![]() About Uriel DarkbaneUriel Darkbane was born the son of a captured follower of Sarenrae amidst a tribe of orcs in Belkzen. His mother barely survived his birth and died soon after. It was determined that he was touched by the Fire God and kept alive because even as a toddler he could save those dying out. Uriel became both a respected warrior and a blessed oracle of the Fire God. As time passed, Uriel began to suspect that his destiny lay apart from his tribe and he quietly slipped away. When he encountered a temple to Sarenrae he came to believe that he had worshipped her all along as an incarnation of the Fire God. Now, Uriel travels on, dedicated to serving his mistress (Sarenrae), riding his trusty mount "Bugler" with "Drummer" tagging along and carrying his trusty sidekick Seket, the she-serpent. He is a terrible sight to behold in battle as he sings the battle songs of the celestial host and his body becomes engulfed in the holy flames of the Dawn Flower while he aids his allies and wreaks havoc upon his foes. But, out of battle, he is kind and gentle, granting the healing touch to those in need. Uriel Darkbane
Size Medium
Description: Immaculately kept, wearing either an armored coat and/or his full plate armor with a holy symbol of Sarenrae in plain view. He also sports a backpack and a number of weapons. Abilities
Languages: Common, Orc, Draconic, Ulfen, Celestial
Note: Speaks only Celestial in combat (including bardic songs) due to oracle's curse but can still understand other languages. 62/80 Hit Points 23 AC 10 +10 armor (+9 +1 enh) +3 shield (+2 +1 enh)
+16 Fort +11 base +2 con +2 divine grace +1 luck
BAB +7 Weapon +1 scimitar
weapon masterwork pistol
Bombs 2x/day, standard to create & throw, provokes AoO
Cavalier's Challenge 1/day: Swift action to choose one target within sight to challenge, remains in effect until the target is dead or unconscious or the combat ends, Uriel takes a -2 penalty to AC against attacks from other than the target, gains a +1 competence bonus to attack (Order Dragon) and a +1 (Cav lvl) damage bonus against the target.
Channel Energy, 3/ day, selective channel, up to 2 (cha) target not affected, 2d6 damage or healing, DC 14
Oracle Spells
Summoner Spells
Bard Spells
Alchemical Extracts & Mutagen
Half-orc Traits:
Darkvision 60' Intimidating +2 racial bonus to intimidate skill Orc Blood count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race Sacred Tattoo +1 luck bonus to all saving throws
Religious Sacred Touch, as a standard action may stabilize a dying creature by touching it Magic Focused Mind +2 trait bonus on concentration checks
fighter 1 weapon focus scimitar cavalier 1 teamwork outflank gunslinger 1 gunsmith Alchemist 1 throw anything, brew potion 1 Extra Bardic Performance 3 Fire God's Blessing 5 Selective channeling Note order can be changed... Oracle of Life Mystery:
channel (Su) standard,3 {1+ 2 (cha)}/day 2d6 DC 13 (10+2cha+1(1/2lvl)) energy body (Su), standard to assume, for 3rds (Or lvl)/day, elemental subtype, undead attacker takes 1d6+3 (Or lvl), 1/rd pass through space with living (or it passes through) and heal creature 1d6+3 (Or lvl), use this on self as move action, return to normal as free action curse Tongues (celestial), speak only it in battle Spells Known
Spells per day
bardic knowledge (Ex) +1 (1/2 lvl) to all knowledge checks, may make them untrained bardic performance 12 rds/day (4+2 cha +6 feat), Standard to start, free to maintain, target must understand
countersong counter effects dependent upon sound. Anyone within 30' of Uriel (including himself) may use his perform check in place of magic effect dependent upon sound, those already under effect gain another st, p 36 PFRPG book distraction counter effects dependent upon sight, as above anyone may use check in place of st, p 36 PFRPG book fascinate target must be within 90', able to see and hear, will sv DC 12 (10+1/2 lvl+cha), p 37 PFRPG book inspire courage +1 morale vs charm and fear effects, +1 competence on attack and weapon damage Spells Known
Spells per Day
Ranger (Guide):
Ranger's Focus 1/day, swift action, focus on one enemy in line of sight, +2 attack and damage rolls until it surrenders reaches zero or a new focus is designated Track +1 (1/2 rgr lvl, min 1) to survival checks to track Wild Empathy change initial attitude of an animal, 1d20+3 (rgr lvl +cha)
Aura of Good (Ex) Uriel has an aura of good equal to his paladin level (2) Detect Evil (Sp) at will, range 60 feet, move action to learn as if studied for three rounds, one individual or object at a time Smite Evil (Su) swift action choose one target within sight, 1/day, if target is evil add +2 (cha) to hit, +2 (Pal lvl) damage, automatically bypasses damage reduction, +2 (cha) deflection bonus to Ac against attacks by target, remains in effect until target is dead or Uriel rests and regains use of ability Divine Grace (Su) +2 (cha) bonus to st Lay on Hands (Su) standard for other targets but swift for self, 3/day (1/2 pal lvl +cha) heal 1d6 (1/2 pal lvl) Aura of Courage: Uriel is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within 10 feet of him gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. This ability functions only while he is conscious, not if he is unconscious or dead. Divine Health: Uriel is immune to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases, including mummy rot.
Eidolon p. 55 APG PFRPG Life Link p. 56 APG PFRPG Summon Monster 1 (Sp) Can cast as a spell-like ability 3+2 (cha)x per day, can only use when Eidolon is not summoned Spells Known
Spells per Day
Alchemy +1 (Alch lvl) to Craft (Alchemy) checks Bomb (Su), 1 +0 (Int)/day make and throw bomb, Standard action that provokes attack of opportunity, range 20', throw splash weapon p 202 PFRPG, direct hit 1d6 fire damage, splash damage is always minimum damage and can be halved with a Ref sv DC 10 +0 (1/2 Alch lvl) +0 (Int) Mutagen (Su) takes one hour to brew, potent until used, only one active at a time, p 28 APG PFRPG, typically chooses +4 alchemical bonus to strength with -2 to intelligence, lasts 10 minutes (per Alch lvl) Extracts can use spell trigger items for spells on list (wands) but not spell completion items (scrolls) Extracts Known
Extracts per Day
Grit 1point of grit, p 2-3 of Combat rd 2, Deeds p 3-6 of Combat rd 2
Order of Dragon Must remain loyal to party and both work to further their goals and defend their honor. Gain +1 (1/2 Cav lvl, min 1) bonus to Survival checks to find food and/or water for the party or to protect them from harsh weather Challenge (Ex) swift action choose one target within sight, 1/day,+1 circumstance bonus to attack target, +1 to damage (Cav lvl), -2 to AC against all but challenged, lasts until dead or unconscious or combat ends Mount p. 33 PFRPG Tactician (Ex) 1/day, standard action to grant feat to all allies within 30' whether or not they meet the prerequisites, retain for 3 +0 (1/s Cav lvl) rds
-6 Acrobatics +0 rks +0 dex -6 ac
Note: when wearing armored coat, ac penalty is -2 w/o shield and -3 with
on person
light horse, combat trained Combat Trained for rider: attack, come, defend, down, guard, heel feat: nimble moves bit and bridle hemp rope 50' lance quiver 20 arrows pack saddle >traveler's outfit >explorer's outfit >tent >bedroll >winter blanket >portable alchemist's lab >cooking kit > 3 torches > sack 50 gp >sack >>flint & steel >>1# soap >>toiletry articles >>tindertwig x5 >>whetstone Bugler, Mount:
Horse S: 16 D: 13 C: 15 I: 2 W: 12 Ch: 6 lowlight vision, scent link with Uriel, he gains +4 to handle animal, wild empathy with it HD 2 HP 20 AC 19 (10 +4 barding +4 natural +1 dex) F: +5 R: +4 W: +1 Attacks primary bite 1d4 secondary 2 hooves for 1d6 Combat Trained for rider: attack, come, defend, down, guard, heel Bonus trick: Track Feats: light armor proficiency (bonus), Nimble Moves +5 Survive 1 rk +1 wis +3 class +5 Perception 1 rk +1 wis +3 class Equipment Carried bit and bridle chain shirt barding military saddle lance quiver 20 arrows saddle bags > sack 50 gp >sack >>flint & steel >>tindertwig x3 >>whetstone Seket:
Seket small, serpentine eidolon Outsider Lawful Good Seket, the she-serpent is an aspect of a powerful servant of Sarenrae that has bonded with Uriel. In general, she appears as a very small wingless lillend. She is slender with scarlet scales that glow in fire light and has two long and slender arms which have long fingered and apparently delicate hands. Her scales never brighten when she is attempting to hide. Her head is dressed with crimson tufted feathers making her appear akin to a wingless coautl. She is a product of Uriel being touched at birth by Sarenrae and they share the gift of being able to stabilize the dying with just a touch. Though friendly and talkative, she can also be as quiet as any serpent and she often gracefully disappears when others are not paying attention. She appears as the picture at this link, minus the wings, with different coloration, and razor sharp teeth:
S; 8
ev 1 pt skilled: +8 racial stealth
Feats: additional traits