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![]() Doctor Toxic wrote: "Oh, no cape here. It wouldn't last, like my lab coats." she shrugs, sending ripples through his body. "These days I go by Doctor Toxic." Valerie takes a step back. "Doctor Toxic," Does Valerie recognize the name?: 1d8 ⇒ 41d6 ⇒ 5 "thank you for you and your team freeing us," Here she looks at MindJack "though I suspect you had other reasons to be here. I should hurry things along, We should all be going." Doc Common Knowledge, w/reroll: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 2) = 42d6 ⇒ (1, 2) = 3 Nope, nothing to see here. ![]()
![]() Psiclops wrote: Psiclops speaks to Valerie "What plan are you implementing? An escape route, or taking over the building, or what? We just want to get out of here as quickly as possible." She hides her reaction to your startling return to visibility well. "Oh no I'm not staying here. Whatever distraction you managed drew off the fins and most of the drones but they'll soon be back and in greater numbers, like the man said. Time to grab what we can and melt away. I suggest you do the same." ![]()
![]() Dave Finsterman wrote:
does Valerie recognize the name?: 1d8 ⇒ 21d6 ⇒ 4 Valerie smirks and starts a bit at your name. "Not freedom fighters Dave Finsterman. Just people trying to survive. The Crazy blue lady seems to want you in the courtyard and I need to get my friends out of here. I'll have to take a rain check on that burger."
{The master circuit breaker was in the power/phone closet next to the elevator in the main tower room} ![]()
![]() Dave Finsterman wrote:
The wall smashes easily. If you allow it the prisoners crowd around to leave. The unknown woman says "Thank you, I guess capes can be useful." She studies you for a moment. "My name is Valerie, I'll keep an eye out for you." Turning away from you she takes a deep breath and shouts "GARBAGE!" Two surprised sounding voices from the group on the main tower level call back "Soda Fountain!" Valerie and the two meet as the former prisoners begin to file out.
"Good, use those. Go to the second floor." she says nodding at the stairs. "The capes say there are guns. Be quick." The two prisoners jog towards the stairs.
![]() Imagine wrote:
A young woman's voice cuts through the others rushing to answer. "He called himself MindJack. Went down when the alarms went off. He's in bad shape but I think he's still alive." She glances at the drone and continues. "Figured you'd be here for him, your Omega right? Destruction's crew? There are a half dozen of my crew scattered in the other rooms. Get us out and we'll make it worth your while." |