Uathach raises his hand in salute, with a cheery smile, "Good Luck to you Sir Percy!"
add +1 to all attack rolls if we're allowed to use MW lances.
Charge attack, no use of options
Lance charge: 1d20+7=17
Lance charge damage: 1d8+2+1d8+2=17 (Lance breaks) =15 dmg
Ride check if hit (no warsaddle, no handle animal bonus):
Ride Check: 1d20+4=22
Remain in saddle chance if knocked unconscious:
Charge attack, no use of options
Lance Charge 1d20+7=16
Lance charge damage: 1d8+2+1d8+2=15 (Lance is intact)
Ride check if hit (no warsaddle, no handle animal bonus):
Ride Check: 1d20+4=20
Remain in saddle chance if knocked unconscious:
Charge attack, no use of options
Lance Charge 1d20+7=19
Lance charge damage: 1d8+2+1d8+2=13 (Lance is intact)
Ride check if hit (no warsaddle, no handle animal bonus):
Ride check: 1d20+4=11 Fail if more than 6 dmg
Remain in saddle chance if knocked unconscious:
Ride v. unhorsed dmg. 1d20+4=15
Sorry, been so busy with work, I totally forgot about the joust since it's not on my "pbp games" list in my we going to be going 1 combat at a time then?
EDIT: added it to my profile list of games, won't forget anymore...heh.
Uathach is explaining his name to his assigned squire..."It's pronounced means Spectre, Ihavfe no idea why my mother named me that..."
Prince Percy searches out Uathach in the crowd and waves.
Then he comes over to the knight. "Thou art mine first foe. Well tis all I can say, may the Good Lady of Luck smile on you and myself when we tilt. By my honour, I wish you well, Sir."
I hope that the wooden rails have been lowered slightly to accommodate the shortness of Prince Percival and his heavy warpony, Silkwind.
Then the halfling prince offers a small hand to the fellow jouster.
Uathach raises his hand in salute to the diminutive adversary.
"Sir, may the best man...errr, halfling? Aasimar? Humanoid! win."
OK so, should I convert him to Pathfinder Fianl rules? And perhaps bring him up to 3rd level? He'd still be an underdog, but maybe he could stay conscious...
"Ugh" Uathach mutters as he's struck again, and thinks to himself, "can't take much more of this" as he shifts into a defensive stance, and try to keep them from flanking me..
Uathach warily strikes at the ratman, missing by a Chelaxian mile. 1d20+5=10
If these are were-rats I'm prolly toast...6 HP left, Lay on hands isn't gonna help since it's only 2Hp...bleh. An dsince I don't have knowledge (dungeoneering) I can't ID them
"I hope if doesn't come to blood then Saul, they will most likely just transfer their anger to us, then you. Which of course, will be good for you...and bad for them" Uathach laughs...
XP for the last couple encounters
600 for Caladan and Uathach, 400 for everyone else.
What XP table are we using? since I'm at 1320 now, I think that's L2 on the fast table.
"I hope if doesn't come to blood then Saul, they will most likely just transfer their anger to us, then you. Which of course, will be good for you...and bad for them" Uathach laughs...
"I uh, wouldn't say that about followers of Rovagug..." Uathach says to the ship captain. "Thank you, I'll contact you in the future, if I have more refugees sir.
Uathach will leave for a little while and try to find out if that riverboat is available again...watching to make sure he's not followed...even stopping around corners etc.
so we can get to the next part of the adventure =D
"Very well Saul, I shall escort them out of the city tonight...for now, I will get them out of here to some other location, as they may watch the building for signs of them...Where can I go?
"I doubt I could imagine that, since I don't allow my mind to wander in those directions, I keep myself focused on Iomedae's actions, and I try to emulate what she would do...What would Iomedae do?"
"Iomedae's will be done." Uathach says as he cuts down his opponent, "You're next spellflinger". pointing his blade toward the caster, as blood splatters at his feet. Uathach's confidence restored as the tide of battle turns their way, and as he just dispatched one of the thugs spectacularly, his words hold more weight than before.
"Aauugh" Uathach cries out as the bolts sears into him.
"I hate wizards, Caladan, Therik take him down."
Uathach launches a vicious attack at the thug he's facing. His blade leveled at his neck ,no lack of skill evident in this threat, as Uathach takes advantage the thugs overconfidence.
"And with the odds against us, we need surprise. That and attacks in daylight, are frowned upon even in Riddleport"
"I shall approach and attempt to talk to them, if they become aggressive, I suspect you'll have my back."
Sorry to the rest of the party for splitting the group...I'll try to make this quick. Hopefully our glorious DM can make your side exciting as well.
with those words, Uathach bravely steps out from behind the building and strides forward undaunted
"Ho there ruffians, leave this family in peace. Return to your master and let him know Saul is tired of his under-handed dealings. Or you may leave in peace. I would not be so bold if I weren't so well protected."