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Varoxus's page

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Sporkedup wrote:
Varoxus wrote:
So I'm not sure if this was intended or not but in the new (2nd printing) version of the PDF almost all of the text in the 1st chapter has is set to be much darker than the text elsewhere in the book. This change is present in both the "single file" and "OneFilePerChapter" versions of the PDF, was wondering if anyone else was seeing the same issue that I am.
I noticed the same! I thought maybe my copy downloaded corrupted so I was gonna try redownloading. If others are seeing it too, then there might be a slight booboo with the PDF?

Yeah I'm guessing there was some error with how that text was saved or something, if you're still looking to read this version of it Adobe reader actually displays the text in a readable form compared to how it's displayed in the chrome pdf viewer or other applications. Hope it gets resolved soon though.

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So is part 2 of the errata currently integrated into the 2nd printing PDF? Because from what I can tell there's bits and pieces that seem to be missing. For example, the first entry in part 2 of the errata states that "Alchemists should have proficiency in medium armor" which they do now, but it goes on to state "Add training in medium armor to their initial proficiencies as well as to their 13th and 19th level armor expertise and mastery class features." which is something they currently don't get, the only get increases to their light an unarmored at 13th and 15th levels.

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So I'm not sure if this was intended or not but in the new (2nd printing) version of the PDF almost all of the text in the 1st chapter has is set to be much darker than the text elsewhere in the book. This change is present in both the "single file" and "OneFilePerChapter" versions of the PDF, was wondering if anyone else was seeing the same issue that I am.