Syntrix's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy to see movement on something I had given up for dead. The idea of coming here asking Paizo for refunds for something Ninja Division is.. laughable.

Look forward to another unexpected project! :)

Grand Lodge


I picked up a WotR PACG base set at GenCon, we finally got to bust out the Adventure Path 1 box and we've found we are missing the Wardstone Fragment card.

Can you help? This is a most excellent game! :)

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

This thread has actually got me to switch my vote from pets to mounts. Not only do I disagree with several points made here (and wild speculation on how a crowdforger choice will "hurt" the game).

Expecting breeding to come along with pets is foolish. That's a whole different system which would come separate.

Travelling is important. Instant travel is bad and should be a high level thing. Having a horse or stagecoach take you places is not OP. In fact, we don't know how people will really be entering the world and nothing sucks more then being hours away from your rl friends because you wanted didn't races. Or kingdoms. Or whatever.

Finally, and what a lot of people have said (and really, is the point of Crowdforging)- options that matter to more people will typically win out. I have no plans to make any sort of character that uses pets (lets avoid using classes, what a Druid is in PF pnp is NOT what you will be able to create in PFO, simply inspired by) and while I agree, the system should be in place at some point, I have no vested interest in this myself.

That being said, Beta is a long ways off, we have a lot of sitting around debating voting choices before any of this matters! :D