Abominable Snowmen

Urirawa's page

319 posts. Alias of David Rowe 95.


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Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

My apologies to all. I've been busy and unable to keep up. I am retiring Urirawa as a result.

Thanks for the rpg experience.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Use Computer to find best route remembering I 'trapped' a few booby traps along the way. 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

Urirawa taps some keys and draws out a map which he has set to feed to the standard HUD displays inside the helmets of the troopsers.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Use Mechanics 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

You can assign any additional bonus for having my tool belt and computer to help with the procedure.

Urirawa works as quickly as he can with the devices that he doesn't understand all their workings. He does understand basic crystal power flow and is able to work to disconnect the devices.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

What is the status of the cultists?

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Charge Cultist 11:

Move AO14, using Long Stride for Move 8.

Standard Action charge by moving AP13 and then AS13.

Ryyk Blade 2H Powerful Charge +4, Power Attack -4 vs Cultist 11 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

Ryyk Blade 2H Damage +12 Charge +2, PA +8 2d10 + 22 ⇒ (8, 7) + 22 = 37

Spend a force point 1d6 ⇒ 6

Hey, the force likes me and that increases my to hit roll to 19 which beats the 17 Reflex.

Urirawa gives a mighty swipe at the end of his charge but the long charge easily telegraphs his intention making it no challenge for the Cultist to dodge the attack.

The Cultist is sure that the force will favour him over the charging wookiee but the hours of training on Kashyyyk and the knowledge that his companions are watching drives his heart, mind, and muscles to make his blade sweep in with a feint to the head flowing into a cut to the Cultist's abdomen.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Urirawa starts to reach for the controls when Sho exerts his control of the force.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Urirawa moves forward at a fast trot to the lead of the group.

His training in the woods of Kashyyyk is apparent as he gobbles distance in seconds with his long limbs.

Move action to R14. Second Move action to Z14. Move speed is 8 squares per action due to Scout class giving +2 Squares to move rate.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

powerful charge:

Charge forward to N19 within 8 squares.

Regular 2H attack on Trooper 6 since he is looking wounded and will just use the powerful charge bonus +4. 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21

Damage with Ryyk blade 2d10 + 14 ⇒ (3, 8) + 14 = 25

Urirawa follows Raal down the corridor and is like a threshing machine as swiftly dispatches the last trooper to cross his path.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Melee Swing:

Attack with Ryyk Blade with Power Attack for -2 Hit and +4 dam at Trooper 1 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

Damage with Ryyk Blade is 2d10 + 16 ⇒ (4, 4) + 16 = 24

Urirawa uses a vicious swing of his father's Ryyk blade to continue to rip armour, flesh, and bone from the Trooper guarding the passage to the Holocrons.

OOT from Tues till Fri. NPC me as needed till then.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

A little Propoganda

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1


Urirawa speed 8 charges to F20 and then to H20 moving last two squares in a straight line to count as a charge for Powerful Charge Feat.

Swing Ryyk Blade at Trooper 1 in I19 2H with Powerful Charge and Power Attack for +9 +4 -4 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

Damage with Ryyk Blade is +12 + 2 +8 2d10 + 22 ⇒ (10, 7) + 22 = 39

Spend a force point 1d6 ⇒ 1

Total to hit is 13 which is a miss. :<

Urirawa charges forward but his hit on the trooper meerly sheers chunks from the troopers armour but doesn't penetrate to hurt the trooper.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Urirawa nods and waits for his moment to act.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Despite Sho being quick off the mark, Urirawa's longer legs are easily able to keep up. Urirawa holds back slightly behind Sho though he could have taken the lead.

Urirawa has learned that Jedi are often capable of blocking his blows and chooses to let either Raal or Sho deliver the first blow that might get blocked and then he plans to step forward with his guillotine stroke to finish the combatant as he finishes his charge with momentum.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Urirawa glancing around the corner looks at Sho and Call and listens to Raal.

Urirawa points a wey point with explosion on the map followed by the group charging down and then to the right to make a run for the holocrons to the right of the map.

'uuRu yy k iikk ruruyyk thh ...'


'Call, arm your detonator and Sho use that wind without sound [Force] to throw it to this spot on the map. We should have a clear shot then to go to the right and break through to the Holocrons.'

Suggesting to have Sho use the force to throw the thermal detonator to E18, F19. That should cover 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 in the explosion. After that we might have 1, 7, 8, and 9 to break through.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Urirawa points out the short cut to try and save time on travel and get ahead of the militia unit to the next Holocron.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

"tt kjk gii uu ..."


'The clone wars were almost twenty years ago. If these troops are wearing those uniforms then they've been away from the Imperium for a long time. They may have been from a lost division of soldiers stationed out here.'

'Call, you may have a few more uncles by the looks of it.'

'Don't be too fast to attack first, sir. The lightsaber was used on the cultists not on the soldiers. That could mean that along with the clones there might be an original inhabitant of the temple. We could be dealing with a native element.'

'You might find a lost Jedi master or a Sith Lord. Though, these clones predate the Imperium and there were only Jedi and not Kensai then. The Jedi used to work with the clones, sir. I remember seeing Yoda on Kashyykk leading forces of clones in battle against the clankers.'

'What say you Call? Your uncles tell you anything?'

Urirawa looks at the map and sees if he can plot an alternate route.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

HP 34 -20 + 20 + 17 = 51 / 58 hp

Urirawa was down 3 condition levels but he is able to recover two of those quickly though Rage has him down 1 level for a while.

Urirawa nods at the advice.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

"uuRu, h kk ghyyk ryy pu"


"Call, I think that I exceeded the warranty of the armour, again."

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

4 is down; so, I'd recommend 5 & 6.

DC 25 is 6d6 damage for Move Object; so, you get two more d6 damage.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Urirawa howls in pain as he cut not once but twice by the lightsabers.

He feels his blood boil in anger and gives into his beast. His fettered monster is unleashed upon these Dark Spawn.

Second Wind, Rage, Power Attack, Recovery:

Hit from #3 and #4 each did 19 which equalls Threshold. -2 levels on condition track. and HP 20/58.

MA: Second Wind recovers 14 HP for 34/58 HP.

FA: Rage for +4 Hit and +4 Dam for 6 rounds

SA: Power Attack -4 hit +8 dam. Target is Cultist 4. Total to hit is +9 Melee +4 Rage -2 CT -4 Pow Att = +7 to hit and Total Damage is +2 level +10 Str + 4 Rage + 8 Pow Att = +24 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Spend a Force Point since he will try to Block 1d6 ⇒ 3

Total is 20 to get past the block

Ryyk Blade Damage 2d10 + 24 ⇒ (7, 10) + 24 = 41

MvA trade for MA: Start Recovery Condition with Shake it Off.

The strike and force behind it is easily enough to kill a Bantha in a single blow.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Urirawa after checking over the room locates the next spot to check.

'fhh ur yykk t'


'Do we go to the next spot on the list, here, or do we go and set up an ambush close to the entrance?'

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Urirawa turns his computer so the screen can be shown and points out their next objective and where they are located.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Urirawa chuckles softly to himself and starts grabbing any bit of garbage or stone that he might find as me moves along and starts to use his role of tape to stick it to odd places like walls, floors, ceilings, door handles.

To the looks from his companions as he does this he responds, "hh t uu kyyr vyy rii"


'One learns to keep the fingers out of the cage' {translation: Similar to basic phrase of fingers caught in the cookie jar but refers to some of the 'pets' Wookiees keep which have been known to nip the ends off of fingers. Wookiee mothers often keep the pets as a way of training their children to the dangers of the tree at an early age; so, their children won't go sticking their hands into holes in the bark of the tree without looking carefully first.}

I figure that being a soldier and seeing something odd and out of place that is attached to a wall area will require it to be 'carefully' checked against a possible booby trap. This will slow up any 'pursuit' through the tunnels after us. Urirawa will likely spike one of these 'booby traps' with real explosive after he has put around fifteen pieces of junk along the trail as they move to make the threat 'creditable' again.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Urirawa looks at the dead dragon and his Ryyk blade and sniffs.

Realizing his talents aren't needed in this place, he goes back a ways down the corridor and sets up some explosives on a command detonator in case they are needed for a reception company coming from behind.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Urirawa growls slightly into his helmet as he tightens his grip on the Ryyk blade ready for the others to make the first move.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Urirawa nods at Sho's request. He downloads quickly what he can and he takes time to upload a little II special for the next person to try and download from these computers.

Computer Use:

Use Computer with Take 10 for Downloading filed and +2 Equip bonus is 21

Upload an II virus to the system to be downloaded by the next person to access these computers 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Urirawa makes a rude gesture as he considers the dependability of clankers.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Urirawa pulls the Ryyk blade and moves with Call trusting the bright eyed clone to warn him of trouble.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Urirawa pulls out his lap top and starts to fill out the e-forms. He adds the important details like his serial number and the mission ID number to appropriate spots along with Captain Katarns authorization on the mission to draw materials.

He is proud to point that he doesn't have holes in his armour from the last mission that render the armour 'unsuitable for field missions'.

He loads his computer with II information on their destination, the planet history, biology of the planet, survival guides, and known hazards.

He forwards to Call the relevant information on biological poisons and the antidotes that are recommended to be added to the medkits.


Basic load out for Urirawa

His standard armour and weapons.

Portable Computer
Security Kit
Tool Kit (with roll of tape and extra 2 cans of rope)
Utility Belt (with food for a week)
4 blocks of Detonite
4 Timers (4x250cr)
4 Frag Grenades
2 Ion Grenades
2 Stun Grenades
2 Med Kits

Appropriate Anti-venom and Anti-toxins

Should we apply for a Med droid to be stationed on the ship in case someone is really bad off and needs field surgery?

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Urirawa looks depressed at his being told not to blow holes in things.

After all, there were two ways for a soldier to cross a mine field.

The first way was a slow pain staking crawl using a bit of steel or a knife to poke around the ground every few feet.

The faster way was to have some engineers roll a tone of explosives on the area and let it go boom.

Urirawa was always a fan of things going boom.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Okay, they've added me to the game (temporary name of Urirawa for now till I can work up something better).

I still need to figure out what to play and to read the adventurer creation outlines.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

'yy ghtr k rr u ghtttykwoo ...'


'What level of damage to the structure is 'aceptable' and what are the rules of engagement for hostiles and civilians within the area?

Urirawa started to use the hologram of the facility to calculate angles of fire for the ship's guns to bore a hole and 'bypass' many of the 'traps' if such an approach was 'acceptable'.

Use Mechanics 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

'yy tukki n guyyyk ...'


'What types of terrain and environment will we operating in? Will you be issuing us speeders or swoops to help us travel cross country easier?'

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

'uuRu h kk grrr u'


'Call, has he been nesting? {ed: Nesting is one of many wookiee euphanisms for sex. Equivalent to the Basic term, 'getting lucky'.

I'll be poor for posting till Sunday night or Monday. NPC if you need to.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Urirawa is updated.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Yup, Raal worth the wait.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Thanks for saying that!

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1
Sho Larn wrote:
Raal wrote:
p.s. How are we feeling about the montages? ;)
I love montages. I started to do it in my Dawn of Defiance game but quit for whatever reason. I need to get back to it! I love it!

I really enjoyed reading each of your montages and I was happy that I had the chance to explore a mini-arc of though with Urirawa that I wouldn't have had the chance in a regular adventure/episode.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

<Scene Urirawa, escorted by a pair of wookiees, steps into what looks like a bivaoc. It is amazingly comfortable and filled with high tech computers, sensors, and communications gear. Urirawa's father and uncle are seated at a table along with the instructor and the elder. On the table is Urirawa's pack. The instructor nods and the two wookiee escorts turn and leave.>

Urirawa's father and uncle and the elder turn and look to the instructor to lead the discussion.

"So, Urirawa, what really brought you to Kashyyyk?"

Urirawa looks quizzically at the instructor not sure of what the instructor is asking.

"You're going to complete the course but you won't pass it. Not as long as you wear the armour. It's not a question of capacity. You've more than earned the right to finish the course on your terms but no instructor here will pass you. It's pure politics. No one that isn't a soldier of Kashyyyk has passed Basic Forest Survival and that's how it's going to remain. You lose the armour and do this course again half as well as you did it the first time and I'll guarantee that you'll pass it." {ed note: armour is derogatory reference to stormtrooper armour as Wookiees generally don't wear armour in battle feeling it slows them and displays fear of death to enemies}

"Now don't give me that look. There's plenty of folks that support the Emperor and what he's done for Kashyyyk but plenty of people remember the times before the Emperor and what life was like when the Jedi and the Republic ran things. The trees have long memories and they don't have a need to change."

"So, again, Urirawa, what really brought you to Kashyyyk?"

"Hell, you're a good soldier, Urirawa and not a dumb one either though right now you're looking like one. The Emperor doesn't pull strings on the behalf of his pet projects to get them admitted to this course on short notice unless he has a reason."

"What's up?"

Urirawa, hangs his head debating his loyalties and his personal situation. He had suspected that it wasn't a 'natural' rotation that had brought him to Kashyyyk. Captain Katarn had almost hinted at that when he was sent here. Some things were sensative but if he was going to survive what was coming, he needed not only training; he needed the right training.

Urirawa opened his lap top from his bag and fished out a crystal memory that he loaded into the computer. He quickly edits the visual to show just a small clip of Starkiller fighting on the ship. He then turns and shows the clip to the people gathered at the table.

"Some sort of Kensai or Jedi?" the instructor asks.

Urirawa nods.

"So, you need a way to fight a Kensai or a Jedi?"

Urirawa slumps his shoulders acknowledging his problem.

"So, what's your gut telling you trooper. What's your plan if you meet up with Mr Scary here in some dark alley?"

Urirawa felt like a school boy called before the class to deliver a report on a book that he hadn't taken the time to read.

There was the answer that his gut was telling him but it went against every instinct of his wookiee nature. He was a fighter, a warrior, a wookiee with a tradion of warriors as old as the Wroshyr.

The group looked on as unforgiving as only a master sergeant could be.

Finally, Urirawa spoke, hanging his head in shame, "Run".

The instructor looked at Urirawa and nodded, "Not a bad plan. Given the looks of Mr Scary here, I might do the same. So, what's wrong with it?"

"My friends."

"I see. So, your instinct is to run because this person will likely serve you up like a Katarn roasting on a spit."

For a moment Urirawa had an image of the Captain with the same name as the rodent that the wookiees hunted being roasted on a spit. He quickly put away the thought.

"But you can't run because you'll leave your friends to get chopped in your place. Tough choice. And I take it you expect to be meeting this Mr Scary at some point or you wouldn't have bothered to show him fighting."

"Hmm, tomorrow, I guess we start teaching you how to kill a Jedi."

Urirawa did not know what the morning would bring but if the training helped him fight Starkiller then he needed to learn that secret technique.


<Scene: In the forests of Kashyyyk. Urirawa is there with his father, grandfather, and the instructor for his special training.>

"Okay, Urirawa, so we're at the base of the Truiryyy Wroshyr. You're going to learn the secret technique that will allow you to fight a jedi and defeat Mr Scary all by yourself."

The instructor handed Urirawa a quarterstaff and nodded to the tree.

"Hit the tree with the staff. Remember to breath in and breath out as you do it. Put all your energy into it."

Urirawa had been fighting with staffs since he was five. He still worked to improve his stance and his swing. He swung and hit the tree with all his training and force.

"Good, again. And, again, and keep at it until I tell you to stop."

Urirawa tolled away for hour after hour having to repeatedly replace the staffs that proved less durable then his arms.

His hands became raw from the constant pounding and his arms felt numb to the bone and joint.

Finally, the instructor calls a stop.

"Good, we'll pick it up again in the morning."

"How long?"

"How long what?"

"How long and I'm going to have to do this?"

"You have to keep doing this until you can drive a blow through the bottom of the tree."

Urirawa looked to the left and saw more than a hundred meters of wood in that direction. He looked to the right and saw a similar amount of tree.

"That's impossible."


So many words competed in Urirawa's brain to call the instructor as his hand wept and his arms hung numb. The first word to make it to his mouth was, "Why?"

"You wanted to learn a technique to fight a Jedi master."

"But, you didn't teach me anything."

"What did the training teach you?"

"Nothing. It's impossible."

"Exactly. You're not a Jedi. You're a warrior. You can only do what a warrior can do. If you find yourself alone against this Jedi Master then you run. This person will take one swipe and cut your blade in two and then proceed to chop you into further bitty pieces."

"I don't send warriors with knives to fight tanks. Everything has a place on the battlefield. I may not fully support your Emperor and his Imperium but I'm sure that he's smart enough to send along a few people that deal with this Mr Scary. You do your job getting them to the fight and trust in them to take care of this problem."

Urirawa looked at his hands and realized that he had trying to carry a burden that he wasn't meant to bare. He understood now his role. He would get Sho and Raal and the Prince to their appointed fate with Starkiller. He would then trust in them to deal with Starkiller.

He had come to Kashyyyk seeking answers and he had found them.


<Scene Urirawa comes into the trooper locker room, he is sporting a scarlet streak on the left side of his head with some beads tied into it, and he puts down both chunks of the log that had he had carried for so long.>

Call looks at the chunks of log.

Urirawa just says, "Long story."

Call, "So, what did you learn?"

Urirawa thinks on the politics that had left him with the course failed on his file. "Why I left."


Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Urirawa is taking a short detour through the Scout class.

Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Defense of Scout is +2 Reflex and +1 Fortitude combined with Soldier +1 Reflex and +2 Fortitude gives +2 Reflex and +2 Fortitude.

This gives

Ref 19
Fort 20
Will 14 (I am not the droid you're looking for)

Starting Feats
I have all but Shake it Off which I don't qualify for not having Endurance skill trained.

HP average is 5+1 Con = 6 hp

BAB +0 so no change

Skills no change

Talent: Long Stride +2 to Speed.
Reason: Stormtrooper is light armour; so, I can use this talent. This will increase my maximum charge distance by 4 squares (move 8 followed by charge 8).

Request for a change of skill.

Currently Urirawa has the Pilot skill but he never seems to use it. There are other pilots in the group and Urirawa often ends up doing the computers and mechanics job; so, and extra pilot is not required.

I would like to replace Pilot with Endurance (a skill on the soldier list). This would also allow Urirawa to qualify for the Scout starting feat Shake it Off which requires having the Endurance skill trained to get.

It also fits with the current montage theme.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

<Scene: A clearing is seen ahead amongst the trees. The clearing is lit by torches on poles arranged in a circle around the edges of the clearing. Several dozen wookiee are already here on the ground and in the surrounding limbs of the trees. Urirawa's father and grand-father move off to the side and allow Urirawa to move forward to join the other candidates in the centre of the circle. An elder is in the centre of the circle. Drum sounds can be heard until the Elder begins speaking. >

The Elder speaks, "This is the circle. Where fathers have brought sons and mothers have brought daughters. And in time those sons and daughters have brought their sons and daughters. Each family and each clan has a duty and a responsibility to raise up the next generation. Good trees come from good seed."

"It is also the duty of the children of the trees to be gardeners. Pruning away the weak and diseased branches; so, only the strong are left to grow."

"In time, each of you will be expected to raise up your young and bring them here to be tested and measured under the eyes of your ancestors and the great trees."

"All wookiee are trained to fight and expected to protect the clan. But only the mightiest of wookiees are selected to battle. Those that pass this training will be the spear tip that we thrust into the throat of our enemies."

"When battle happens, you will be expected to be the first to answer its call."

"Just being chosen to come here shows that you represent the finest of your generation and are already accomplished warriors. Now, before the presence of your ancestors and the trees, we will judge if you have ability to be more than the best. To see if you have what it takes to become a legend."

<Scene fades out to wookiee chanting and drumming.>


<Montage of scenes>

<Urirawa with several wookiees carrying large logs over their heads.>

<Urirawa carrying a pack filled with rocks that are clearly his weight in load as he climbs up a tree. The camera pulls back and tips down to show how far he has already climbed and then turns up to show he has even farther to go.>

<Urirawa getting knocked repeatedly down in combat by his father and grandfather.>

<A wookiee yelling at Urirawa and a group struggling through mud, rain, and carrying the logs saying, 'Anytime you pukes want to quit. You just snuff out a torch and go home.'>

<Urirawa and several wookiees still carrying a large log at what is clearly well into the night. The wookie instructor continues to yell at them, 'Move those feet. It's just three in the morning. Hell, the birds are singing. It's another wonderful day in the woods. If any of you don't agree then go snuff out a torch.'>

<Urirawa trys to help a wookiee that has fallen asleep holding the log. The log tips and touches the ground. Immediately the instructor pounces. "Which one of you pukes dropped my log. Tell me which one." The wookiee that had fallen asleep starts to speak up but Urirawa points to himself. The instructor looks at him for a second and decides a lesson is a lesson. "Fine, if my log isn't precious enough for you to carry then I'll give you a log all of your own to carry. You will learn to love this log. You can name this log, eat with this log, sleep with this log, and you will take this log everywhere you go.">

<Scenes follow of Urirawa struggling up the tree carrying the pack of rocks and the log. Trying to fight while having the log strapped to his shoulders. Carrying the group log and his log at the same time.>

<Scene of pouring rain and Urirawa with his log are on some dark sentry duty. His fur is wet and he looks thoroughly miserable along with the other wookiees standing watch on the ends of tree limbs. The instructor comes up to him and says, "You're good Urirawa but not good enough. It is time for you to douse your torch and go back to your Emperor. I'll even sign a letter saying you were good but you just didn't measure up to be a battle leader." Urirawa doesn't say anything. He just continues to endure.>

<Scene of Urirawa fighting again with his father and grand-father. The blades and blows flash harder and faster. The pair break off with no clear winner.>

<Scene of Urirawa standing before a pile of electronic components and an instructor with a stop watch times him as he rapidly assembles a radio comset, a laser designator, and a power supply from the pieces. The instructor is speaking as he watches the time, "We are not animals. We are wookiee. We fight with our muscles and our brains. If you can not do both then you have no place here.">

<Scene of Urirawa along with other wookiee being shown a series of objects and then having to remember and write down as many as they can.>

<Scene of Urirawa again on scentry duty and the instructor speaking to him. 'Why are you here, boy? Why don't you go home to your precious Emperor?" For the first time Urirawa speaks, 'Because this is my home.' The instructor snorts and says, 'We just might make a battle leader out of you yet.'>

<Scene of fighting with Urirawa and his father and grandfather. Still hampered by the log, Urirawa fights well and then he brings blade close to scoring a hit on his father. His father lets loose a wookiee scream and releases the full fury of his wookiee nature. Urirawa is being knocked back until he releases his own inner wookiee nature cracking the log from his shoulders. The pair fight a deadly collision of blows and blades until finally Urirawa slams his father with a brutal blow under the chin and swings his blade halting it inches from decapitating his father. The camera pulls back to show Urirawa's father had a blade only inches from Urirawa's diaphragm. Urirawa's father for the first time smiles and nods his approval.>

<to be continued>

I'm enjoying the montage moments.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

I thought that I would record the link to the Star Wars Saga rules errata here.

Star Wars Errata

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

<Scene: Urirawa in the trooper locker room is given a paper by Katarn.>

The course had a simple name, Basic Forset Survival.

Every Wookiee knew that Basic Forest Survival was anything but basic. It was the measuring stick that the Wookiees used to measure their troops and sort out the top troops and the best of the best.

Just getting the offer of the course was a signal that you were considered a promising candidate for most dangerous and hazardous jobs the navy or marines could ask of a trooper. It was a chance for Urirawa to measure himself against the very best and know where he stood.

Urirawa looked at the sheet with his name and his rotation assignment and looked at the Katarn.

Katarn nodded. "You're going to the woods. Trooper training is some of the toughest in the Imperium but there are some things we're just not equipped to teach you. You've come a long way with that knife of yours but if you want to learn to master it then your going to have to go back to your own people. Maybe you can bring back a few of their tricks and teach it to the rest of our troops."

The woods.

The nickname for wookiee hell.


<Scene: An Imperial shuttle inbound to the planet Kashyyyk. The camera follows the shuttle as it descends into the forests. The passage of trees and the darkening of the surroundings shows that the shuttle is going deep down towards the bottom of the forest. The Camera passes through into the interior hold of the shuttle which is almost empty except for Urirawa and another wookiee acting as a jump master. A small credit states that the following is translated from Shyriiwook. The camera rattles a bit signaling the shuttle has stopped descending.>

"Time to grab your gear and get out of my ship."

Urirawa reaches for his pack with his Stormtrooper Armour and his father's Ryyk blade.

"Not that pack. You're on Kashyyyk now and you wear the same stuff as the rest of the pukes. That's your pack over there." The jump master said with a nod of his head.

Urirawa accepted the leaving of his Trooper armour but he wasn't leaving his father's blade. He reaches to pull it out.

"Leave it."

Urirawa growls at the insult of being told to leave his Father's blade. A symbol of his Father's fighting strength and honour.

"Don't worry son. It will be stored with honour. Today, you're just a puke like the rest of farts we're saddled with here. There's a blade in that pack for you. When you complete the course, I'll personally return your father's blade to you."

The jump master then slammed his hand down on a big red button to open the rear hatch of the shuttle.

"Now get off my ship!"

Urirawa with one backward glance at the pack which contained all of his life in the Stormtroopers, turned, ran, and jumped into the dark of the forest.


<Scene: Urirawa following past tree growth with no grav chute or anything but the pack that he had been issued. He falls for several seconds of footage before grabbing his first bit of plant growth to change the direction of his descent and the rate of his fall. It is clear that Urirawa is used to leaping down through the forests of Kashyyyk without anything but his instincts to guide his passage down.>

<Urirawa lands on the forest floor and crouches absorbing the fall in his powerful legs. For a moment he is utterly still and the sounds of the Kashyyyk forest start to resolve out of the gloom. Urirawa tips his head to one side as if trying to hear something and then sniffs at the air. He then gets up from the crouch drawing an eighteen inch multitool type blade. He drops into a guard position just moments before several forms spring from the gloom at him.>

<There is a quick series of clashes of blades as the two forms that leaped out of the gloom take turns slashing and probing at Urirawa. It is a deadly fast series of strikes and parries with flashes of steel interposed by kicks and punches. Urirawa is clearly being out fought and driven before the pair until his legs get swept and he is knocked on his butt with a knife blade held a hair from his throat.>

<The blades are the only things that seem to pick up light and glimmer in the gloom. A face holding the knife to Urirawa's throat is seen in the polish of the blade. The face snorts with disaproval.>

"Follow," is all the wookiee with the blade says as he pull the blade back.

He and the other wookiee that attacked Urirawa immediately head back into the forest.

Urirawa gets himself out of the forest litter and heads after the pair saying, "Yes, father."

<to be continued>

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Kwel, I can hear the sound music of a montage in the background opening up. I'll have to think on what to write for this but I'm fairly busy this weekend till Monday.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

When Urirawa gets to the meeting he has a small mirror and is looking at his face when he says,

'uuRu, yy kiki htttg rrahg ...'


'Call, I was wondering if I should shave a spot bare under my mouth. Kinda go for a soul patch look. Women are supposed to like those sorts of things. Or do you suppose I should go for more of a brush cut on one side of my head and cut a bare line across it. Go for more the pirate type of look. Make me look tougher and meaner.'

While almost fifty years old, Urirawa is still barely in his 'twenties' in Wookiee society.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Urirawa is happy to peel the bio-suit and armour off his hair. The stuff always made his fur way too hot and that left him with sweaty matted hair that would do a dog proud.

He hit the refresher in the attempts to clean some of the stink from his hide while he put his armour under a dryer to hopefully dry some of the sweat out of the interior.

An hour was a luxury of time to a trooper that was used to being told he had five minutes to get ready for inspection. He took the time to get freshened up, clean his kit, and even get a quick chow break in before going to the head.

He wasn't ready for a Sgt Major's inspection but he'd pass most duty officers inspection and not considered 'out of uniform' for a missing cover or a button not being done right.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Urirawa will help with any slicing or analysis and suggest the computer core be kept in 'isolation' and have no access to any exterior components while its files are searched (no hooking up to the main ship and the ship's computers). Standard 'infected' system protocols to be followed for this sort of thing to avoid any further infection.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Urirawa with the core strapped to his back signals his readiness to move. He leaves the lead scout position to others with better situational awareness.

Urirawa has many skills and is good in a fight but, frankly, a Bantha could most days sneak up on him without him noticing.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Urirawa barks the affirmative that he has the location. He rotates his computer to show the destination to the others.


Urirawa directs his helmet com to feed a signal strictly to Call. In Shyriiwook, he uses one word, Madclaw.

Not a problem, school takes precedence over games. Get the paper done and do a good job and then come back refreshed to play.

Male Wookiee Soldier 4/ Scout 1

Urirawa works to estimate the location of the computer core by comparing standard Imperial schematics on file for the type of ship. He patches a request back to their ship for the required directions.

Being on a naval ship, I figure that our ship would have an extensive library of ships and their listed plans based upon known materials. A fully custom ship built in secret wouldn't likely be on file but any major ship design should be on file along with estimates of characteristics gathered from a Jane's type organization.

Use Computer to get information from our base ship. 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

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