Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() Speak with dead is on the cleric spell list, so I could memorize it. They get a will save to avoid answering us, though, so it's not a reliable way to get information. ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() "Better a wolf appearing than a horse, Umurn grumbles under his breath, still disappointed about being left behind. ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() "Why wait to kill them? They have not waited to seek our deaths," Umurn growls. "Let us surprise them when they think these 'heroes' have returned, only for us to turn our fangs upon them!" ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() Umurn will argue that he should get the belt. He's not proficient with any of those weapons except for the spear, which he doesn't really want. ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() I did level up--got the usual HP/BAB/skills, and a couple more spells, which are currently set to make Umurn more kill-y in combat. ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() Umurn snarls as he finishes reading the journal entry. "Betrayal? Do they so fear our success they would jeopardize the entire plan to stop it?" He snorts. "If they were going to betray us, they should have made certain it would work. Now the question... how do we wish to repay them?" He smiles broadly, showing off his fangs. ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() Umurn would be perfectly happy to perform the sacrifice, even though it's not technically directly to Asmodeus (it's part of Asmodeus's plans, though, so he figures it's about the same). Should we get anything in the way of wealth or gear for the time skip? ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() That would be fine with me. It does seem like the base management could be fun in-person when we could argue over the table about it, but isn't as well suited to play-by-post. ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() Or perhaps we need a reason to engage the adventurers ourselves in open combat instead of using our array of traps? That might make it more interesting for everyone. ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() I think that would make things move even slower. Perhaps if there's a climactic group at some point we could consider it, but otherwise I'd avoid it. Skipping to the point where they trigger the ambush sounds good. ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() Umurn schools himself to patience, only his twitching tail betraying his rising need to hunt, to kill and eat, to taste the hot flesh and blood of his screaming prey... ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() Umurn makes his way to the room at the end of the hall beyond the entrance. I think that's just off 1-20, with the golem? ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() Umurn positions himself near the interior stairs on the 'main' floor, ready to go down or to the door depending on where the attack comes from. ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() Umurn could do with some more exciting hunting. He'd rather be a *bit* more subtle about it. Of course, his favorite plan is to bite a bunch of people in the middle of the night and see who turns next full moon. ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() Sariana Nightsong wrote:
Why would a werewolf wish to give up the thunder of his heart on a long hunt, the rush of adrenaline as he brings down his prey, the taste of hot flesh as he feasts, for the cold of undeath? ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() I suppose we should have said we were ready for another week. I figure for now that Umurn is starting to define how responsibility for the cultists of Asmodeus is split between himself and Haruk--given the Lawful Evil nature of the religion, spheres of responsibility and hierarchy would be important to establish there. Umurn would be arguing that *he* is the highest-ranking Asmodean around, given he's actually a priest and all. ;) For this week, how about Umurn does some scouting in the surrounding countryside for wolf packs and easily-cowed tribes of whatever sorts are around (boggards, right?). He's in a 'recruiting' mood. When you say the hell hounds are cash dependant, are you saying only the poison part or that I'll need to pay for large dogs, too, instead of recruiting wolves? ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() Yeah, it's probably the easiest way... it does mean I'll have to wait until at least 9th level, unless I could start gathering a few right now and the rest when I actually get the feat. ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() There will be time enough for these arguments after the forces arrayed against us are crushed. Maintain your focus. Is secretly plotting to be in charge in the end. ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() All right, anything I'd have to roll to go hunt some wolves and make myself a pack? Maybe I'll start really playing up the mixed pack idea... wolves, dire wolves, wargs, werewolves, hellhounds... ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() Umurn would be all for capturing some wolves, especially if they could also be hellhound-ized. I suspect we'll be attacked by enough adventurers without deliberately drawing them in. Umurn would like minions to start collecting ingredients for the hellhound poison. If he can do that himself some, too, he will. ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16 Almost every time Sariana checks in on him, Umurn is engrossed in some form of training--sometimes combat practice, sometimes studying magic or the teachings of Asmodeus, other times engaged in various exercises to build his strength, and a few times even taking some of the fortress's guards and drilling them on combat tactics. He seems almost determined to push himself to the point of exhaustion every day, then a little bit further. A few times he stops to sniff at the air, frowning, but if he detects his watcher he gives no sign. The only breaks he takes from his relentless schedule are to eat, sleep... and at midnight, when he goes to the temple of his dark god and pays his respects to his master. I figure midnight would be an appropriate time for a cleric of Asmodeus to refresh his spells. ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() True enough... hmmm... Here are the kinds of things Umurn would be doing: *Practicing. Umurn's philosophy more or less boils down to "The strong should rule the weak... so always be making yourself stronger", so he drives himself hard to improve both his martial and magical skills. *Training minions. He's going to start looking for possible pack members to share the gift of lycanthropy with, so he wants to get familiar with some of the various minions. *Hunting. Which reminds me, I was going to ask if it was okay to switch one of his skills over to survival, since I was realizing it really made sense for him to have it. *Gathering materials for summoning hell hounds. For this week, I think he'll focus on training himself, with a bit of checking over Horn's minions. ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() Umurn kind of needs more resources before he could get anything in the way of items, given he spent most of his starting gold. Any actions he could take to gather some gold (or perhaps hunt for components for the hellhound poison)? Or is this more of a "suggest something you can do" situation? ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() Umurn would be up for hunting some nuns in the wilderness. I'm also going to want to know what it takes to summon some hellhounds. ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() I'm assuming we don't need to play out healing ourselves--if nothing attacks us in the next couple of days Umurn can just swap a bunch of spells over to cure wounds spells for himself, and I figure Albrekt can just use his antipaladin healing. (Umurn could channel for him too if he asked) ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() "Perhaps." Umurn did not make it clear which of the two he was replying to. "I look forward to seeing how you fight when you intend to kill your target." With that, he nods to both of them, then turns to go to his quarters. It wouldn't do to stay in a wounded state like this, not when an attack could come at any time. ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() Umurn growls and pulls back. He could press on... but they are not aiming to kill one another here. "I yield," he states, lowering his weapon, though keeping a wary eye on the vampire. "I knew there was more to you than the blade. ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() Umurn notes his opponent's anger, and the opening it leaves. He presses the attack, but only his last blow does more than ring off the vampire's armor. Mace: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16
"Yield!" he snarls as his mace dents Albrέkt's armor. ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() Umurn grunts as another blow hits home. He'd have to yield soon, but he about had the vampire's measure. Something of a brute, not particularly... thinking in his combat style. Though he had a sneaking suspicion there was more to Albrέkt than just swinging a sword. Still, he struck back as best he could. Mace: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() Now that he's gotten two good strikes in, Albrέkt can tell the werewolf's flesh... resists the blows slightly, shrugging off a small portion of the harm caused by the blade. Umurn's only reply is a grunt and another series of attacks. He maneuvers about as he attacks, shifting from one side to the other as if incapable of staying still while he fights. Mace: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16
His first strike clangs off of the vampire's armor, while the snap from his teeth seems more like a feint than a real attack. The next strike with his mace, however, is another solid blow. Umurn bares his teeth in another smiling snarl. His opponent still didn't get it, the real purpose of this. Didn't he notice Umurn was holding back, spending almost as much effort watching and learning as he did attacking, engaging in melee rather than using more of his spells? ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() Umurn cast his divine power, then. If we're quick we can do round-by-round, I was mostly wanting to do it all at once just to avoid dragging things out too long. Umurn actually smiles as the vampire struck him. It had been too long since he'd had a proper fight! He grips his mace two-handed and strikes back twice, interspersing the attacks with a quick snap of his teeth. Mace: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() So I don't think we want to go blow-by-blow here, and obviously we don't want to kill each other. :D We could just roll several attack and damage rolls and use the results to narrate how it goes, with whichever of us loses yielding to the other? ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() Umurn is a priest of Asmodeus. Do you honestly think he'd be ignorant about undead? Umurn bares his teeth in what could either be a smile or a snarl. "We should back away from the table. No need to damage it." He turns and starts stalking out more into the open. As he does he raises a hand to his chest and starts muttering to himself. He's trying to sneak in a spell here. If you don't call him on it... Once more out in the open, he turns and raises his silver mace. "Begin!" he snarls. ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() Umurn grins toothily. "The only rule is that we must not endanger the defense of the Horn by leaving one or the other of us too incapacitated to fight should an attack come." ![]()
Male werewolf half-orc cleric 8 | HP 75/75 | AC:24 T:12 Fl:23 | CMB: +12 CMD: 24 | F +9 R +4 W +11 | Init +1 | Perc: +15
Per-Day Abilities: Channel Energy 3/3 | Villain Points 3/3 Current Effects:
![]() Umurn snorts. Here he'd had hopes this lot would be smarter than the last knot. "Fine. I'll practice by myself," he states, with a bit of a sneer. If they had no wish to grow stronger, he wouldn't have to work as hard to surpass them.