Uruk Gaul's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Richard Loh.

Silver Crusade

Please help to remove the following items:

Mummy's Mask ACG Character Add-on Deck
Mummy's Mask ACG Deck 2: Empty Graves
Mummy's Mask ACG Deck 3: Shifting Sands

and proceed to retry the previous payment method. Thank you!

Silver Crusade

Please help me cancel my Pathfinder Campaign Setting and Pathfinder Player Companion subscription.

I noticed that my subscriptions have been on hold since Dec last year. Please resume sending the remaining of the subscribed items starting from this month onwards. (I.e. any products for the subscribed items from this month onwards.)

Thank you!

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 * Venture-Captain, Singapore

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Please welcome Terence Lin, the first 5 star GM in the Southeast Asia region!

He is extremely knowledgeable about the Pathfinder rules and is always keen to promote the game amongst new and old players alike. He is always there whenever a GM is needed and is ever helpful in dispensing advice.

Please join me in congratulating him on his achievement!

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 * Venture-Captain, Singapore

I would like to welcome the new Venture-Lieutenant Simone Seow of Singapore! She will be assisting me in developing and marketing of PFS in the South-East Asia region at least until the rest of the region have their own VOs.