Ancient Time Dragon

Ultimagus's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 49 posts. 7 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 13 Organized Play characters.

Liberty's Edge

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Hi! Can I ask what system we'll be playing? I presume Pathfinder, although it doesn't specify. Just want to check and verify.

Liberty's Edge

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Still waiting for this book to become PFS legal...

Liberty's Edge

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If we're remaining within Pathfinder lore, I have an affinity for Cayden Cailean, as well as Shelyn. I also have an appreciation for Gorum.

If, however, we're expanding to all deities, however, I am an ardent cultist and must pay respect to the Outer Gods, namely Yog-Sothoth and Nyarlathotep.

Liberty's Edge

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I'm with you. I don't like playing in parties that are always consistently murder hobos, and it gets dry. And if your DM is actively judging you for making choices that are not optimized for murdering things, I think they're honestly being a really bad DM. If it were me, I'd consider the option of leaving the group, because it sounds like the entire group is actively oppressing and ignoring your own choices. And that's being a bad player and an even worse person.