Uncle Twitchy |

Boomer, Boomer, Boomer. Tch. You suprise me.
I'd really rather expect something far more devasting from you, like adding the Tarrasque Template to a 150HD Paragon Hecatoncheire quintuple-Gestalt Druid 20//Cleric 20//Wizard20//Warblade 20//Psychic Warrior 20.
On fire.
Now even Invisible Christopher Walken might (albeit very, very briefly) balk at that one.
Heck, Pun-Pun'd probably be going "um...okay...that ain't good..."
Or I am just going too much over the top again?
Reminds me of the old 1st Ed days where we joked about making a hybird creature that was half-roc, half-hydra (with the heads being chromatic dragon heads, roughly equivalent of Tiamat,) with beholders as heads, giving it mind-flayer (back then, no one called them ilithids) abilities, and then turning it into a lich. Oh, and it had displacer beast blinking.
Yes, we all marveled at the thought of having to encounter the chromatic rocdebehydralichflayer.