Troll King

Unskilled Troll is Unskilled's page

5 posts. Alias of Sebastian (Bella Sara Charter Superscriber).


2 people marked this as a favorite.
GM Elton wrote:
I'm happy the boards are quiet over who is penning superman.

You must not like being happy...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, you sure came to the right place for an intelligent, well-informed answer to the question.

Oh you didn't. You came to a website about gaming to ask an extremely data-dependent question, which is well outside the expertise of anyone here. Here, let me provide you with a link to the sum total of the knowledge of the community residents on the topic:


If you need further information, I recommend checking this website:


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I'm confused by the use of the alias to make the post? Does the OP not understand that the alias feature doesn't actually keep your identity secret, or is he protesting in-character?

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
So can it be considered trolling the religious thread if I start responding to every question with doctrine from the church of Scientology? Cause I think I may keep doing it.

That's trolling, as is this post, and your user name, and your mom, and the fact that you exist.

That kick to the jimmy was immature. And, by immature, I mean that it was a weak girly kick that resulted in "deferred sack-hurtis", a term I coined to describe it.