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Except for being lavishly illustrated, tastefully arranged and meticulously edited -- something which can hardly be taken for granted these days -- the field guide to the butterfrog is also truly original. I must confess that despite my great admiration of Hugo Solis as a gamer and an artist, I was at first somewhat skeptical about the premise of this field guide.
A few pages from this lovely booklet erased all skepticism, however, and replaced it with wonder. The notion of a frog that can crossbreed with practically anything, creating an infinite variety of frog-like beings, is quite refreshing. Unlike the gibbous abominations inspired by Lovecraft and company, these creatures are as adorable as they are fierce. Adults will find them a delightful distraction from the usual assortment of D&D beasties, while kids (of all ages) would enjoy an entire campaign based one the manifold variations of the butterfrog.
In short, definitely worth a download.

Prepare for Madness and Magic!


This novel takes you on an insane ride through that magical time and space called the 25th hour - a unique hour reserved only for the craziest of the crazy.

No cliches here, only bold novelties drawing on pop culture, internet memes, daily life and very clever and erudite use of history and mythology. This mix of past and present creates a setting and characters like no other novel I've ever read in any genre.

At the same time, anyone who ever spent a while walking dark and lonely streets in unreasonable hours will realize just how true to life some parts of the novel are.

In short, if you want a book so full of cool ideas, hilarious dialogues and just the right prose to make them come to life - this one is a must!