Spell Sovereign

Valoren Calmoren's page

32 posts. Alias of thelizardwizard.


Inspired Blade1/Magus 9 HP: 115| AC: 30 T:17 FF: 23 | Saves: Fort: 13, Ref: 14, Will: 13(+2 vs enchant) | Arcane pool: 12/13 | init:+6 Perception: +17

About Valoren Calmoren

Half-Elf magus (blade bound)9/ inspired blade 1
Alternate racial Traits: Dual minded
Traits: Student of Philosophy, Magical lineage(shocking grasp)
Favored class bonus- 1/6 arcana
Ability scores:
Str: 10
Dex: 20 (22)
Con: 16 (18)
Int: 18(20)
Wis: 14
Cha: 08

Combat Statistics:
HP:115 (1d10+9d8+50)
AC:30 T:17 FF:23
Fort: +13 [6+4+3]
Ref: +13 [4+6+3]
Will: +13 [6+2+2+3] +2 vs enchantment
BAB: +7/+2
Movement: 40ft
Legacy(Black Blade): +17/+12 (+15/+10) (18-20x2, 15-20x2(keen))
Damage: 1d8+10

1- swashbucklers finesse, weapon focus Rapier, fencing grace.
3- Combat Reflexes
5- arcane strike
6- Intensified spell
7- extra arcane pool
9- Lunge


Abilities and resources:
Opportune parry and riposte

Arcane pool-13
Black blade pool- 4
Arcana- 3
6- familiar- Owl (name: frost, or owliwicious)
6- Empowered magic
9- arcane accuracy



Detect magic
Read magic
Dancing Lights

1st level: 7/day
Intensified shocking grasp-3
Long Arm -1
Magic missile-1

2nd level: 6/day
Invisibility -2
Scorching ray- 2
Mirror Image-1

3rd level: 5/day
Fireball- 1
Fly- 1
Vampiric touch- 1
Undead Anatomy-1
Dispel Magic- 1

spells known:
1st- Shocking grasp, Bed of Iron, Magic Missie, Reduce person, Detect secret doors, Vanish, Long Arm, Infernal Healing, Corrosive Touch, Expeditious retreat, feather fall, shield, truestrike
2nd- Scorching Ray, Invisibility, Glitterdust,Bladed Dash, cat's Grace, Mirror image, spider climb,
3rd- Fireball, Fly, Vampiric Touch, Arcane Sight, Undead anatomy, Haste, Arcane Sight, Dispel Magic, Lightning Bolt


Skills: 2+5 / level (70)
Perception: 10 (+17)
Fly: 2 (+11)
Disable Device: 10 (+20)
Acrobatics: 9 (+15)
Sleight of Hand: 9 (+15)
Spellcraft: 7 (+15)
Know. Arcana: 4 (+11)
Know. Planes: 4 (+11)
Stealth: 9 (+15)
Know. History: 1 (+6)
Climb: 7 (+10)
Sense Motive: 5 (+7)
Diplomacy: 6 (+11) (+5 for gather information)
Bluff: 2 (+7)
Linguistics: 2


Arms and Armor: black blade (+3), Celestial full plate (25k)

Magic Items: pearl of power I x3(3k), Cloak of resistance +3 (9k), belt of physical prowess +2/+2(16k), headband of vast Intellect +2 (4k), ring of sustenance (2k), Boots of striding and springing (5.5k), pearl of power IIIx1, pearl of power IIx1, Handy Haversack

Scrolls and potions: Scroll of Bed of Iron x10, Scroll of heightened awareness x5, potion of CLWx3

Mundane Items: acidx3, alchemist firex1, sunrodx2, MwK backpack, belt pouch, waterskinx3, 200ft silk rope, grappling hook, rations (22), bedroll,

Summary: Valoren is The son of a high ranking and prestigious elf mage.
His mother was a human warrior/adventurer and taught him how to wield a blade as he grew, while his father taught him the arcane. However, about 10 years ago when Valoren was 15, his father left to go and search the desolate lands in hopes of finding a way to be rid of the corruption and due to rumours of the whispering way becoming active again. He hasn't been seen since. Valoren now wishes to follow his father, and perhaps find him out there, hopefully alive.

Valoren was born to a high elven mage by name of Caldir and a human adventurer named Aria. He was raised by both up to his 15th birthday when Valoren's father left for the desolate lands due to the whispering way acting up again. Valoren had been learning the arcane from his father, and the way of the blade from his mother who used agility and precision to down her enemies rather than brute force. Valoren had become decently well known for his masterful mixture of blade and spell, having worked as a sell-sword a few years after his father left.

Valoren had been gifted two items of power from his father, the first, was a master crafted suit of Mithril Full-plate etched with Golden runes of arcane power and protection. The second, a wicked looked blade, seemingly a mix between an elven scimitar and a rapier.

Legacy: The blade was black as night, with a single golden seam running down but a few milimeters from the blades edge. Instead of a cross-guard, their was a full hand guard made from silvered steel, elegantly covering ones grip when wielding the weapon. The hilt was wrapped in Red silken-steel threads, hard as steal, but soft and malleable as silk. The pommel often changed shape to represent the mood of the sentient blade, ranging from human skulls, to unicorn heads. It was a blade his father had found during one of his excavations of the ancient places of the world. After a time of wielding it, he had heard it say, "you are powerful, but you are not the one to wield me" after which the blade fell silent until Valoren's birth.

His mother, a beautiful human by even elven standards worked for an organiztion called the pathfinders, retiring after her son Valoren had been born. She still acts as a mentor to him in his swordsmanship, though she finds there is little she can still teach him. Before he left to pursue his studies on his own she gifted him with a beautful Owl. The owl was pure white, save several dots of grey or brown on the ends of its wings and its chest. Val named him Frost, however his mother continued to call it Owliwicious, determined for the name to stick. To this day, the owl will answer to both names. Over time, Valoren's bond with the owl grew, and due to his sheer magical ability his arcane power slowly infused the owl. At first it was merely a strong bond, then Val began to sense emotions and feelings from the Owl. Finally, not long ago Frost spoke to Valoren for the first time.