Female Fighter

Vagantem Aere's page

371 posts. Organized Play character for Aerondor.


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Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

No worries, FJC are really done on trust anyway. If necessary I can always point someone back to this thread.

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

I don't suppose Naur is a divine spellcaster who worships a good deity?
Or we defeated a divine spellcaster?

Alternatively did we manage to purify a corrupted object or location - or was that void creature things an evil outsider?

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Thanks very much for running it!

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vag steps forward and quickly and painlessly cuts his throat.

"We can take him with us and put him to rest on the surface. I think spending so long down here would unhinge anyone? Did someone take the hourglass?"

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

"Your old friend Torch." smiles Vag.

"He pulled in a favor. We have followed you through the maze, which has been a task in itself. "

She looks at the elf then and approaches with her dagger out.

"I think the final mercy is probably best for him. Any objections?"

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vagantem shivers. "This void whisperer doesn't sound nice at all. I wonder if that is what we faced just before coming here... on those islands."

She looks around. "I'm not sure leaving him here, trapped but immortal, is doing him any favors."

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

"I suppose we should." says the Sylph, enjoying the sensation of being at height, even while underground.

"We came to find you, but it looks like we found another treasure as well."

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vagantem starts trying to remove the chains. Both from the elf and from the hourglass.

"I wonder how he ended up like this? Could he be a guard for some greater power nearby?"

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

"How fares the Prince?" calls down Vagantem.

She unwinds the elf from his chains and looks around the area that had served as his throne.

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vagantem walks along the catwalk toward the elf, striking at him when she gets there.

If she was not on the catwalk yet, she keeps climbing
climb: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Did Vagantem manage to climb up to the cat walk before the action started? If so she moves along it to the elf, if not, she climbs!

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vagantem takes a look at the elf in chains, sighs and starts to climb up toward the catwalks that lead to him.
climb: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

"Hold up!" suggests Vagantem.

"Perhaps only the three of us with the best chances of success should try this time... why risk making things worse?"

She stops and points to Kegdrainer and Dolamite who had succeeded earlier.

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vagantem starts to twist knobs, pull levers and flick switches, hoping she can work things out quickly.


Int DC 9: 1d20 ⇒ 3
Int DC 9: 1d20 ⇒ 11
Int DC 9: 1d20 ⇒ 4
Int DC 9: 1d20 ⇒ 19
Int DC 9: 1d20 ⇒ 6

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0


Vag tries to open her device.
not sure what roll this is: 1d20 ⇒ 10

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

"What a strange door. You would think it would want to open." comments the sylph.

"I wonder if there is a way to open it without touching it? Does anyone have any idea? If not, we should each stand near one of these opening valve thingies."

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vagantem scratches her head as she looks at the mechanism.
Aid-anothers if allowed
perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (17) + 0 = 17
engineering: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

"I wonder what that cog does?"

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vagantem sets her shoulders against the door and gives a solid shove.
STR: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vagantem steps sideways, not keen to be burned ,and slashes with both daggers this time.

attack,TWF: 1d20 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 10 - 2 = 28
off hand attack,TWF: 1d20 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 10 - 2 = 26
Sadly, I guess immune to crits
damage1(magic,silver,piercing): 1d4 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
damage OH(piercing): 1d4 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

"My knives can bite too!

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vagantem jumps from her island, drawing her knife as she does so. Quickly she rushes forward, plunging it into the horrible creature.
attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22
damage(pointed,silver,magic): 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
"We need to get out of here.."

And what do you know, I am actually trained in dungeoneering!
dungeoneering: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14 Nope

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vagantem winces at the wound. "Nasty..."

She helps pointing out stuff as the team passes it.


survival aid: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
survival aid: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
survival aid: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
survival aid: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

perception aid: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (16) + 0 = 16
perception aid: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4
perception aid: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (19) + 0 = 19
perception aid: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (15) + 0 = 15

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

"Blood? Let us hope the prince is not badly injured. Carrying a minotaur, even a small one, back through here would be a problem."

survival(aid): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
perception(aid): 1d20 ⇒ 6

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vag looks at the bronze mechanism trying to work out what it is and does.

engineering?: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
survival(aid): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
perception(aid): 1d20 ⇒ 20

"I guess we should not be disracted."

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vagantem again searches around to try and help follow the tracks.
survival(aid): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

"A hoof print! We are on the right track."

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vagantem settles down to the trip through the maze, helping where she can, and taking the lead where she feels confident. But really, she is not much help.

"Though if the minotaur prince got lost here I don't see what chance we have..."


survival(aid): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
perception(aid): 1d20 ⇒ 8
dungeneering: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11 <- I suspect nobody else is trained, if they are she will aid rather than lead.
[Cannot help with the final one

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

"Do any of you speak their language?" asks Vagantem.

"You. There. Speak Taldane?" she asks slowly. And loudly.

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vagantem smiles as the morlock arrives next to her.

"Dicing time!", she steps five foot to the side to provide a flank then slashes out with her knives.

attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
TWF attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
damage1: 1d4 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
damage2: 1d4 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Blood flows, but fortuitous gusts of wind somehow keep it away from Vagantem, although her hair gets even more messed up than before.

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

No worries here. Best pace for a GM (outside of multi table specials) is the one they can maintain without burning out.

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

"That may be helpful later.."

Vagantem scans the area for tracks.
survival: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

"Who would dangle balls like that here?" she wonders - keeping her knives out and sharp.

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

I'm back, but it looks like I'll not post until next round.

Panting the Sylph shows a lot of teeth as she grins at the fallen Beetle.

"Anyone know if these cook up well?"

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vagantem joins the others as they set off down into the maze.

"Light!" How are we going to see?

She asks, before grabbing a wayfinder.

survival(aid): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

I'll be off camping from Friday until Tuesday. Please bot me as required.

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

"Can you tell us anything more about the maze"" asks Vagantem.

"I'm guessing Nuar will be the only minotaur we are likely to find..."

String, chalk, what else might we need? wonders Vagantem to herself. Looking around she notes the lack of ranged weapons.

"Perhaps I might acquire a few more knives before we travel."

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vagantem sits quietly, bristling. Still, that chicken did smell good, and every now and then her nose twitches and she glances again at the dirty bucket. And each time her face turns in disgust at the dirt.

"It looks like we should be up for any challenge!"

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vagantem notes the others as they arrive. But keeps her thoughts to herself. Especially about the dirty bucket.

"Let us hope the challenges are mostly physical." she mutters.

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

A slyph wafts into the Venture Captains office. Like many she is slim and quick of foot. Unlike many she also is heavily muscled and carries a brace of wicked looking daggers at her waist.

"Vagantem. I'm a cook, and pathfinder. And these knives are good for cutting carrots as well as orcs. What are we looking for?"

Her manner is not quite the polite one you might expect of a slyph, being somewhat abrupt, almost as if someone had called out her cooking in a restaurant the night before.

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Player: B Viggers
Character: Vagantem Aere
Day job: cook: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13 5gp
If she still has a reroll left at the end, I'll use that with a take ten for a total of 17 and 10gp.

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

No worries. I often miss OOT when I'm filling them in. OOT characters are just annoying :-)

SF makes that less of an issue.

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vagantem should get out of tier gold as she is third level. Aside from that it looks good.

Many thanks for picking this up.

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

I can think of at least one that has that.

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vag throws her spear.

"Fall down and fight like a reasonable... worm." she sneers.

Rolls above to hit 20: damage 9

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vag continues to move into the room, getting right under the odd worm.

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vagantem heads back into the room and tosses the first of the blessed spears at the worm on the roof!

attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20 <-assuming they are not masterwork. Extra +1 if they are
damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

I was thinking of holding two in one hand and one in my other, then aim to throw one a round - not doing a TWF multi-throw thing.

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vagantem eyes up the spears.

"They will do. Dip them in the fountain boys and hand them over. I've got a worm to spit on them."

You can throw spears can't you? Range increment 20'

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vagantem sighs and thinks about throwing one of her Kukri at the horrible creature in the roof. But it is not weighted right.

"I need to get a ranged weapon." she murmurs.

LEaving the room she returns to the guards.

"He turned into a worm and is sitting on the ceiling. Do any of you have a dagger or two I can borrow? Or even a bow of some type?"

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

I've always assumed that you have them in hand, or kept in your spell component pouch. To put things in perspective, casters don't need to spend a move action taking a spell component out of their pouch, they just need to have a pouch on them. I'd generally assume the same for a focus item.

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vagantem stays ready to charge if the horrible worm-thing gets in range.

"Come on down and fight us if you are so tough." she jeers.

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

will: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
"Arrghhh" calls out Vagantem.

She retreats towards the doorway.

Silver Crusade

HP 36/36; Reroll (@+3) 1/1; Wand Infernal Healing: 50/50; Sylph Fighter 4; AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15; Fort +5; Ref +5; Will +2; init +4; perc +0

Vag stabs at him as he retreats up the wall.
AOO: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
will: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Without reach, Vagantem just bides her time.

readied action - limited charge if he comes within charge range, bad juju: 1d20 + 8 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (8) + 8 + 2 - 1 = 17
damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

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