* Hardy: Dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
* Stability: Dwarves gain a +4 racial bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground.
* Lorekeeper: Dwarves keep extensive records about their history and the world around them. Dwarves with this racial trait receive a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (history) checks that pertain to dwarves or their enemies. They can make such skill checks untrained. This racial trait replaces greed.
* Desert Delver: Dwarves with this racial trait gain cold and fire resistance 1 and treat the temperature as 20 degrees cooler or warmer when determining the effects of extreme heat or extreme cold environments. This replaces defensive training.
* Conservative Diplomacy: A dwarf can embrace predictable traditions to avoid social missteps. A dwarf with this racial trait can rely upon conservative tactics when attempting a Diplomacy check; this choice must be made before the Diplomacy check is attempted. The dwarf treats any roll of less than 5 on such a Diplomacy check as though she had rolled a 5, but she treats any roll higher than 15 on such a check as though she rolled a 15. This racial trait replaces stonecunning.
* Darkvision: Dwarves can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
* Weapon Familiarity: Dwarves are proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a martial weapon.
* Base Speed: (Slow and Steady) Dwarves have a base speed of 20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.
* Industrious Urbanite: Dwarves who have adapted to the expectations of their host cities make double the normal progress on Craft checks to create nonmagical items and gain a +4 bonus on Profession checks to earn money. This racial trait replaces hatred.
* Two-World Magic: Prestidigitation added to spell list
* Glory of Old: +1 Hardy
* Umbral Unmasking
* Unscathed
Lvl 1: Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike
Lvl 3: VMC Skill at Arms (Ex): You gain proficiency in all martial weapons and heavy armor / Precise Strike: +1d6 precision damage when flanking
Lvl 5: Power Attack
Lvl 6: Outflank: +4 hit when flanking
Lvl 7: Mending Cantrip
Lvl 9: Furious Focus
Lvl 11: VMC (curse at lvl +5)
Lvl 13: Ironhide
Lvl 15: VMC Weapon Mastery (Ex): Select one weapon with which you are proficient. You gain Weapon Focus and Improved Critical with that weapon. At 17th level, you gain Greater Weapon Focus with that weapon. You do not need to meet the prerequisites to receive these feats.
Lvl 17: Armor Focus
Lvl 19 VMC Maneuver Mastery: Trip, CMB by level. Gain improved and greater trip as feats.
* Sense Motive: +12
* Bluff: +13
* Diplomacy: +13
* Knowledge Religion (1SP taken from stealth): +4
* Stealth: +9 (+4 with ACP)
* Perception: +13
* Survival: +13
Background Skills
* Knowledge History: +10 (+2 dwarves and their enemies)
* Profession Merchant: +12 (+4 earn money)
* Craft Smith: +4 (1SP taken from profession merchant)
Carrying Capacity
* Light: 306 lbs. or less
* Medium: 307–613 lbs.
* Heavy: 614–920 lbs.
Haunted Curse
* Retrieving any stored item from your gear requires a standard action, unless it would normally take longer. Any item you drop lands 10 feet away from you in a random direction. Add mage hand and ghost sound to your list of spells known.
* At 10th level, add levitate and minor image to your list of spells known.
* At 11th level, add telekinesis to your list of spells known
* At 15th level, add reverse gravity to your list of spells known.
Misdirection (Sp)
* At 1st level, each day when the infiltrator prepares spells, she may choose an alignment. She detects as that alignment as if she had used misdirection on a creature with that alignment (this does not change any divination results about her other than her alignment).
* This power replaces stern gaze.
Guileful Lore (Ex)
* At 1st level, the infiltrator’s will is bent toward subterfuge and deception. She adds her Wisdom modifier on Bluff and Diplomacy skill checks in addition to the normal ability score modifiers.
* This ability replaces monster lore.
Forbidden Lore (Ex)
* While other inquisitors learned to track unbelievers, an infiltrator learns how to cast their spells. An infiltrator can cast spells of an alignment opposed to her or her deity (ignoring the restriction in the Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful Spells class ability).
* This ability replaces track.
Necessary Lies (Su)
* An infiltrator adds her class level on saving throws against abilities that detect lies or reveal or force the truth, such as detect lies and zone of truth.
* This power replaces discern lies.
Cunning Initiative (Ex)
* At 2nd level, an inquisitor adds her Wisdom modifier on initiative checks, in addition to her Dexterity modifier.
Detect Alignment (Sp)
* At 2nd level, at will, an inquisitor can use detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, or detect law. She can only use one of these at any given time.
Spell Casting
* A relic hunter casts divine spells drawn from the inquisitor spell list, but her chosen relic schools limit her to schools she knows, similar in function to an occultist’s implements. Any spell or orison gained by the relic hunter has a relic component, and is not considered to be on the relic hunter’s spell list until she selects its school though the relics alternate class feature. Once she chooses a school, all spells and orisons of that school are considered to be on the relic hunter’s class spell list, allowing her to use spell trigger and spell completion magic items of those spells. A relic hunter’s spells per day, daily spell allotment, Difficulty Class, and minimum Wisdom score requirements remain unchanged from the inquisitor’s normal spellcasting class feature.
* This ability alters the inquisitor’s spellcasting.
Determination (Ex)
* At 3rd level, the preacher is a person of few words on the battlefield, but those words hold great power and authority. Once per day, the inquisitor can use this ability to create one of the following effects. Each is a free action to use.
* Aggression: The preacher may reroll an attack roll that she just made before the results of the roll are revealed. She must take the result of the reroll, even if it’s worse than the original roll.
* Defense: When the inquisitor would be hit by a melee or ranged attack, as an immediate action she may add a +4 insight bonus to her Armor Class against that attack, and if this makes the inquisitor’s AC higher than the opponent’s attack roll, the attack misses.
* Warning: When a preacher’s ally within line of sight would be hit by a melee or ranged attack, she may call out a warning to that ally, and the attacker must reroll the attack and use the results of the second roll. The ally must be able to hear the preacher and must not be helpless for this ability to have any effect.
* Whenever the preacher could select a bonus teamwork feat (at 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th level), she can instead choose to increase her number of uses per day of this ability by one. This ability replaces solo tactics.
Relics (Su)
* At 1st level, a relic hunter gains the occultist’s implements class feature and learns to use two occultist implement schools as relic schools. At 4th level and every 3 levels thereafter, the relic hunter learns to use one additional relic school drawn from the same source, gaining access to that school’s resonant power and base focus power and opening up that school’s focus powers for her to select. Like an occultist, a relic hunter can select the same school twice, but it is far less useful for her to do so.
* Relics do not need to be magic items, and non-magical relics do not take up a magic item slot. Relics that are not magic items are often of some religious significance to the relic hunter or her church, such as the battered shield of a saint, a bishop’s robe, or the finger bone of a church martyr.
* This ability replaces judgment.
Deific Focus (Su)
* At 1st level, a relic hunter learns to invest divine power into her chosen relics. This acts like the occultist’s focus powers and mental focus class features, with the following adjustments.
* Each day, a relic hunter has a number of points of deific focus equal to her inquisitor level + her Wisdom modifier, and she must spend 1 hour in prayer with her relics to invest them with divine power. These points refresh at the start of each day.
* At 1st level, the relic hunter learns the two base focus powers from her chosen relic schools and can select one more focus power from the list of those made available by her chosen schools. Whenever she gains a new relic school, she gains the base focus power of that school.
* In addition, at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, she learns a new focus power selected from all of the powers granted by all of the relic schools she knows.
* She can use these focus powers only by expending points of deific focus. Unless otherwise noted, the DC for any saving throws against a focus power is equal to 10 + 1/2 the inquisitor’s class level + the inquisitor’s Wisdom modifier. She cannot select a focus power more than once. She uses her inquisitor level in place of an occultist level to qualify for focus powers.
* This ability replaces domain, bane, greater bane, second judgment, and third judgment.
Implements: Transmutation, Abjuration, Trappings of the Warrior:
Base: * Warding Talisman (Su) The implement wards against adverse effects. Whoever wears (or holds, for bells) the implement gains a +1 resistance bonus on saving throws for every 2 points of mental focus invested in the implement, to a maximum bonus of 1 + 1 for every 4 occultist levels you possess.
Free Focus Power: * Mind Barrier (Sp) As a swift action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to create a shield of mental energy around you that protects you from harm. The shield prevents a total of 2 points of damage per occultist level you possess. It lasts until the start of your next turn or until exhausted.
Base: * Physical Enhancement (Su) The implement enhances its bearer’s body. When you invest mental focus in the implement, select a physical ability score. The implement grants a +2 temporary enhancement bonus to that physical ability score for every 3 points of mental focus invested in the implement (to a maximum of +2 at 1st level, plus an additional 2 for every 6 occultist levels you possess).
Free Focus Power: * Legacy Weapon (Su) As a standard action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus and touch a weapon to grant it an enhancement bonus. The bonus is equal to 1 + 1 for every 6 occultist levels you possess (to a maximum of +4 at 18th level). Enhancement bonuses gained by this ability stack with those of the weapon, to a maximum of +5. You can also imbue the weapon with any one weapon special ability with an equivalent enhancement bonus less than or equal to your maximum bonus by reducing the granted enhancement bonus by the appropriate amount. The item must have an enhancement bonus of at least +1 (from the item itself or from legacy weapon) to gain a weapon special ability. In either case, these bonuses last for 1 minute.
Lvl 1 Focus Power: Sudden Speed (Sp)As a swift action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to grant yourself a burst of speed. This increases your land speed by 30 feet for 1 minute. This ability does not stack with itself.)
* Base: Warding Talisman (Su)
The implement wards against adverse effects. Whoever wears (or holds, for bells) the implement gains a +1 resistance bonus on saving throws for every 2 points of mental focus invested in the implement, to a maximum bonus of 1 + 1 for every 4 occultist levels you possess.
* Base Focus Power: Mind Barrier (Sp)
As a swift action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to create a shield of mental energy around you that protects you from harm. The shield prevents a total of 2 points of damage per occultist level you possess. It lasts until the start of your next turn or until exhausted. For example, if you are 5th level, the mind barrier protects you from 10 points of damage; if you are hit by an attack that would deal 12 points of damage, the mind barrier is exhausted and you take 2 points of damage. You can activate this ability as an immediate action, but doing so costs 2 points of mental focus instead of 1.
* Lvl 4:Planar Ward (Sp)
As a standard action, you can expend 2 points of mental focus to surround yourself with a planar ward. Creatures not native to the plane that you are currently on take a –4 penalty on attacks against you, and you receive a +4 circumstance bonus on saving throws against the spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities of such creatures. This ward lasts for 1 minute.
The Stormforge Clan hails from Stoneriver. Given the hold's alliance with Viscount Aristide, it is inevitable for there to be trade. This is complicated by the fact that Stoneriver is hidden in the Fog Peaks, a secret which even the allies of the hold are not privy to. As such, to be a Stoneriver Merchant is to take up a task that is far more perilous than what would be expected in other locals. For a Stoneriver merchant must be able to move alone, without the use of the great caravans so synonymous with the profession.
Varr is one such dwarf, though his reason for entering it was not exactly straight-forward. The Stormforges, as their name might suggest, are a Clan of smiths, and Varr was expected to enter the noble profession. This was not to be though, for none knew that Varr was born with a curse. Malevolent spirits follow him wherever he goes, causing minor mishaps and strange occurrences. While usually this takes the form of unexpected breezes, small objects moving on their own, and faint noises, it made his apprenticeship in the forges nearly unbearable. This came to a head when he was working on an axe with his uncle, and the dwarf came to the realization that Varr cast no shadow. Having spent years with Varr, the craftsman was well aware of how objects would not be placed where he left them when Varr was around, as well as the other strange occurrences. The fact that no shadow was cast simply proved to the elder that Varr was cursed. The apprenticeship came to an immediate end, as it was determined that such a curse might well attach itself to the forge itself. Within the space of a week word had gotten around about his 'condition.' Despite there being no ill-will towards him as a person, nobody wanted his curse to pass on to them. That is, except for one person. Lokri Oretongue, a merchant. The merchants of Stoneriver had ever been an eccentric bunch, for who would want to go 'above ground' of all things? Lokri, taking pity on the young lad, offered to take him in and teach him the craft. An offer that his Clan readily accepted.
For decades Varr learned the trade from Lokri, accompanying the older dwarf as he made his way. It was an apprenticeship which toughened the young dwarf, for the merchants of Stoneriver carried their goods on their back, so that prying eyes might not spot them so readily. He learned how to live off the land, how to follow the stars, and how to defend himself. In all of this, Lokri beat into Varr's head the teachings of Irori. For the merchants of Stoneriver could not accept mistakes. One had to strive for perfection in all things, from covering one's tracks, to haggling a good deal, to defending oneself. A single mistake would ruin years of work for more than just the merchant, and only the teachings of Irori provided the discipline needed to meet such expectations.
It was also in these years that Varr discovered that there are two sides to every coin. Yes, he was cursed, for spirits did follow him wherever he went, and he did not have a shadow. But just as there were malevolent spirits, so too were there ones that were helpful. He learned that when wearing items that were of great importance to the fallen that he could borrow some of their strength. While he was no great warrior himself, he could pass as one when he accepted the good, along with the bad, of his abilities.
As of the present, the elders of Stoneriver decided that the hold needed eyes and ears among the Galtan refugees, lest their secret location be discovered. For this, they needed someone who was willing to live amongst the humans, half-orcs, hobgoblins and the like, away from kith and kin. For this task, Varr volunteered himself. He knew that, despite being born and raised in Stoneriver, most within it's halls were reluctant to welcome him, even amongst his own Clan, though propriety and politeness forced most to deny such a fact. It was his hope that by performing his task, he might further earn the respect of his people. As such, he has set out, determined to make his kin proud.
Appearance and personality:
Varr is not a large man by any means. His arms are strong from a youth spent in the forge and subsequent years of life on the road, but they do not naturally have the strength of a warrior. Likewise, his constitution is that of a man labor, not a raging barbarian. This often gives a misconception for those who think him an easy mark, for with the power of the spirits that surround him, he can swing an axe as well as any soldier.
Of his actual appearance, he goes to great lengths to stay neat and tidy. His hair and beard are always clean and braided, and he takes the time to ensure that his skin, clothes and armor remain free of mud, dirt and debris. This is because, as a merchant, he knows that one's appearance manners. His demeanor matches his looks, for he is careful in his speech, ensuring that he remains appropriate so as to not cause unwarranted offense.
Ring of Thorek Bloodaxe
* Transmutation Focus
This ring was worn by Thorek Bloodaxe, a famed dwarven mercenary and giant hunter. While he never spoke of what led to his hatred of giants and their kin, his hatred of them was that of legend, and he took every opportunity to extract vengeance against them. This was, of course, until the one time he was too slow in ducking. His ring was one of the few things left of the ranger.
Amulet of Thron's Deep
* Abjuration Focus
This amulet was found deep in the mines of Thron's Deep. Excavated centuries ago, the mines were eventually abandoned when aberrations were discovered in the dark, and the cost outweighed the profits of maintaining mining operations. This amulet was worn by one of the tunnel fighters who defended the mining operations, and was recovered by brave explorers who ventured into the abandoned shafts in search of lost treasure.