specifically HOW she escaped. I've read snippets that somehow Tar-baphon helped her in some way and it was explained in an adventure path? idk and that's why I'm here, I think I have exhausted all the wiki and hardback knowledge there is on the subject. So far my plan for the campaign is a 3 act structure with and overarching goal. Arazni Wants to become the new god of Humanity, the god they deserve. First she wants revenge on the knights of Ozem, by claiming the current Gravelands/Lastwall. that will be the goal of players levels 1-7ish. Then the players will be tasked with finding the remaining parts of her phylactery and destroying them, allowing her to be reborn as a true Demi God/God (7-15ish). Finally she will exact her revenge on Tar-baphon and Geb all at once... by rallying humanity toooo, to something I haven't decided on yet. the plot can go many ways at this point and the players can take it even further so I'll leave that for the time being. So yea, that where I am coming from and why I want the info. If Tar-baphon and Arazni are in good standing then it could make sense as to why he would allow her to slowly take hold of the Gravelands while he reforms from his phylactery. If not then things will be more tense but my players will by it either way. I want to make this game as true to Golorian as I can, more for myself than the players really. Thanks in advance, I hope everyone is having a great winter, or as we are seeing in Oregon and early spring! Cheers! ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() So we are fighting a greater barghast in an AP that shall remain un-named. The DM (who is new to DMing)casts Charm on me, a PC... What happens? I'm reading the "friendly" condition condition on page 620 and it says that PC's cannot be effected by this condition. So why would it be included in a Monster Block? I don't think I'm effected by the spell, but for now were just running it as, if it doesn't attack me the spell doesn't end and I get a save at the end of every turn. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Hey everyone, I am in the preliminary stages of working on a podcast focused on PF2, specifically for the more seasoned RPG audience, aka, no "how to play videos". What are some of your favorite podcasts/ YT channels for Pathfidner 2? I want to know what else is out there I may not have seen. What kind of content or discussions do you think are missing in that vein? The stuff Me and my partner in crime want to talk about are product releases, Build guides, lore guides, and min maxy kind of stuff. I guess a couple, "rules you probably aren't following/ doing right" might be useful too. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() I feel like the art in this book is all over the place when it comes to consistency and quality. Some of the gods look really good and refreshing (Abadar, Sarenrae, Gozreh, Calistria, Erastil) while others seem off, or even inaccurate. My big gripes are Cayden Cailean, Iomedae, Asmodeus, Pharasma, Urgathoa and Gorum. Overall the artist depicted them all as gaunt or thin in odd places. Cayden Cailean: It's the god of beer and parties, and here he is drawn much thinner than in any of his other depictions. I have never seen him so charm-less. Iomedae: this one is particularly painful to look at, as the face has been made so angular with sharp cheekbones that Iomedae looks like a long haired male. Whats odd is that she looks very different on the cover and even more so when compared to the other depictions of her in previous work by Paizo. oh and the sword looks like a crude shank, cmon' Iomedae is ALL ABOUT the long-sword. Asmodeus: has he always looked this ugly? isn't he supposed to be the smart charming lawyer and not the shmarmy used care salesman? Pharasma: whats with the Sith lighting? Why Does she look evil? the colors and shading seem realllly rough here. Pharasma is supposed to be an arbiter, a judge, not a litch. Urgathoa: the skin tone and face look much different from earlier depictions, and as a god of gluttony, the art seems very understated. Like the pose reminds me of cowboys selling cigarettes or something. Gorum: The god of War's physical proportions just look... off? Is he an oddly shaped dwarf now? maybe its the lack of scenery that's giving me a weird perspective, but the character just looks poorly posed. What are your thoughts on the art? am I crazy? Do Iomedae and Cayden Cailean need to eat a couple quarter pounders with bacon and cheese? ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Trip action trips your opponent on a success and harms them on a critical, while disarm gives you a bonus to disarm again on a success and ACTUALLY disarms them on a critical. This seems odd, picking up the item that is dropped in your square is an action as well as standing up from prone. IMO this makes tripping more powerful than disarm, however it seems they are weighed evenly in power when you look at the weapon properties... What Do? ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Psychic>Psychic Discipline>Pain>Discipline Powers> wrote:
The part I have trouble with is the max based of of wisdom. Pain is based off of CHA not WIS. why would I need 3 stats to play this (INT>CHA>WIS). Is this a miss print? ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() So I've been looking at PrCs. These two in particular: The Synergy is obvious: set up extra-planar caravan, take people's souls, sell them in Dis, Profit. The animal companion Imp gives you cred and some protection while in hell, while the familiar cacodeamon serves the important function of turning your enemies into money. But, each one requires selling your soul to some rather powerful Bad Guys. The only thing getting in the way of taking both PrCs is these contracts. Everything else is workable. I know, I know, I could re-flavor, or do the same thing another way, but wouldn't it be so awesome to be able to say your title is "the Twice-Damned"?? So my question is: Is there any amount of shenanigans that can, per RAW, allow you to sell your soul twice? ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() I'm building a monk for a gestalt PBP and i cant decide what to pair with my blight druid. My idea is that i use wild shape to grow in size granting me size bonus to grapple, while i get feats from the other class. Tetori monk is good because of the later game FoM suppressing ability Inescapable Grasp. Brawler is great for its inherent focus on close combat and Combat maneuvers. its a 25 pb, all Core, Featured, and Uncommon races. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() I'm looking to join or start a pathfinder game on the west side. im looking at Rainy day games or someones house. It might be best to play a game or 2 before we play at a private residence to make sure we all get along. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Hello everyone, I'm looking for a Pathfinder game in portland or beaverton. I'm in my early 20's and I've played with grognards most of my life. I've played pathfinder since its beta and before that 3.5 for a few years. my weekends are pretty open and my afternoons are good starting around 6 or 7. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() So when I go on youtube and look for PF content i see allot of introductory content. "new to pathfinder? these are the classes" is ubiquitous among the results. However I have yet to find a channel for the veteran or intermediate player who would be interested in more minutia of PF. My idea is to host either a podcast and/or you-tube channel that Diggs deep into something Pf related that the users vote on. (similar to how The Biggest Problem in the Universe is set up) So what do you think?
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() the entry reads" When you channel the trickster your spirit bonus applies on all dexterity checks, skill checks, and reflex saves" Is this a typo where its should read "When you channel the trickster your spirit bonus applies on all dexterity checks, Dexterity-Based skill checks, and reflex saves" Or do you just get a flat bonus to EVERY skill? ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() So I'm making a gestalt Brawler/cleric for a pbp. Bad touch cleric with Domain strike. looking for a good domain. I'm probably going to pick up Theologian to buff it. Chaos: The domain power is great, but the spells are meh. Charm : dazed is great, and the spells would be good for the Theologian's metamagic feats Madness: The domain power is neat, you give them a bonus on skillz and then negatives on comabt stats. the spells are very DeBuffy and powerful. If you think of another Domain that i might have missed, let me know. Ive never made something like this before. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() So my best friend moved 2 hours away to a big city and still cant seem to find a pathfinder game. (Florida can be an odd place) so I thought it would be great if we made a roll 20 game. We would prefer something like kingmaker, way of the wicked, or a home brew. He and I have been playing long enough to maturely handle an evil PC game, of course I cant speak for any other player. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() So basically i'm playing in a game where my paladin worships Aroden. (and ACTUALLY gets spells from him!) I'm looking to multiclass into the PRC Sentinel from the Inner Sea Gods, but the book does not have an Aroden entry for Deific Obediences (obviously). So im looking for help to make one and present it to my DM! Thanks in andvance- Meeko ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() So basically i'm playing in a game where my paladin worships Aroden. (and ACTUALLY gets spells from him!) I'm looking to multiclass into the PRC Sentinel from the Inner Sea Gods, but the book does not have an Aroden entry for Deific Obediences (obviously). So im looking for help to make one and present it to my DM! Thanks in andvance- Meeko ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() So one of my fellow players in a Saturday one shot made a character with hero lab, he said the the stated effect always happens and that that is was a normal ruling everyone knew about. I consulted my DM and he agreed.(However W_E_Ray Is notoriously bad and apathetic to RAW sot that didn't mean much to me.) ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() So im joining a lvl 1 PBP 25PB all Paizo allowed except guns. Very RAW game. trying to recreate Howl. So he has to have good social skills, able to craft well, Access to a familiar (later improved), Full caster. I was thinking Arcanist, Wizard, Or Witch. I ruled out sorcerer because they can't craft well. but by all means prove me wrong. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() So im joining a lvl 1 PBP 25PB all Paizo allowed except guns. Very RAW game. trying to recreate Howl. So he has to have good social skills, able to craft well, Access to a familiar (later improved), Full caster. I was thinking Arcanist, Wizard, Or Witch. I ruled out sorcerer because they can't craft well. but by all means prove me wrong. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() So long story short were starting a new long term campaign in 2 weeks and my super cool GM likes home-brewy stuff. I love Chaotic stuff like rods of wonder ect. So naturaly, when I read the Bloodmage I fell in love with the flavor and mechanics of blood pool and blood surge. Now i want to home brew it into a playable class for the game and i need your help! Right now hre are my thoughts overall: First I don't like Bloodmage Initiate feat, so were gutting that. I also want to gut Corpulence, I don't like the flavor nor the crunch of it. If i want to make a deathly skinny blood mage I should be able too. We need to decide what kind of spell-caster it will be, its casting stat, scale the blood pool/surge so that it fits the class from 1-20, and give it more stuff to bring its power level up, on par with that of a sorcerer or wizard. I also dont like "fire and forget" and would love to look into another casting system for the class, hopefully one with allot of play-testing for balance. Like i said my DM is VERY lenient in the Home brew department so anything goes so long as its equal in power with other classes like it. I'm kind of relying on you guys to give me some good input because i'm new to home brewing stuff, and i'll probably end up over powering the class. Thanks in advance im sure were going to make a kickass class =] ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Can a crafter increase the CL of a potion via increasing the DC in order to create a more powerful potion? and if so by what amount is the DC increased per caster level? ex. a lvl 12 druid creates a potion of greater magic fang with a CL of 20, so that it gives the imbiber a +5 bonus to attacks and lasts for 20 hrs. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() CR ? Name: Ohm N, gargantuan, magical beast(vermine) init:+1(-3dex+4 improved init) senses: 120ft true seeing, 60ft tremor sense, 5ft blind sense, has many eyes as per the effect of
Aura: fear 50ft(while in blood rage) Defense:
HP 362 (25d12 +225), regeneration 10 (stops at real death) Fort: 28, Ref 13, Will 21 DR 15/- Immunities: Fire, Ability Damage, Bleed, Disease, Poison, Energy Drain, negative levels, Paralysis, Mind-affecting effects SR 11+?(?=CR) Melee: Speed 30ft Slam- +37 (3d6+22)
Home brew/Greater(?) Blood Rage(see below) attacks: Slam- +37 (3d6+27)
Trample(see below) (3d6+27 Ref save 42 half) Space 20ft; reach 10ft Special Attack: Trample (3d6+22 Ref save 39 half), Home brew/Greater(?) Bloodrage (+6 str, +6 con, -2AC) Spell Like abilities: (CL 15th; concentration +20) Constant: Arcane Sight
1/day Empowered Contingency Heal (+225HP when reduced to fewer or less HP) Statistics: Str-40, Dex-6, Con-26, Int-7, Wis-20, Cha-14 BAB-25 CMB-44 CMD-51( can’t be tripped) Feats- Weapon Focus(Slam), Power attack, furious focus, Improved init, Iron Will, Improved Natural attack, ability focus (trample), empower spell like-ability(heal), toughness, Vital strike, improved vital strike, greater vital strike, devastating strike Skills: perception +43 Ecology: Environment- Jungle(setting specific) Organization- Solitary or Pack (2-5 (only while enraged and environment is in danger) Treasure- ?(?=CR dependent) in adamantium shell parts Special abilities: Freeze- Creature takes 20 on stealth checks and can hide in plain sight while immobile and in environment (Home Brew) Adamantium Shell- DR 15/- ![]()
![]() So i got the idea for a dragon slaying elf ranger on my way home from work. I came up with his back-story and decided i wanted him to have a hatred for dragons. Long story short he was raised by gnomes and likes to make new gear on his travels to take down the biglizards. i asked myself "what would a dragon-slaying archer have as cool gear?"
imaging an immovable rod/ arrow. it has a harpoon like head so once it impales the dragon it sticks. the kicker is you can activate the immovable rod at a distance! so basically you shoot the flying dragon in the chest or wing while its flying, then activate and watch this giant moving creature get stuck on a now immovable arrow/rod thingy. sounds cool right? feel free to post any criticisms or even cool dragon-slaying gear of your own! ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() The premise is that the world ruled by the humans,orcs,dwarfs,gnomes ect are all but extinct and demi-humans have become the main races. The humans when they ruled over the lands each went to one of the handful of gods that had the most power and dominion over the lands at the current time(names not yet chosen for the gods).Each of the gods play a necessary role on the world because without one of these gods the would would be destroyed. The gods are as follows: god of nature, god of celestial beings, god of demons/devils (we know about the blood war we have a plan to explain it later on), a god for each of the four base elements air,fire,water,and earth, and a god of nature. When the humans went to one of these gods they each lived in a different area and were effected by the gods as well as the environment changing their appearance and race over thousands of years. The people who went to follow the god of nature or animal became one of three races a tengu(bird people) a oakling(tree people similar to a treant) or a Grippli(frog people). the people who wen to follow the four elemental gods became an Ifrit(fire people(followed fire elemental god)) Sylph(air people(followed the air elemental god)) Oread(stone people(followed the earth elemental god)) and Undine(water people(followed the water elemental god). The people who followed the demon/devil god were turned into Tiefling(demon/devil people depending on ancestry) and the people who followed the celestial god were turned into aasimar(angelic people). there is a myriad of things running through our heads right now including cultural differences and allegiances, exports ect. were also thinking of uniting the great cities by a gladiatorial "Olympics". the world is high magic, with eberron influences i.e. elementals being bound too trains and such. magic technology, but none of that warforged crap. p.s. the fire ppl (ifrit) are going to be steampunkesk and that gets me (rob) all giddy inside. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() me and a friend are making a homebrew campaign and we've decided to balance some of the races so that they would replace the core races. heres what we've done, tell us what you think. Aasimar: changed electricity resistance to sonic Tiefling: changed cold and electricity resistance to acid and sonic oakling: see first D20pfsrd third party treant race.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() I have played DND for over 5 years, and I began playing pathfinder in its beta, so i'm pretty familiar w/ the rules. I believe PFS will be a great springboard into DMing. what do you think? I really want to play IN a PFS game but i live in satrasota fl and the closest game is about an hour away... so i might as well just make my own. Organized Play Characters