
Vanea Lothmatis's page

551 posts. Alias of Escharid Blackrose.


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female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

yeah, it could be great to discuss first what kind of character we'd like to play.

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

No problem, I still have to work on a character

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female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

will "Ruins of Aztlant" be a thing?

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female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

I would like to join your Pbp, with a new character

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

@Gareth; thank you for telling us before!

If we recruit someone else, maybe we should see what kind of skill we are lacking currently? Can anyone disable traps?

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

still need to finish my equipment, having more gold that I need and a too feeble strenght to carry much

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

All Terry Pratchett Discworld books and quotes are excellent, big fan here!

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

"Just erotic, nothing kinky. It's the difference between using a feather and using a chicken" (Terry Pratchett)

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female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

I'm not into vanilla. (wink wink nudge nudge)

Chocolate, strawberries, cream (whipped, of course)… are better

Hey, I'm a Calistrian, what do you expect?

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

I don't know yet if I'll use a Prestige class later. Being dual classed might be enough. Or maybe if I find something interesting RP wise

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Plenty to read here! Haven't seen you posted.

I plan to become Bard/Cleric on level 2, so you'll get some healing

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Whatever you think, this is not a Dot. Who do you believe, me or your own eyes?

Here's Vanea Lothmatis, Bardess, show stealer, and Calistria worshipper.

I've played her in a previous RoR campaign (that died early), and redone her build for 15 points.

Must check on money and equipment

as for myself, I am a RPGer since my teenage years (a long while ago), started with Ad&D 1st edition. that will give you a clue about how old I am.
Playing (and sometimes GMing) on this forum since a few years now, having many characters and even more adventures.
I'm French, so European time zone for me.

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Thank you for these kind words, Ratimir. But remember than unlike the servants of Shelyn , the beauty of we Calistrian is meant to be used.

Riding: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

in one swift, fluid move- which not so accidentaly shows a good part of her splendid legs- Vanaea is on her horse.

I guess it will be harder to stay on the horse once the boar attacks us, but so far so good. It's a real nice horse, Trellan, I'll do my best to not get it injured.

Sorry had my BD and my daughter's BD too yesterday

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Can't say, never gone hunting. A net maybe?

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

As the last sting before he goes, Vanea uses a minor magical effect on the man's pants, so it seems he just wet himself

Cast Prestidigitation

That will teach him a lesson he will probably never care to learn

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female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

The mercurial Vanea rises so quickly from her seat that she starts to talk before it falls on the inn's floor

Do you consider yourself as a "professionnal", whoever you are?? So where were you, when the goblins attacked? Or after? Did you searched for any potential hiding goblin? Did you healed the wounded? You have done nothing of that, to the best of my knowledge. But WE did. So don't try to give us a lesson, cause I put my nose wherever I want. Go back to your hide hole, where you were probably hidden when the goblin attacked, pitifully wetting yourself like a small boy.

Scornful tirade (Perform, acting?): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Vanea lose any interest in the discussion as soon as boar hunting is mentioned. Getting gored by a wild beast wasn't on the top of her priorities. Besides, the outdoors were muddy, and dirty, and cold. No place for an artist like her.

All that thing about helping Haelvor in Magnimar? Well, why not? At least the hunt would have a purpose, it wouldn't be so "boaring".

Vanea, lost in her thoughts, chuckles.
"Boaring". That was a good one.

She barely notices when lord Foxglove left, but people speaking in foreign tongues spikes her interest, even if the half elf didn't understand the langage.

sense motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
I don't know what they are saying, and I don't care, in fact, but I like the sounds of that language..

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Vanea walks to the noble's table, swinging her hips, and says, with an honeyed voice

Hello, Sir Foxglove. It's a pleasure to see you again.

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Thank you Serolt, I feel better now. Let's hope there are no more hidden goblins now. I wouldn't like to be wounded again.

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Well, that wasn't too bad, at least for you. I was badly hurted...I'll need some healing.

Vanea holds her bloodied arm, visibly in pain

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female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Hey, I liked this arm, you filthy beast! Don't you dare hitting me! By Calistria, I'll have my vengeance!

Vanea steps back, taking her sword out of its scabbard and trying to bury it into the goblin's head Even if it's already down.

Longsword: 1d20 ⇒ 18
Dmg: 1d8 ⇒ 8

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

I don't like that...

For once, there seem to be real concern in Vanea's voice, as she takes the man right leg in her hands

The blood is dry, I guess we're too late. Shae, take the other leg, we'll pull him from that hole. Boys, be prepared to.. whatever.

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Can you roll for me too, or should we roll Perception ourselves?

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Excuse me...

Vanea tries to open the door.

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Vanea is used to short term relationship, so she doesn't understand fully what the fuss is all about with Haelvor having to go.
Besides, she doesn't understand the slang used by the guards, and believes he goes to a concert, as he must "face the music".

Don't worry, Haelvor, I'm sure you will find some good singers. Not as good as myself, of course. When you come back, we'll arrange for a ..private concert, if you want.

She winks playfully and tease the man, but quickly loss interest, as the other says their goodbyes.

Then someone else talks about a goblin in a room. And everyone else seems to forgot about Haelvor.

Vanea follows the others, out of habit more than anything else, singing for herself.

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

no problem with that.

btw, i got a friend (Natalia Irvington) who would be interested in joining our team. We played once in a previous game of Runelord, he's a consistent poster and good RPer.

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

I'd be glad to have some company -and onlookers-at the theater. I don't know yet if there is a place there for me. I know I sing well, and I can probably play a part in a show, but that's it... I don't know much about instruments, for example. So I feel I'm lacking in some areas, and I want to be a more well rounded performer. Not too much well-rounded, I still want to fit in my clothes

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

I won't drink or eat too much. I want to check on the theater later, and find if I can be auditionned.

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

I'd like a bow, a short one, with some arrows please. And...that's it, I guess. I'm not much for fighting.

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Yes, but I forgot it at the inn.

replies with a deadpan face the half elf, trying to make Shaedenn laugh as she gives her the moneybag.

Perform, Acting?: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Vanea looks around in the jeweller shop, while the other haggle.

I should go to the theater, and see if we can arrange an audition.

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

Vanea wasn't one to worry about what other people were thinking.

Let's see if we can sell a few things, and buy others. I could do with a shortbow.. I'm not too much a melee fighter, either. So it's better if our foes feel the sting of Calistria from afar.

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Spellcraft to identify the potion: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Aid to appraise: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

After casting a minor spell to help her identify the potion, Vanea looks at the stones.

I'm not truly sure about the worth of these chips...

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

I have no knowledge of the mundane healing arts, and I might do worse than better if I treat your arm.Maybe Haelvor or Ratimir?

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Nasty wound indeed. Let me heal your arm a little more, Shalelu. That must hurt. I promise, no more kisses-unless you ask, no, unless you beg for them, of course

She winks playfully, and starts to sing.

A black and gold wasp rises from her mouth, and flies to Shalelu's arm. Its sting pierces her skin, but the sensation is one of unexpected pleasure.

CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Oh, I can give you her blessings again, if you so do wish...Your lips tasted very good indeed

answers Vanea with a mischevious smile

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

If it comes back, I'll try to hear him first.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

Looking at the elf more closely
Know Local: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Hey, aren't you Shalelu?

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left


I didn't thought it would be a problem. It was just something Vanea would do, worshipping Calistria.

I probably would have done the same with a player character, not to shock anyone, but because Calistrian are known to be sensual (not just "sexual", but prone to touch and feel and kiss anyone) creatures. As a character, Vanea was doing nothing wrong in her own mind.

Now, as a player, I'll totally understand that the elf could react badly to this unwanted kiss, and assume any RP consequences.

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Let me give you the blessing of Calistria, sister, so you can better avenge yourself.

Vanea gets close to the elf woman and kisses her deeply, leaving her lips yellow-colored and with the taste of honey

CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Vanea takes her own sword, and defends herself

Full defense

Oh, come on little goblin... You think you can beat one of us? that's brave...or stupid.

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

So there's not much she could do.. let think, quickly

With utmost confidence, Vanea shouts at the bugbear

Hey, you, the big bugbear. Let this woman alone, unless you want to face the wrath of Mighty Ravers, Champions of Sandpoint, Destroyers of Kalisha the Vampire Lord, Vanquisher of Dart'tramae the Black Scourge-and yes, it was a black dragon.

Bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26 If Intimidate would be better, lower the result by 4 to 22 (haven't that skill)

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Vanea lose no time and, as soon as she is near enough, cast a spell on the bugbear to save the elf's life.

Cast Daze, DC 13 Will

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Let's go. We shouldn't leave someone between goblin's hands.

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Something is burning... into the forest

Vanea points the general direction of the smell

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female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

playfully, Vanea will throw back the lighted rock one or two times.

I couldn't not do that!^^

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Vanea gives a quick glance with her emerald eyes to the wall

I'll just walk around and wait you on the other side.

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

Do I hear what Shae said?

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

I understand your good intentions, and I'm no theologian. I just hope, for you Ratimir, that the dead priest won't take offense. Calistria teach us to avenge ourselves, and I can't think of anything worse that someone who can't avenge himself because he's entombed. In my opinion, you shouldn't have done what you did. Three of us asked you not to do it, and you did it anyway. If the coffins were closed, its' probably cause they weren't opened before.

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

I don't think you should do that, Shaedenn.Better to leave them undisturbed.

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