Terms of Agreement
1. All foodstuffs from your community will be sold to the Esserian at 20% below market value. The Esserian estates request at least 2,000 Gold Pieces of food stuffs every season (market value cost – they will pay 1,600 for it).
Game Terms here: 4 times a year you will need to ship out to the Essarian lands at least 2,000 gold pieces in food – you will be paid only 1,600 for this service. You will lose about 400 gold pieces every season because of this.
2. An embassy will be created on both Esserian land for you (your diplomat will be provided by you – as well as any guards), and one will be provided on your land. Both parties must pay for their respective embassy – though land will be granted for both.
One grid on either the capital land – or your own province – must be set aside for the Embassy. As long as an Embassy exists – the nation which provides the Embassy will be required to pay for an maintain it. An Embassy costs 6 BP. It grants your city a +1 Economy and +1 Stability for each Embassy you have. It should be noted that if the Embassy exists in a province, not the capital – those bonus’s only apply to the Province.
3. Both sides are called allies. Neither will attack each other – to do so is a declaration of war. Further, if war comes to either side by a third party – then military assistance will be offered.
Yeah – so, basically, if your nation is attacked by a third party – say if an army marches on your nation/province – or if one marches on the Essarian land – you need to send military aid, as his family will send military aid. No specifics made – but generally at least 1/10 of your military need to be committed to its allies.
4. The Esserian lands will provide all weapons and armor – magical, mundane, and masterwork quality at 5% off market value because of its connections to Numeria. Larger discounts may exist – if the allies are willing to invest in bulk products.
Yeah – again, this is a very important note, too. First Market Value is literally the cost in the book. When you look up a weapon – you’ll see the cost right out of the book. No haggling – you get 5% off the book price. Also – your town/province may not have all the cool stuff to get rare items done – it may need a blacksmith to make a weapon, or a magic user to make a magic weapon – or an armor smith to make special armor – or mithril or cold iron – or whatever. Well – the Esserian estates already have access to all those things. You get any piece of Armor, or Weapon – be it magical, mundane, or masterwork – no matter what the cost – at 5% under the book price. FURTHER – if you spend more then for every 10,000 Gold Pieces a year you spend annually – your discount drops another 5%. In other words 1 – 9,999 GP 5% discount; 10,000 – 19,999 GP 10%; 20,000 – 29,999 GP 15% off – and so on. However – it will take time to transport the gear, though. At least one month to ship the gear to you, barring any other nuances such as trouble on the road, weather, and so on.
5. There will be no taxes for the trans-shipment of goods on either side. Once a party reaches the borders of their territory – no taxes or tariffs will be provided, and an escort will be granted for protection of goods. A weigh point on the borders may be a good thing – but it is not necessary – for when troops will be garrisoned to guard the supplies which head north or south.