
Unikatze's page

Organized Play Member. 248 posts. 1 review. No lists. 2 wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

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Our Price: $15.00


Fantastically made.


I've ran the beginner box three times on Foundry.
The first time I entered all the maps from the PDF myself as PDFtoFoundry hadn't supported them yet.
The second I used the ones created by PDFtoFoundry.

And last weekend I ran it with this module. And I must say, WOW, I'm super impressed.

I consider myself a Foundry enthusiast and I still was surprised at how some things were handled.
The newly designed maps with roof layers look amazing and add an entire new value to this product you can't really get on your own by importing the PDF.

The only critique I have is it seems like not all the sounds from the Syrinscape pack were included. I felt like I was missing some music for combat (which I added myself afterwards).

There was also some minor mistakes in some character's equipment. Such as the Skeletons wielding Scimitars, the Trapmaster only having a single Snare and many of the Kobolds not having the Eggshell necklace (and dried fish).

But these issues are minor and don't really detract from the 5/5 stars.

Fantastic product. 10/10.
They really succeeded at adding value for a product you may already own.

What a great buy


Honestly, these are fantastic. I was expecting small token counters and instead got these hefty Dubloon-like coins.
Really great product and my players love them.

Is this even Pathfinder really?


It's supposed to be a Pathfinder comic... yet there's hardly any Pathfinder in it. One character from Golarion in 4 issues and the other 3 have very minor references.
This was basically just a promotional comic for their other properties.