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Okay! So I worked a little more on this, I think I have a finished version of the class, complete with racial bonuses and archetypes.

Guerrilla (Final Version)

Please enjoy! I'll perhaps try my hand at more classes soon, looking at mechanics that don't get as much appreciation, just like Improvised Weapons.

And here's a bunch of new tricks (or old ones I reworked) I'm adding to the list;

- Honed Weaponry: The Guerrilla may cast the Refine Improvised Weapon, Desperate Weapon and Disguise weapon spells as spell-like abilities a number of times per day equal to 2 + his Wisdom Modifier

- Munitionist: (Req. Guerrilla level 4) You gain Gunsmithing as a bonus feat, and may use your Survivalism skill to craft firearms and their ammunition.

- Armor Modder: (Req. Versatile Weapon) You can use Survivalism create Armor Modifications for any light armor you possess that has also been crafted with Survivalism, or as part of creating the armor initially.

- Trickster Teamwork: You gain Underhanded Teamwork as a bonus feat. Your allies are also treated as possessing this feat.

- Improved Trickster Teamwork (Req. Underhanded Teamwork, Dirty Fighter): You gain Improved Underhanded Teamwork as a bonus feat. Your allies are also treated as possessing this feat.

- Foul Play: You gain 'Mud in Your Eye' as a bonus feat

Sorry for the late response!

Yeah, I think I can work with some of that Barroom stuff into the abilities.

Temporary Arms (Ex):
At 7th level, when a Guerrilla wields an improvised weapon, he may make cleave attacks as though he possessed the 'cleave' feat. You do not suffer a penalty to your armor class as you would normally when using this ability, but instead your improvised weapon loses hit points equal to the damage made in your first attack (subtracting hardness as normal).

In addition, any improvised weapon you possess that has a hardness of 5 or below is treated as 'fragile', fragile improvised weapons grant a +2 competence bonus to cleave attacks made in this manner.

Greater Temporary Arms (Ex):
At 15th level, a Guerrilla may enhance his temporary arms ability to greater effect. He is now treated as though having the 'great cleave' feat, with no AC penalty. However, the improvised weapon you wield loses hit points equal to the damage dealt to every foe struck bar the last.

In addition, any improvised weapon you wield with the 'broken' condition inflicts an additional 1d4 bleed damage to each foe struck.

Master Survivalist (Ex):
At 20th level, the Guerilla becomes a master of self-sufficiency and adaption, and gains the following benefits;

- He may treat any broken manufactured weapon or weapons created with the Survivalism ability as an improvised weapon for the purposes of feats and abilities.

- He ignores any negative effects imposed by the craft shoddy item feat or the 'broken' condition on any of his equipment, such weapons are automatically treated as being 'fragile'.

- Any improvised weapon the Guerrilla wields that becomes destroyed by any means allows the Guerrilla to make a free dirty trick against a foe within 5ft as an immediate action.

Duilin wrote:

In order to make people actually want to use improvised weapons, I think you need a bigger bonus that comes online earlier and stacks up as you go, and it has to be at least as good as an enchanted weapon, as otherwise people will just do that.

A greatsword does 2d6 damage, which is higher than the improvised weapon damage for most levels. It can be masterwork starting around second or third level, and then slowly get enchanted to do more cool things. Extra attacks is one way to keep pace, I might also suggest some sort of attack bonus for using objects in the area, one which is roughly on par with Automatic Bonus Progression's attack bonus. Try to make it so that enchanted weapons are pretty much on par with improvised ones, and even if it feels like you're handing out a lot of bonuses, you're actually just giving the character a bunch of money to spend on cool gadgets.

The weapon damage for improvised weapons does indeed scale, using a similar progression system to monks/brawlers with Unarmed Strike.

Not quite sure what works best here, I'm looking for an ability that trades the durability of the weapon for a bonus of some kind, in an attempt to reward treating improvised weapons as disposable.

Any suggestions?

an alternate proposal for the 'Temporary Arms' and 'Master Survivalist' abilities;

Temporary Arms (Ex):
At 7th level, when a Guerilla wields an improvised weapon, he may choose to apply the 'fragile' quality to it for the rest of it's use. Upon doing so, he gains an extra attack when using this weapon, but suffers a -2 to it's attack rolls.

Greater Temporary Arms (Ex):
At 15th level, a Guerilla may apply the 'broken' condition to his improvised weapon in addition to being fragile, and gains an additional extra attack. The weapon suffers the normal -2 to it's attack rolls, plus a further -2 from the broken condition. This ability still applies if his weapon becomes broken by any other means.

Master Survivalist (Ex):
At 20th level, the Guerilla becomes a master of self-sufficiency and adaption, and gains the following benefits;

- He may treat any broken manufactured weapon or weapon created with the Survivalism ability as an improvised weapon for the purposes of feats and abilities.

- He ignores any negative effects imposed by the craft shoddy item feat or the 'broken' condition on any of his equipment.

- When using a weapon that is both fragile and broken, the Guerilla may choose to destroy his improvised weapon after successful attack and make a free Dirty Trick combat manuever as an immediate action.

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Okay! Gonna necro this old post cos I finally got around to making a 2nd version of this that's a little more balanced and less like an amorphous amalgamation of every other class out there. I've drawn a lot of inspiration from the 'Cad' fighter archetype and 'Tavern Brawler' brawler archetype, but I've tried to make it as close to it's own thing as I can, using new original abilities and an entirely revamped progression system.

Few people become Guerilla's willingly, indeed, many are thrown into the lifestyle through happenstance. Those who have lost everything, or have been shunned by society, or even born into poverty tend to be amongst the caste that forms Guerillas. Their ability to adapt and overcome stems from their ability to imrpovise makeshift solutions to problems where limited options are available, fashioning tools and equipment from scrap and refuse, and using the environment as a potent weapon. Guerilla's scrounge and salvage the battlefield to gather improvised weapons, using their light equipment loads to provide much needed agility in the face of danger, and resort to dirty fighting and underhanded tactics to gain an advantage in combat. A Guerilla is the most capable individual where resources are limited and preparation is minimal, and make for invaluable companions out in unfamiliar territory.

Role: Guerilla's thrive in sticky situations, able to apply clever thinking and crude tehcnique to overcome almost any obstacle. In combat, the Guerilla utilised any nearby object to his advantage, prefering to fight with his surroundings than a traditional weapon, remaining unburdened by cumbersome equipment.

Alignment: Any

Hit Die: d8

Starting Wealth: 1d6 × 10 gp (average 35gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less.

Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Craft, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Knowledge (Dungeoneering), Knowledge (Engineering), Knowledge: (Geography), Knowledge (Nature), Perception, Profession, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Survival, Use Magic Device

Skill Ranks Per Level: 6 + Int modifier.

1 +1 +2 +2 +0 1d6 Improvised Arsenal, Improvised Strike, Survivalism
2 +2 +3 +3 +0 1d6 Guerilla Trick, Living Light (+1)
3 +3 +3 +3 +1 1d6 Swift Assembly, Crude Combatant
4 +4 +4 +4 +1 1d8 Guerilla Trick
5 +5 +4 +4 +1 1d8 Clever Implements (Damage type)
6 +6/+1 +5 +5 +2 1d8 Guerilla Trick, Living Light (+2)
7 +7/+2 +5 +5 +2 1d8 Temporary Arms
8 +8/+3 +6 +6 +2 1d10 Guerilla Trick
9 +9/+4 +6 +6 +3 1d10 Clever Implements (Cold Iron and Silver)
10 +10/+5 +7 +7 +3 1d10 Guerilla Trick, Living Light (+3)
11 +11/+6/+1 +7 +7 +3 1d10 Jack of All Trades
12 +12/+7/+2 +8 +8 +4 2d6 Guerilla Trick
13 +13/+8/+3 +8 +8 +4 2d6 Clever Implements (Alignment)
14 +14/+9/+4 +9 +9 +4 2d6 Guerilla Trick, Living Light (+4)
15 +15/+10/+5 +9 +9 +5 2d6 Greater Temporary Arms
16 +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +10 +5 2d8 Guerilla Trick
17 +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5 2d8 Clever Implements (Adamantine)
18 +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +11 +6 2d8 Guerilla Trick, Living Light (+5)
19 +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +11 +6 2d8 Instant Assembly
20 +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +12 +6 2d10 Master Survivalist, Guerilla Trick

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
A Guerrilla is proficient with all simple weapons. They are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

Improvised Arsenal:
A Guerrilla is a versatile combatant, utilising his surroundings to improvise weaponry to devastating effect. He gains Throw Anything and Catch Off-Guard as bonus feats.

Improvised Strike:
A Guerilla is a master of imrpovising weapons in the field, whether it's a bottle or tankard in the heat of a tavern brawl, or grabbing the nearest set of tools and putting them to new purpose against your enemies. When a Guerilla makes an attack with an improvised weapon, he instead may strike with the damage values shown below. If the damage is less than what the improvised weapon offers, he may instead choose which damage value to use before the attack is made.
As the Guerilla advances in levels, his damage with improvised weapons increases, allowing him to make even the most unassuming object a deadly weapon. A Small Guerrilla deals less damage than the amount given there with her improvised weapon attacks attacks, while a Large Guerrilla deals more damage; see the following table.
1-3 1d4 1d6 1d8
4-7 1d6 1d8 2d6
8-11 1d8 1d10 2d8
12-15 1d10 2d6 3d6
16-19 2d6 2d8 3d8
20 2d8 2d10 4d8

Survivalism (Ex):
A Guerrilla's inventive problem-solving doesn't stop at improvising weapons, he may also improvise other equipment. He gains the 'Craft Shoddy Item' feat, and may substitute his Survival skill in place of his Craft skill when using this feat.
By doing so, he gains a proficiency bonus to Survival equal to his Guerrilla level when crafting items in this fashion. This does not prevent Guerillas from crafting with his usual craft skills, nor does it change how craft skills function. However, you may not use this ability in conjunction with other crafting feats.

Living Light (Ex):
At 2nd level, the Guerilla learns that a light load can augment his evasive techniques.
So long as you are carrying no more than a light load, you gain a +1 Dodge bonus to your AC and a +1 bonus to your Reflex Saves. This bonus increases by a further +1 every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum of +5 at 18th level. You will lose this bonus if your equipment exceeds a light load, or if you are immobilised or helpless.

Guerilla Tricks:
At 2nd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, a Guerilla may select from a pool of tricks to augment his abilities. Unless otherwise specified, these tricks may only be taken once.

Guerilla Tricks:

Versatile Weapon: - You may use Survivalism to add one weapon modification to an improvised weapon, so long as it resembles the base weapon required in the modification's prerequisites. The weapon does not change from simple to martial, nor martial to exotic when modified as base weapons do.
Poison Use: You cannot accidentally poison yourself when applying poison to a weapon.

Swift Poisoning: (Req. Guerilla level 4, Poison Use) - You can apply poison to a weapon as a move action instead of a standard action.

Instant Poisoning (Req. Guerilla level 16, Poison Use, Swift Poisoning) - You can apply poison to a weapon as an immediate action.

Improvised Bomb: - You may prepare a number of improvised bombs per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom Modifier. The bombs behave exactly like Alchemist bombs, but instead use the damage values listed in Improvised Strike.

Powerful Bomb: (Req: Improvised Bomb) - When using improvised bombs, treat your imrprovised strike damage as one size category larger.

Bomb Discovery: (Req. Improvised Bomb) - You may choose one alchemist discovery that effects bombs and apply it to your improvised bombs, following the same rules as Alchemist bombs. You may select this trick multiple times, choosing a different bomb discovery each time.

Equipment Trickster: - You may select one piece of equipment from the 'Equipment Trick' feat. You gain all the tricks associated with this equipment even if you do not meet the prerequisites. You may select this trick multiple times, choosing different equipment each time.

Improvised Trap: - You may learn one trap from the list of Ranger Traps, and are able to prepare a number of ranger traps per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. Traps use the damage values listed in Improvised Strike. You may select this trick multiple times, choosing a different trap each time.

Rogue Talent: - Upon selection, you may learn one of the following rogue talents in place of a guerilla trick, treating your guerilla level as your rogue level; - Last Ditch Effort, Papercraft Tools, Hairpin Trick, Quick Scrounge, Quick Trapsmith, Rogue Crawl, Scavenger, Surprise Attack, Trap Spotter, Unbalancing Trick, Favored Terrain, Card Sharp, Combat Swipe, Cunning Trigger, Disease Use, Black Market Connections, Camouflage - You may select this trickmultiple times, choosing a different talent each time.

Dirty Fighter: - You gain 'Improved Dirty Trick' as a bonus feat.

Dirtier Fighter: (Req. Guerilla level 4, Dirty Fighter) - You gain 'Greater Dirty Trick' as a bonus feat.

DIrtiest Fighter: (Req. Guerilla level 10, Dirty Fighter, Dirtier Fighter) - You gain 'Dirty Trick Master' as a bonus feat.

Swiper: (Req. Guerilla level 4) - You may use your Crude Combatant ability to augment Steal and Disarm combat manuevers as well as Dirty Tricks.

Guile Grip: (Req. Guerilla level 4) - You may use your Crude Combatant ability to augment Trip and Grapple combat manuevers as well as Dirty Tricks.

Makeshift Makeover: (Req. Guerilla level 4) - You can use Survivalism to create disguises in place of any Disguise skill checks, but with a -4 penalty.

Cheap Knockoff: (Req. Guerilla level 4) - You can use Survivalism to create profession items in place of any single Profession's skill checks, but with a -4 penalty. You may select this trick multiple times, choosing a different profession each time.

Tinkering: (Req. Guerilla level 4) - You can use Survivalism to create engineered items in place of any Knowledge: Engineering skill checks, but with a -4 penalty.

Create Cover: (Req: Guerilla level 4) - as a full-round action, you may move loose objects nearby to create soft cover or partial cover (your choice). This action provokes an attack of opportunity. You must have enough surrounding debris or loose furniture within a 20ft radius to cover a single humanoid of your size.

Advanced Cover: (Req. Guerilla level 10, Create Cover) - When using the 'Create Cover' trick, you may create full cover as a full-round action, or partial cover or soft cover as a standard action.

Master Cover: (Req. Guerilla level 16, Create Cover, Advanced Cover) - When using 'Create Cover', you may create improved cover as a full-round action, full cover as a standard action, and soft cover or partial cover as a move action. In addition, you no longer provoke attacks of opportunity when using this trick.

Disposable Decoy: - While wielding an Improvised Weapon, you can choose to accept a -4 penalty to your Combat Manuever Defense against Sunder and Disarm manuevers made against your weapon, if the weapon is destroyed or you are disarmed, you may make a free Dirty Trick combat manuever as an immediate action.

Improved Feint: - You gain 'Improved Feint' as a bonus feat

Jury-Rigging: - You are able to use the 'Mending' cantrip as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3, using nearby resources to create minor repairs to damaged objects.

Stone Slinger: - Using stones instead of bullets when using a sling (any variant) or stonebow allows you to use your Improvised Strike damage in place of the regular damage.

Searing Distraction: - You gain 'searing distraction' as a bonus feat
Sweeping Prank (Req. Guerilla level 10) - As a standard action, you can use a dirty trick maneuver against any two adjacent opponents that you can reach, making a separate combat maneuver check against each opponent. You must use the same dirty trick maneuver against each opponent.

Improved Sweeping Prank (Req. Guerilla level 16, Sweeping Prank) - You can use the sweeping prank guerilla trick as a full-round action to attempt a dirty trick maneuver against a number of enemies equal to 2 + you Dexterity bonus (if any).

Trecherous Blow (Req. Guerilla level 16) - When you confirm a critical hit, you can attempt a dirty trick combat maneuver as part of that attack as an immediate action.

Swift Assembly (Ex):
At 3rd level, a Guerrilla can create shoddy items with astounding speed. It takes a Guerrilla half the normal amount of time to create shoddy items with his Survivalism ability.

Crude Combatant (Ex):
At 3rd level, a Guerilla learns how to use his wits instead of his brawn when fighting dirty. You can use your Dexterity modifier in place of your Strength modifier when performing dirty trick combat manuevers. At 12th level, you may add both your strength and your dexterity modifier to dirty trick combat manuevers.

Clever Implements (Ex):
At 5th level, a Guerilla may alter the type of damage dealt by an improvised weapon to bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage during his turn.
At 7th level, his improvised weapons are treated as cold iron and silver for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
At 15th level, the Guerilla chooses one alignment component: chaotic, evil, good, or lawful; his improvised weapon strikes also count as this alignment for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. (This alignment component cannot be the opposite of the Guerilla's actual alignment, such as a good Guerilla choosing evil strikes.)
At 17th level, his improvised weapons are treated as adamantine for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Temporary Arms (Ex):
At 7th level, when a Guerilla wields an improvised weapon, he may sacrifice the weapon's hit points to gain an advantage on her next attack during that turn. When he successfully lands an attack with an improvised weapon he may choose to sacrifice hit points on the weapon equal to the damage made in the attack, in doing so he gains a +2 competence bonus on the next attack that turn.
This ability can be used multiple times per turn, so long as the Guerilla has another attack action available. If the weapon gains the 'broken' condition, the Guerilla may no longer use this ability with the weapon.
At appropriate levels, the Guerilla uses the hardness of the materials listed in Clever Implements for his weapons when calculating object damage (10 hardness for cold Iron, progressing to 20 hardness for Adamantine).

Jack of All Trades (Ex):
At 11th level, the Guerilla can use any skill, even if the skill normally requires him to be trained. At 16th level, the Guerilla considers all skills to be class skills. At 19th level, the Guerilla can take 10 on any skill check, even if it is not normally allowed.

Greater Temporary Arms (Ex):
At 15th level, when making an attack with an improvised weapon with the 'broken' condition, he may use his Temporary Arms ability to further augment his next attack. A Guerilla can choose to gain a +5 competence bonus on his next attack with any broken improvised weapon, but upon doing so the weapon is destroyed at the end of his turn, even if he does not hit.

Instant Assembly (Ex):
At 19th level, an Guerilla can create shoddy items with his Survivalism ability with almost supernatural speed. He can create any shoddy item as a full-round action if he succeeds at the Survival check and has the appropriate resources at hand to fund the creation.

Master Survivalist (Ex):
At 20th level, the Guerilla becomes a master of self-sufficiency and adaption. Whenever he makes an attack with the Greater Temporary Arms ability, he may make a free Dirty Trick combat manuever at the end of his turn, using the last remnants of his weapon to inflict a little more suffering on his foes.
In addition, the Guerilla is no longer affected by any negative affects by the 'broken' condition on any of his equipment, but they may still be damaged or destroyed as normal. Broken weapons may be used as improvised weapons by the Guerilla, treating them as such.

All of mine, nobody else's... I'm totally the best.

Nah, in all honesty I've had fun with Plague Doctor, Demolitionist and Witch Doctor.

But I'm a sucker for Alchemists so I'm probably a little biased :P

Onyewu wrote:

The feel is more alchemist archetype or a hybrid. Not enough special features to make it stand out in its own, but I like the concept. I wonder if Investigator wouldn’t be a better chassis to start with. Guerrilla feels weaker than either due to lack of spells/formulae.

Skills: add bluff, climb, knowledge (local), swim
These guys are adaptable and can blend in to the crowd.

Bombs: I think they should get scrap bombs and add rocket discovery.

Survivalism: good flavor but needs more oomph. How about using craft to give makeshift bonuses or modifications to weapons and armor that are more limited like minutes/level? Use a pool of survival/makeshift points?

Crude combatant: make this a trick. Unless the guerrilla chooses dirty tricks, this is useless.
Then add a truck to use level as bab when performing dirty trick. Or stack effects with improvises arsenal.

I was considering changing the class to be a rogue or ninja archetype of sorts, seeming that rogues can get bombs and bomb discoveries now through proper investment in their Rogue Talents. Rogue and Brawler were definitely the most influential in the design of this class, so I may make it a hybrid of those two and stick it on the MCA thread.

Amendments to current Tricks and some new ones;

- Bonus Feat: You may select from the following pool of feats in place of a Trick; Improvised Weapon Mastery, Improvised Defense, Torch Fighter Improvisational Healer, Field Repair, Chairbreaker, Nature's Weapons, Tool Optimiser, Two-Weapon Drunkard Combat, Improved Dirty Fighting, Dirty Trick, Quick Dirty Trick, Dirty Trick Master, Greater Dirty Trick, Underhanded Teamwork, Improved Underhanded Teamwork and Mud in Your Eye. The Guerrilla must have the Base Attack Bonus and any feats listed here as requirements of gaining the feat, he may otherwise choose them without meeting any other prerequisites.

- Artificer: You gain an Item Creation Feat as a bonus feat. Your Guerrilla level counts as your Caster Level when meeting the prerequisites. Item Creation Feats may be affected by Survivalism if the Guerrilla so chooses.

- Expanded Arsenal: (Prerequisite level 6) Your Improvised Arsenal damage extends to any Simple Weapon that is not enchanted, modified or otherwise different to its base values.

- Armor Modder: (Prerequisite level 6) You can use your Clever Construction ability apply Armor Modifications to any Light Armor you are wearing. This Light Armor must be crafted with the Survivalism feat in order to work.

TC X0 Lt 0X wrote:

Hello, I am pretty new to this community as well. I had a question pertaining to standard Multiclassing with these Archetypes.

Primarily, is it legal to multiclass between two classes while one of them (or even perhaps both) has a Multiclass Archetype with the secondary class being the other class levels taken? And would any shared or similar class features overlap or stack (or other)? For instance, a Heritage Overlord (Bloodrager/Sorcerer) and a base Sorcerer, is this legal? Would the class feature they share (Bloodlines) stack with one another, or would they overlap (and would each class need to select the same bloodline, presuming it was not traded out with an archetype)?

Presuming the above is not legal, what about Multiclassing two classes with Multiclass Archetypes that both have the same Secondary class (for instance, a Heritage Overlord (Bloodrager/Sorcerer) and a Heartbeat Assailant (Brawler/Sorcerer) )?

Thanks in advance for any replies, and good job to all the creators of this content, many of these archetypes concepts are quite amazing and it is great to see what kind of characters one could make with them!

We came to a similar impasse when Hybrid classes were first introduced, and we came to the conclusion than if both classes share the same ability it would stack (such as bloodline abilities).

By nature, Multiclass Archetypes weren't designed to be used with other classes, they were made to address the problems faced when multiclassing normally, such as lower stats, fewer impactful abilities and collision of mechanics.

I'd ask your DM first, and if they greenlight it, go for it.

Thanks for the feedback Wolin,

Bombs to me seemed like a good ability to have for guerrilla warfare style fighting, and allows for greater versatility through the use of different discoveries. Unlike alchemists, these bombs are far cruder, relying on wisdom instead of intelligence. The original vision I had in mind was akin to molotov cocktails and pipe bombs, something that fit the improvisation theme. It also helped tie into the crafty nature of the class to help distance it from being a purely martial class like rogues or brawlers.

Bombs do in fact make use of the class abilities, though they do not benefit from the damage bonus from Improvised Arsenal. This is to avoid bombs being able to reach absurd damage potential (10d6 +2d10 seems a little OP for me)

the Artificer Advanced Trick was intended to allow crafting feats to benefit from the same cost reduction as normal goods, and applying the same weaknesses. I may need to amend the description better and exclude feats that rely on spells to function. But to answer your question, you don't need any feats as a prerequisite, but it would have little function without at least one.

As for the Guerrilla Tricks, I see what you mean about toe-treading. I implemented advanced talents since the Slayer class also borrowed them, and I feel the class could benefit from accessing them. The class shouldn't be too broken in doing so since it cannot access talents that effect sneak attack or other rogue-specific abilities. Guerrilla Tricks were partially based off Slayer Talents, allowing access to certain external class mechanics by 'spending' a point on them so to speak.

Making one slight change.

I'm removing Equipment Trick from the list of Bonus Feats and creating a Guerrilla Trick from it;

- Dangerous Instruments: You may select one equipment type from the Equipment Trick feat. You may use all of it's associated equipment tricks without meeting the prerequisites.

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Hi guys, just finished the first draft of my new homebrew class 'Guerilla', my first original class after working on Multiclass Archetypes and other sub-classes.

I'm looking for some input as to what could be done to improve or balance it, I -think- I've got it fairly balanced when drawn up against the newer martial based classes, but I don't want to presume that just because one class seems powerful in one regard they all must follow the same format.

A little blurb about this class; it's designed to be adaptive, self-sufficient, and a jack of all trades. Not so much in the sense it's a sneaky magic fighter, more so that it is capable of overcoming challenges with a little improvisation and cunning, having a broader skills set rather than something more refined. I've based the class mainly from other classes that offer similar playstyles, but do not fully realise the concept, mainly Rogue, Alchemist, Investigator, Brawler, Bard, Slayer and Ranger. I plan to release some archetypes alongside this class down the line, such as Arsonist, Mechanic and Ambush Artist.

So, here's the basic draft I created, anything constructive you have to offer would be most helpful, since this is a new challenge for me! (I do understand that the tables are a little hard to read, the forum doesn't seem to support tables or tab-spaces between text.)

Guerrilla; First Draft:

Whether a travelling nomad or a savage outlander, or perhaps a renegade living outside the law, Guerrillas are masters of survival and self-sufficiency. Their ability to improvise and adapt as the situation demands allows them a great degree of versatility, easily overcoming challenges where others would be defeated. The heart of their unpredictable nature lies in their ability to create unconventional weapons and equipment from their surroundings, and enhance their application through methods both crude and cunning. While they lack a magical affinity, they make up for their absence of arcana through use of special bombs that unleash devastating explosions that destroy and disrupt as effectively as any spell. Guerrillas are the perfect companion for situations where the odds aren't in your favor, turning even the most mundane of objects into a potent weapon and harsh environments into a devastating arena of combat.

Role: Guerrillas are best suited to situations that require versatility, both inside and outside of combat. Their ability to improvise in almost any situation allows them to be flexible combatants, and are able to drastically change the course of combat with their crudely made bombs and weaponry.

Alignment: Any

Hit Die: d8

Starting Wealth: 3d6 × 10 gp (average 105gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less.

Class Skills: Appraise, Craft, Disable Device, Disguise, Knowledge (Dungeoneering), Knowledge (Engineering), Knowledge: (Geography), Knowledge (Nature), Profession, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Survival, Use Magic Device

Skill Ranks Per Level: 6 + Int modifier.

1 +0 +2 +2 +0 1d6 Improvised Arsenal, Survivalism, Bomb 1d6, Trapfinding
2 +1 +3 +3 +0 1d6 Guerrilla Trick, Crude Combatant
3 +2 +3 +3 +1 1d6 Swift Assembly, Bomb 2d6, , Trap Sense +1
4 +3 +4 +4 +1 1d8 Endurance, Guerrilla Trick
5 +3 +4 +4 +1 1d8 Clever Construction (Modifications), Bomb 3d6
6 +4 +5 +5 +2 1d8 Guerrilla Trick, , Trap Sense +2
7 +5 +5 +5 +2 1d8 Bomb 4d6
8 +6/+1 +6 +6 +2 1d10 Guerrilla Trick
9 +6/+1 +6 +6 +3 1d10 Clever Construction (Bomb Energy), Bomb 5d6, , Trap Sense +3
10 +7/+2 +7 +7 +3 1d10 Advanced Tricks, Guerrilla Trick
11 +8/+3 +7 +7 +3 1d10 Jack of all Trades, Bomb 6d6
12 +9/+4 +8 +8 +4 2d6 Guerrilla Trick, , Trap Sense +4
13 +9/+4 +8 +8 +4 2d6 Clever Construction (Cold Iron and Silver), Bomb 7d6
14 +10/+5 +9 +9 +4 2d6 Guerrilla Trick
15 +11/+6/+1 +9 +9 +5 2d6 Bomb 8d6, , Trap Sense +5
16 +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5 2d8 Guerrilla Trick
17 +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5 2d8 Clever Construction (Adamantine), Bomb 9d6
18 +13/+8/+3 +11 +11 +6 2d8 Instant Assembly, Guerrilla Trick, , Trap Sense +6
19 +14/+9/+4 +11 +11 +6 2d8 Bomb 10d6
20 +15/+10/+5 +12 +12 +6 2d10 Master survivalist, Guerrilla Trick

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
A Guerrilla is proficient with all simple weapons, bombs and any improvised weapon. He is proficient with light armor and shields (except tower shields).

Improvised Arsenal:
A Guerrilla is a versatile combatant, utilising his surroundings to improvise weaponry to devastating effect. He gains Throw Anything and Catch Off-Guard as bonus feats, meaning that he no longer suffers penalty for using improvised weapons. In addition, improvised weapons gain a critical threat range of 19–20, with a critical multiplier of ×2. Improvised weapons wielded by the Guerrilla are considered to be both improvised and manufactured for the purposes of feats and abilities.
A Guerrilla also deals more damage with his improvised weapons than others, as shown on Table; Guerrilla. The improvised weapon damage values listed on that table are for Medium Guerrillas. A Small Guerrilla deals less damage than the amount given there with her improvised weapon attacks attacks, while a Large Guerrilla deals more damage; see the following table.

1-3 1d4 1d8
4-7 1d6 2d6
8-11 1d8 2d8
12-15 1d10 3d6
16-19 2d6 3d8
20 2d8 4d8

If an improvised weapon deals more base damage than that of the Guerrilla's Improvised Arsenal ability, he may substitute that damage instead. This must be declared before the Guerrilla makes an attack with such a weapon.

Survivalism (Ex):
Guerrilla's aren't just masters at improvising weapons in the field, but also at improvising other equipment. At 1st level, a Guerrilla may substitute her Survival skill in place of any Craft skill that creates player equipment, such as alchemy, bows, traps, weapons and armor. By doing so, he gains a proficiency bonus to Survival equal to his Guerrilla level when crafting items in this fashion.
However, items crafted this way are a crude comparison to properly designed wares, and are always produced as though affected by the Craft Shoddy Item feat. This ability does not confer a bonus to the Guerrilla's Craft skills, nor does it prevent a Guerrilla from selecting this feat through other means. Any weapons or armor fashioned this was count as being improvised for the sake of feats and abilities.
In addition, the competence bonus may be extended to any Survival skill check that requires gathering, cooking, setting up camp or otherwise creating produce, protection or shelter.

Bomb (Su):
Just as an Alchemist can create bombs from alchemical materials, a Guerrilla may fashion crude explosives from similar substances. The process of creating these bombs follow a more situational approach than academic, and thus use Wisdom in place of Intelligence. A Guerrilla can use a number of bombs each day equal to his class level + his Wisdom modifier. Bombs are unstable, and if not used in the round they are created, they degrade and become inert.
Drawing the components of, creating, and throwing a bomb requires a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Thrown bombs have a range of 20 feet and use the Throw Splash Weapon special attack. Bombs are considered weapons and can be selected using feats such as Point-Blank Shot and Weapon Focus. On a direct hit, a Guerrilla’s bomb inflicts 1d6 points of fire damage + additional damage equal to the Guerrilla's modifier. The damage of a Guerrilla's bomb increases by 1d6 points at every odd-numbered Guerrilla level (this bonus damage is not multiplied on a critical hit or by using feats such as Vital Strike). Splash damage from a bomb is always equal to the bomb’s minimum damage (so if the bomb would deal 2d6+4 points of fire damage on a direct hit, its splash damage would be 6 points of fire damage). Those caught in the splash damage can attempt a Reflex save for half damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the Guerrilla’s level + the Guerrilla's Wisdom modifier. although bombs are classified as improvised weapons, the Guerrilla does not apply the damage bonus from Improvised Arsenal to any bomb attacks.

Trapfinding (Ex):
A Guerrilla adds 1/2 his level to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device checks (minimum 1). A Guerrilla can use Disable Device to disarm magical traps.

Guerrilla Tricks:
As a Guerrilla advances, he learns new tricks that expand his versatility. At 2nd level, and every 2nd level thereafter, a Guerrilla may select one Guerrilla Trick from the pool below. Except where otherwise noted, each Guerrilla Trick can only be selected once.

- Bomb Discovery: The Guerrilla may select any Alchemist Discovery that affects bombs, treating his Guerrilla level as his Alchemist level. This Trick can be taken multiple times

- Rogue Talent: The Guerrilla may select any Rogue Talent (except those that affect Rogue/Ninja-specific abilities), treating his Guerrilla level as his Rogue level. This trick can be taken multiple times.

- Ranger Trap: (prerequisite: Level 4) The Guerrilla gains the Learn Ranger Trap feat, expending one of his daily allotments of bombs to create it. Ranger traps created this way may use the Improvised Arsenal damage values in place of their standard damage values. This Trick can be taken multiple times

- Weather-Worn: (prerequisite: Level 4) The Guerrilla no longer suffers ill effects of hot or cold climates, as though under the effects of the Endure Elements spell.

- Sabotage: The Guerrilla may apply the effects of Trapfinding to other mechanical objects, gaining a bonus to Knowledge (Engineering) in addition Disable Device.

- Honed Weaponry: The Guerrilla may cast the Refine Improvised Weapon, Desperate Weapon and Disguise weapon spells as spell-like abilities a number of times per day equal to 2 + his Wisdom Modifier

- Jury-Rigging: You may grant Survivalism's proficiency bonus to the Knowledge: (Engineering) skill checks to create objects in addiiton to craft skills

- Makeshift Munitionist: You gain Gunsmithing as a bonus feat, and may use your Survivalism skill to craft firearms and their ammunition.

- Bonus Feat: You may select from the following pool of feats in place of a Trick; Improvised Weapon Mastery, Improvised Defense, Torch Fighter, Equipment Trick, Improvisational Healer, Field Repair, Chairbreaker, Nature's Weapons, Tool Optimiser, Two-Weapon Drunkard Combat, Improved Dirty Trick, Quick Dirty Trick, Dirty Trick Master, Greater Dirty Trick, Underhanded Teamwork, Improved Underhanded Teamwork and Mud in Your Eye. The Guerrilla must have the Base Attack Bonus and any feats listed here as requirements of gaining the feat, he may otherwise choose them without meeting any other prerequisites.

- Track: The Guerrilla gains the Ranger's Track Ability, using his Guerrilla level in place of his Ranger level.

- Handy: You may grant Survivalism's proficiency bonus to any Profession skill checks to create objects in addition to craft skills.

Crude Combatant (Ex):
At 2nd level, the Guerrilla learns how to effectively fight dirty. He adds his Dexterity modifier in addition to his Strength modifier when calculating his Combat Manuever Bonus for Dirty Tricks.

Swift Assembly (Ex):
At 3rd level, a Guerrilla can create shoddy items with astounding speed. It takes a Guerrilla half the normal amount of time to create shoddy items with his Survivalism ability.

Trap Sense (Ex):
At 3rd level, a Guerrilla gains an intuitive sense that alerts him to danger from traps, granting him a +1 bonus on Reflex saving throws to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks by traps. At 7th level and every 3 levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by 1 (to a maximum of +6 at 18th level).

A Guerrilla gains Endurance as a bonus feat at 4th level.

Clever Construction (Ex):
At 5th level, the Guerrilla learns how to adapt and improve his improvised weapons to better challenge the variety of foes he may face. He gains the ability to add one weapon modification to his improvised weapons, so long it replicates the base weapon required in the modification's prerequisites. The weapon does not change from simple to martial, nor martial to exotic when modified as base weapons do.
At 9th level, he may also sacrifice one of his bombs to give his improvised weapon the flaming special ability for a number of minutes equal to his Guerrilla level, or the flaming burst special ability for a number of rounds equal to his Guerrilla level. If a Guerrilla has any bomb discoveries that alter his bomb's energy, he may instead replicate a matching special ability (Acid Bomb granting Corrosive/Corrosive Burst, Forst Bomb granting Frost/Icy Burst, etc.)
At 13th level, his improvised weapons are treated as cold iron and silver for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
At 17th level, his improvised weapons are treated as adamantine for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Advanced Tricks:
At 10th level, and every two levels thereafter, a Guerilla can select an Advanced Trick in place of a Guerrilla Trick. Unless otherwise noted, a Guerrilla cannot select an individual Trick more than once.

- Advanced Talents: The Guerrilla may select a Talent from the list of Advanced Rogue Talents (except those that affect Rogue/Ninja specific abilities), treating his Guerrilla level as his Rogue level.

- Swift Tracker: (Prerequisite; Track) The Guerrilla gains the Swift Tracker ability of Rangers, using his Guerrilla level in place of his Ranger level.

- Lanch Trap: (Prerequisite; Ranger Trap) A Guerrilla can affix a magical ranger trap to an arrow, crossbow bolt, or thrown weapon, allowing him to set the trap remotely or use it as a direct attack. Attaching the trap to the projectile is part of the action of creating or setting a new trap. The trapped projectile is fired or thrown in the normal manner. If fired at a square, the trap is treated as if the Guerrilla had set the trap in that square, except the DC is 5 lower than normal. If fired at a creature, the target takes damage from the ranged weapon and is treated as if it had triggered the trap (saving throw applies, if any). The attack has a maximum range of 60 feet, and range increments apply to the attack roll. The duration of the trapped projectile starts from when it is created, not from when it is used.

- Woodland Stride: Move through natural undergrowth at normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment.

- Guerrilla Camouflage: (Prerequisite; Terrain Mastery Rogue Talent) Hide in any of your favored terrains, even without cover or concealment.

- Artificer: You may apply your Survivalism ability to any Crafting Feats, such as Craft Wand and Craft Construct.

- Seasonal Sage: (Prerequisite; Weather-Worn) For a number of hours per day equal to your Wisdom modifier, you may extend your Weather-Worn Trick to affect allies as if using Communal Endure Elements.

Jack of All Trades (Ex):
At 11th level, the Guerilla can use any skill, even if the skill normally requires him to be trained. At 16th level, the Guerrilla considers all skills to be class skills. At 19th level, the Guerrilla can take 10 on any skill check, even if it is not normally allowed.

Master Survivalist:
At 20th level, a Guerrilla becomes a master of self-sufficiency and survival. Whenever a Guerrilla uses his Survivalism ability, he is no longer forced to apply the Craft Shoddy Item feat to his creations (unless he chooses to), though they retain all the benefits of being improvised.
In addition, whenever a Guerrilla makes an attack with an improvised weapon or bomb, he may perform a Dirty Trick against his foe as a free action once per turn.

Hi Revenge!

Typically when a certain class combination has been done before, we only use it again where a concept is different enough to warrant there being two of the same hybrid. So if your concept is different enough to the Crow Druid or Blackthorn, we would be able to work with it.

That being said, I do believe that Ninja/Druid has yet to be taken, so if you'd like to use that as a basis for your class then it's all yours. Otherwise, we can have a look at what you've got and see what we can do with it :)

Nice work El, now all that's left is to work on more :P

Hey guys,

Sorry for the long absence, it's been a wild ride for me this year balancing education and work, but I'm glad things have been progressing a little, MCAs have always been a fun project for me.

I probably missed the spike in activity but I've got some old classes from the backburner I've been meaning to work on, and I'm looking forward to working on other people's proposals too. :)

Sorry about being around less nowadays, final semester of uni, lots of work to cram in, little time for hobbies!

Glad to see that the community wiki is progressing nicely! I've still got the notes from this thread and last to post up when I can :)

Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:
Callum wrote:

There's some impressive work here!

One of my players would really like to run a druid/paladin. Ultimately, he'd want to use bits of the stonelord and menhir savant archetypes, making a menhir-lord, but I wonder if it would make sense to start with a combination of the base classes?

Just posted this over in your other thread, Callum.

How about this? Called it the Druadin for now, but you can rename it however you want.

** spoiler omitted **...

I like the look of this so far, El, but I'm curious how you justify level 6 spellcasting compared to basic paladin level 4 spellcasting?

Also, I think the focus on stone might be a little restrictive, perhaps the class could also be useful against constructs, plant creatures and fey that are made or earth, stone, and plant matter?

khadgar567 wrote:
if anyone has time to brew can you brew vigilante synthesis summoner archtype

I had an idea to do something like that at some point, but the 'Synthesis' it one of those classes that are often banned or taboo from games because it's seriously flawed and overpowered.

I might try using Druid, Alchemist or Hunter to replicate similar effects though.

The Eternal King wrote:

Running Draft

I hate to double post, but, this is what I have so far. It has some general thoughts and notes as far as concept goes.

Please feel free to assault my work.

I like how it's shaping up so far, I also agree with the notes that Johnny Devo has put forth.

I would also suggest that conjured weapons and ammo from the 'manifest' and 'mind munitions' should be detailed as though they -function- as an identical standard weapon/ammo type, and at later levels becomes masterwork in quality. However, it should not be treated as a physical weapon, so spells like Heat Metal or abilities like Disarm have no affect on it, though it should require concentration to maintain, and if broke the weapons/ammo disappear.

Azten wrote:
I have a Cleric/Kineticist I will polish up and submit. All I have to figure out is if it should keep 9th level spellcasting or reduce it to 6th.

Kineticist is a wierd one for sure, from how I've pieced it together, it seems like a caster that works similar to alchemist's bombs and a whole bunch of utility spells.

On the topic of such, here's the Kineticist project I've been working on. I'm hoping to expand the list of available blasts, and have formulated a working spreadsheet of potential combinations;

Kineticist Expanded

I'd like to hopefully integrate this into future MCAs, and work on it on a seperate thread if anybody is interested.

Welcome Eternal King!

We don't currently have a Gunslinger/Psychic just yet, so that one's certainly available for creation (as are most multiclasses using the occult adventures material).

Gunslingers (as you can probably tell) are my bane, along with monks and anything with a ki/grit pool, but I can certainly help out with building the class.

@Avoltoro - As for the Bloodgunner, I'm working on suitable replacement bloodrage powers for the 1st abilities of each bloodline.

@Johnny_Devo - The Kinetic/Magus looks about finished to me, all we need is a name now, and I'll put it in my folder ready to dump over to the official page when I've accumulated enough MCAs.

Hey again!

I've been rather busy with university work myself, and handling some other side projects in between, so I've been a bit absent myself, so nothing to worry about.

I should maybe enhance on what I said a while back, I was thinking of removing the 1st level bloodrager power, yes, but I will be replacing it with something more fitting to the ranged theme. The 1st level bloodrager pwoers are typically melee oriented last I checked.

Johnny_Devo wrote:

Well, in a way, the kinetic blast already is occupying quite a number of spell slots. Not only did I give the archetype diminished spellcasting, I also took away "spell recall". At level 4, that amounts to a loss of a cantrip slot, 1 level 1 spell, 1 level 2 spell, and whatever is in your arcane pool worth of "levels" of spells. That's quite a lot as a trade for a magus, but if I were to reverse that and instead make the blasts cost spell slots, this archetype would suddenly be running out of resources twice as fast as the base magus, and then be left with even fewer options than the base magus when he does run out.

Hmm, I see your point, I think we can probably keep that aspect as is for now then, though I would say it's probably best to get rid of cantrips in general for this class, as utility wild talents might be made redundant, and that way we can make it a proper 1-4 caster just like Ranger and Paladin.

Johnny_Devo wrote:

As for the role I wanted it to fill, I essentially wanted to replace all of the martial ability of the magus with a loose resemblance of the kineticist, while still maintaining the flavor of the magus wading into melee to mix it up with "sword" and spell.

Have you also considered looking at other base Magus Archetypes for ideas? a Magus by practice does not have to be restricted to melee, some use throwing weapons and bows, it may also be worth looking at Melee oriented Kineticist archetypes too.

Most of my main inspiration typically draws from a base Archetype, and from there I expand upon it, it helps balance things out easier and gauge potential and flaws.

Sorry I've been gone for a little while, been a busy few weeks recently!

@Johnny_Devo, I think making kinetic blast advance at the same rate as magus spells is both a good way to balance the skill when matched against spell potential, and makes it far easier and more streamlined when reading.

That being said, I think kinetic blast should expend spell slots, if you're aiming to keep magus spellcasting (which personally I think might be a bad choice considering kinetic blasts are an alternative to heavy spellcasting, though much in the same way alchemist bombs are)

As I see it, Kinetic Blasts and Infusions replace offensive spellcasting, while Wild Talents replace utility and defensive spellcasting.

I'd say you should take this into consideration for balance sake, decide what role you want Kineticist to occupy, and what role you want to retain from Magus.

Johnny_Devo wrote:
Tyrannical wrote:
Johnny_Devo wrote:
Has anyone worked on a Magus/Kineticist MCA? I have some pretty neat ideas floating around that I might want to put into writing.

Hi Johnny_Devo!

I don't believe it's been done! Occult Class MCAs are a rarity, though Kinetecist is something I plan to be doing plenty work with, so shoot!

Okay! I have a very early draft, with simply focusing on meshing the classes together. It actually took a lot to make them feel like one class. I put effort into making it not too powerful, but I'm also worried that it still might be a little too powerful.

I don't know the regular posting rules for this thread, so I just put it on a google document.

Anyone on that link can leave comments, I guess? Not sure quite how this process goes. Thoughts?

I was a little confused at first, since it says Kineticist/Magus, but I'm guessing it's intended to be other way around, a Magus/Kineticist?

I would tweak Kinetic Combat for the sake of balance/ability management, as it comes across as being a little complicated to use. I would say that it should function like Spell combat, though your spell hand can be used for blasts in addition to spells, and your weapon hand may be used for kinetic blade. Kinetic Blade itself would occupy your hand, so making it as though your hands must be free conflicts with this.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
JonathonWilder wrote:

Glad to see this is still going on, or more that it started back up again, perhaps I can jump in and offer a few ideas?

Also, given how the site is down is there a chance anyone might be able to get me the MCA that I come up with the concept for before? They're not all in the PDF files provided.

Welcome back Jonathan!

Ideas are always welcome, the floor is open to any new ideas since we're currently in a state of limbo in regards to feedback.

If there's something specific you're looking for, and it doesn't appear to be in the MCA PDFs, you could try searching through the dump.

MCA Dump

The dump is a little harder to navigate, and a little hard to read with the formatting, but if something existed on the MCAwiki it should be there, if not, it was likely implemented too late to be added to the wiki or lost when the wiki closed.

Alick wrote:
Sadness. Anyone got the witch/ninja mca saved somewhere I can have?

Arcane Masters I Critique.

Johnny_Devo wrote:
Has anyone worked on a Magus/Kineticist MCA? I have some pretty neat ideas floating around that I might want to put into writing.

Hi Johnny_Devo!

I don't believe it's been done! Occult Class MCAs are a rarity, though Kinetecist is something I plan to be doing plenty work with, so shoot!

Alick wrote:
Any idea when the paladin/gunslinger hybrid or ninja/witch hybrid will be posted to the new site?

Things are progressing slowly, I can say that much. Unfortunately I'm only responsible for adding new material (which I will do in batches) instead of updating the old.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Alick wrote:
Hey, just checking in to let you know the wiki is down. Apparently they don't do free non educational wikis anymore.

Hi Alick,

Our MCA Wiki has been down for some time now, and we are in the process of moving all our collected works over to the pathfinder community, you can find us here;

until everything is transferred, you can access our work in PDF format (look for PDFs 'Critiques' for the full works)

so! up next is the Prowling Poisoner and the Bloodgunner. It may take a while for AVoltoro to get back to us so I'm putting it on a low priority, so any other ideas are free to be posted up if anybody would like!

There's still opportunity for sharing ideas on the Bloodgunner, but without AVoltoro's feedback it's going to be hard to capture his standards.

Okay, here's the final version of the Cursebound, I'll get this up on the community page as soon as I can.


In life, the master of the arcane arts wield great and terrible power. They hone their minds and the spirits to master the magic of the universe, but what about in death? Not all go willingly to the next plane of existence, some fight, claw and struggle against the dark and their spirits go astray from the path of the afterlife, becoming wandering phantoms on the mortal world. Be they in their final moments of life, or somehow after death, they latch their own souls to the willing or unsuspecting and in doing so curse their host to live a life bound to the soul of another.

Primary Class: Spiritualist
Secondary Class: Witch
Alignment: Any
Hit Die: D8

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Cursebound is proficient with all simple weapons, kukris, saps, and scythes, as well as with light armor.

Spellcasting: A Cursebound uses their Intelligence in place of Wisdom when learning or casting spells, in addition to calculating DC for saving throws against the Cursebound's spells and bonus spells per day.

Esoteric Phantom (Su): Cursebound are intrinsically linked to the spirit of a powerful arcane caster. This ability works in all ways like the phantom ability of a normal spiritualist save for the following differences. Esoteric phantoms are not born out of a strong emotion or feeling, but rather cursed magic. Rather than gain an emotional focus, Esoteric phantoms gain a small portion of the magical ability they once had in life.

This manifest itself in the form of the ability to hex targets of their choosing. At 1st, 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th and 19th levels the phantom learns any one witch hex of the phantom’s choice. While manifested incorporeally, the phantom may hex any target within range, even corporeal foes. Starting at 11th level, it may also select from the list of major hexes available to witches. The DC for any hex cast by a phantom is 10 + ½ the cursebound’s level + the phantom’s charisma modifier.

Though at one point they may have been powerful spell casters, esoteric phantoms have been reduced, literally, to a shade of their former spells. Their spell knowledge is limited, and as such they act as a patron to the host they are bound to. At 1st level the cursebound selects one patron from the list of witch patrons, and gains a number of ranks in Spellcraft and Knowledge (Arcana) equal to its hit dice. While bound to the cursebound’s subconscious, it grants it host skill focus in each of those skills. This ability alters Phantom

Esoteric Tether (Su): Esoteric phantoms are weaker than normal spiritualist phantoms due to their method of creation. While they lack the strength of will to become manifested in ectoplasmic form, they are suited to different strengths. While incorporeally manifested, an esoteric phantom may spontaneously cast any spell from its list of patron spells known itself, gaining and casting these spells as a normal Witch would, using its charisma modifier to determine the DC of the spell. Casting a spell this way requires and sacrifices a spell slot capable of casting it from the cursebound host. This ability alters Etheric Tether.

Arcane Bonded Manifestation: When using bonded manifestation, a cursebound cannot use an ectoplasmic bond. However, the strength of two casters is united together. In addition to the normal effects of an incorporeal bonded manifestation, while active the cursebound receives a +1 bonus to the caster level and DC of any patron spell she casts. This bonuses increases by 1 at 8th, 13th, and 18th levels, to a maximum of +4. This ability alters Bonded Manifestation.

Esoteric Interference (Su): At 4th level, as long as the cursebound is within 30ft of her incorporeally manifested phantom, she gains a +2 bonus on saves verses spells and spell-like abilities. This ability replaces Spiritual Interference.

Arcane Understanding: Starting at 7th level, the Cursebound may trade one of her Spiritualist spells per day to instead spontaneously cast a witch spell of a lower level (such as trading a 4th level Spiritualist spell for a 3rd level Witch spell). Every 4 levels thereafter, the Cursebound may trade an additional Spiritualist spell per day. This ability replaces Calm Spirit.

Greater Esoteric Interference (Su): At 12th level, whenever allies are within 30ft of the cursebound’s phantom, they gain a +2 bonus on their saves versus spells and spell-like abilities. For the cursebound herself, this bonus increases to +4. This ability replaces Greater Spiritual Interference.

Cursebound Consciousness (Su):
At 20th level, while a Cursebound's phantom is confined in her consciousness, she is immune to curses, including spells with the curse descriptor and enemy witch hexes. This ability replaces Empowered Consciousness.

Ah, bit of error in communication on my part there. the Bloodgunner does not gain Bloodrage, but any of his Bloodline Abilities that would require him to Bloodrage to activate instead spend a point of grit in it's place to maintain.

I'll write up a final version of the Cursebound soon, and then I'll hand it off to the community page for all to see :)

Denorisn wrote:
Tyrannical wrote:


As for the Bloodgunner, from what it seems is you're looking to make a series of combat oriented bloodlines, which itself may take a while. I'd suggest what I mentioned before, and instead of using Gunslinger/Sorcerer we use Gunslinger/Bloodrager, and use the Bloodrager's bloodlines to fit the combat niche of the class, while forming "Bloodgrit" from both Bloodrage and Grit.

See I looked into that in my free time. For the bloodgunner, we're looking at Something that just uses grit points to spend on rounds of bloodrage?

Most bloodrager bloodlines are melee oriented in nature, we gleem this from the Abyssal and Draconic bloodlines, which give access to claws as melee weapons. Gunslingers avoid melee at almost all costs, so what good would these first level powers do? I'm kinda on the fence about this concept, as I don't see it working unless one made up entirely new bloodlines.

My suggesting would be to keep full soceror bloodlines for the class. have the 4th level spellcasting be based of the bloodrager's spell list, and add a new ability in, though it might turn them slightly into a magus copy.

For 1 point of grit, have the bloodgunner be able to channel any spell or bloodline ability with the range of "touch" or "ranged Touch" through his gun's next attack. Essentially make this a ranged version of a magus's spellstrike. this allows the gunner to feel like they are enchanting their bullets with arcane energies. Unlike bloodrager bloodlines, sorc bloodlines are full of ranged touch effects.

Not to worry, I wasn't intending on giving the Bloodgunner melee based bloodrage powers, The 1st level bloodrage abilities would be lost, but all others retained and progress as normal. Here is some basic ideas of what I had in mind using Gunslinger/Bloodrager:

Bloodgunner Notes:

Bloodline: At 1st level, a Bloodgunner gains a Bloodrager Bloodline of her choice.

Reduced Deeds: The Bloodgunner removes the following deeds from his list of available deeds; Gunslinger’s Dodge, Gunslinger Initiative, Dead Shot, Bleeding Wound, Slinger’s Luck and Death’s Shot.

Spellcasting: At 4th level, the Bloodgunner gains a normal Bloodrager's Spellcasting. He substitutes his Wisdom in place of Charisma.

Bloodline Powers: At 4th level, the Bloodgunner gains her bloodline's 4th level Bloodline power. At 8th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, she gains the Bloodline power of that level. A Bloodgunner does not gain the 1st level Bloodrage Power of her bloodline.

If any of her bloodline abilities require her to Bloodrage, she can instead substitute her grit points to keep them active. She spends 1 Grit per turn to maintain a Bloodrage triggered power. This ability replaces the lost deeds and Nimble.

Bonus Feats: When a Bloodgunner gains a bonus feat, he may choose one of her Bloodline's Bonus Feats in it's place

Bloodline Spell: At 7th, 10th, 13th, and 16th levels, a bloodgunner learns an additional spell derived from his bloodline. These spells are in addition to the number of spells given on Table: Bloodgunner. These spells cannot be exchanged for different spells at higher levels. This ability replaces Gun Training.

sage miller wrote:
Does anybody have backups of the Hive Master's Tunneling, Vermin Carapace, Vermin Soverign, and Worm Call hexes? I've been wanting to play one but I can't find those hexes.

Hi Sage Miller,

The Hive Master and it's new Hexes and be found in this PDF, the Hexes are highlighted after the class abilities.

Champions of the Wild Critique PDF



As for the Bloodgunner, from what it seems is you're looking to make a series of combat oriented bloodlines, which itself may take a while. I'd suggest what I mentioned before, and instead of using Gunslinger/Sorcerer we use Gunslinger/Bloodrager, and use the Bloodrager's bloodlines to fit the combat niche of the class, while forming "Bloodgrit" from both Bloodrage and Grit.

Okay, since there's no word from AVoltoro for a while now, I'll go ahead and post up the revision of the Prowling Poisoner for anyone that would care to see it, feel free to suggest anything that would help balance it out or improve upon the running theme.

Prowling Poisoner:

While the sword has been used as a tool to wage war, poison has been used as a tool to end it. Whether a laced goblet of wine or unsuspecting arrow from the dark, the power of a potent poison has the potential to end a battle before it's even begun. Operating from the shadows, the Prowling Poisoner uses venoms and toxins to lethal effect, whether through a debilitating direct attack or contaminating food and drink as a deadly trap.

Primary Class: Ranger
Secondary Class: Investigator
Alignment: Any
Hit Die: d10

Bonus Skills and Ranks: The Prowling Poisoner may select three Investigator skills to add to his class skills in addition to the normal Ranger class skills. The Prowling Poisoner gains a number of ranks at each level equal to 6 + Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Prowling Poisoner is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).

Favored Enemy (Ex): As normal

Track (Ex): As normal

Poison Lore (Ex): At 1st level, The Prowling Poisoner gains the Poison Lore ability of Investigators. This ability replaces Wild Empathy.

Poisoner's Talent (Ex or Su): At 2nd level, the Prowling Poisoner gains access to a small pool of Bonus Feats, Rogue Talents and Alchemist Discoveries that augment his abilities. At 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th level, he may choose one feat, talent or discovery from this pool;

Bonus Feats: Adder Strike, Poison Focus*, Powerful Poisoning
Alchemist Discoveries: Concentrate Poison, Enhance Potion, Extend Potion
Rogue Talents: Disease Use, Lasting Poison, Deft Palm

At 6th level, he adds;
Bonus Feats: Pinpoint Poisoner, Infuse Poison*, Subtle Poisoner
Alchemist Discoveries: Poison Conversion, Sticky Poison, Bottled Ooze
Rogue Talents: Iron Guts, Fast Fingers, Hold Breath

At 10th level, he adds;
Bonus Feats: Toxic Spell*, Deep Toxin
Alchemist Discoveries: Celestial Poisons, Malignant Poison
Rogue Talents: Deadly Cocktail, Frugal Trapsmith
*Feats marked with an asterisk use extracts in place of spells
This ability replaces Bonus Combat Feats.

Poison Resistance (Ex): At 2nd level, the Prowling Poisoner gains a +2 bonus on all saving throws against poison. This bonus increases to +4 at 5th level, and to +6 at 8th level. At 11th level, the Prowling Poisoner becomes completely immune to poison. This ability replaces Evasion and Improved Evasion.

Favored Poison (Ex): At 3rd level, a Prowling Poisoner may select a type of poison delivery (contact, ingested, inhaled, or injury). Once chosen, any poisons of that delivery type used by the Prowling Poisoner have their material cost, crafting time and crafting DC reduced by 10%.

At 8th level and every five levels thereafter, the Prowling Poisoner may select an additional favored poison. In addition, at each such interval, the reduced crafting requirements in any one favored poison (including the one just selected, if so desired), decrease by a further 10% (to a maximum of 40%)

Endurance: As normal

Tailored Toxin (Ex): At 4th level, the Prowling Poisoner can create Tailored Toxins. To create a Tailored Toxin, the Prowling Poisoner designates one of his Favored Enemies when crafting any poison, this poison becomes especially deadly against them. This poison works as normal against most foes, though when used against the designated Favored Enemy it increases the saving throw DC by +2, and the amount of saves needed to cure it by +1.

The increase in the DC of the saving throw extends by another +2 and cure saves by +1 for each time the Favored Enemy is chosen (to a maximum of +10 DC and +5 saves to cure). This ability replaces Hunter's Bond.

Toxic Alchemy (Su): At 4th level, the Prowling Poisoner gains the Alchemy ability of Investigators, using his Prowling Poisoner level -3 in place of Investigator levels. However, he cannot use 5th and 6th level extracts, and loses all 'cure' extracts and instead gains the following extracts augmented by the 'touch injection' spell.

1st level Extracts: Decompose Corpse, Endothermic Touch, Frostbite, Itching Curse
2nd level Extracts: Accelerate Poison, Feast of Ashes, Frigid Touch, Pernicious Poison, Pox Pustules, Unshakable Chill
3rd level Extracts: Aggravate Affliction, Contagion, Cup of Dust, Fungal Infestation, Poison, Stench of Prey
4th level Extracts: Blight, Touch of Slime, Poisonous Balm, Greater Contagion

The Prowling Poisoner uses his Wisdom score in place of his Intelligence score when calculating bonus extracts per day and saving throws against his extracts. He gains extracts per day at the same rate a Ranger normally gets his spells per day. This ability replaces Spellcasting.

Swift Alchemy (Ex): At 7th level, the Prowling Poisoner gains the Swift Alchemy ability of Investigators. This ability replaces Woodland Stride.

Swift Tracker (Ex): As normal

Quarry (Ex): As normal

Sly Poisoner (Ex): At 12th level, a Prowling Poisoner may secretly poison objects, or people, without rousing awareness of his actions. For each rank in a Favored Poison, he gains a +3 competence bonus to Sleight of Hand and Stealth skill checks to subtly apply poison to his weapon, food and drink items, small objects, or unsuspecting creatures with his Favored Poison (to a maximum of +12). This ability replaces Camouflage

Clandestine Poisoner (Ex and Su): At 17th level, a Prowling Poisoner can apply poison to his weapon as an immediate action. In addition, he may augment his Sly Poisoner ability to ensure the poison is untraceable by magic and mundane means of detection (such as the Detect Poison spell, or Poison Lore ability). This ability replaces Hide in Plain Sight.

Improved Quarry (Ex): As normal

Master Poisoner (Sp and Ex): At 20th level, The Prowling Poisoner may track any creature that has successfully been poisoned by him as if under the effects of the 'Locate Creature' spell. In addition, when a Favored Enemy is subjected to a Tailored Toxin, the cumulative effects of the poison strike instantly, ignoring the onset time and relaying all the ability damage over time in a single round if he so desires, allowing them to make a single saving throw to resist it's effects, or suffer them all at once. Tailored Toxins also bypass Poison Resistance and Immunity, but are still subject to normal saving throws, and certain effects may still be negated (such as constitution damage to undead).

Iceman1077 wrote:

Has a Rogue/Monk or Monk/Rogue been done? I was thinking about doing a Gambler/Scoundrel type class that blended them giving a luck pool instead of ki, and based around Charisma.

Hi Icemann1077

Rogue Monk has been done, though I believe Monk/Rogue is up for grabs

AnonMD wrote:
Has Paladin/Alchemist been done? Trading out a lot of the magic of the paladin for alchemic devices that acomplish much the same sounds really cool.

I'm afraid Paladin/Alchemist has been done, in the form of the 'Sacred Illuminary'. Though Alchemist/Paladin has not yet been done.

That being said, there is an Investigator/Paladin of my own design called the 'Astute Physician' that focuses on replicating the abilities of the paladin through alchemical medicine.


Also, regarding the Bloodgunner, I'm thinking from what's been said that Gunslinger/Bloodrager is the best direction to go for what
AVoltoro is looking for, but if there's no word from him soon I'll post up the revision of the Prowling Poisoner (which will be Ranger/Investigator, given Investigator/Ranger has been done before)

Denorisn wrote:
Tyrannical wrote:

Here's a quick revision of the Cursebound I devised working in some of the proposed tweaks.

** spoiler omitted **...

This is great actually. it looks like this archetype is really nearing completion. Just a few things to note:

1. Its funny, but the spiritualist already has every single class skill that the witch possesses. keeping the line about adding three class skills thus becomes redundant because, well, you can't.

2. I see what you meant about the phantom's legitimate spellcasting. I think I put a typo somewhere, but I meant for the phantom to only be able to cast patron spells, not every spell the cursebound knows as well. Although, when you add this in, it really does drive home the witchy feel of the phantom. I'm prone to keeping it. it really adds to the diversity of what the phantom can do. This way, the phantom has hexs, patron spells, and a weaker list to chose from and cements the idea of the caster phantom.

3. Arcane understanding. I like this version. I think we should keep it. A floating witch spell known once to 4 times a day really does improve upon versatility, but since the witch spell list isn't as broken as the wizard it's not too op.

4. Perhaps we could change the 20th level capstone? Instead of what spiritualists normally gets, make it something like Greater Arcane Understanding, which allows them to freely cast ANY witch spell (including 9th) once per day, without using a slot.

5. The curse bound is by far heavily reliant on their spell slots, more so than the base class or really a lot of other 6th level casters. Would it be possible to give them an extra spell per day of each level or is that too much? if we did push them that route I'd remove their bonus weapon proficiencies beyond normal.

1. Noted, I'll put it in the next revision.

2. If the phantom can only cast patron spells, then we can remove the -2 caster level nerf, since it's spellcasting is already limited.

3. Glad you like it, it should bring more witch-related magics into the class!

4. Perhaps instead of immunity to mind-effecting spells, the Cursebound is immune to spells with the Curse descriptor, as well as hostile witch Hexes?

5. I think with the ability to exchange Spiritualist spells for Witch spells, in addition to access to patron spells, may make additional spell slots per day may be overpowered.

However, I'd wager if you really wanted to go down that route, we should trade the bonus to Caster Level the Arcane Bonded Manifestation ability grants.

sage miller wrote:
So since the wikispaces sight got taken down is there anywhere I can find the rest of the created content other than what's in the dump since the dump only seems to contain A-M?

Until the old content is put up on the community page, most of what we have can be found in the PDFs labelled 'critiques'.

Here's a quick revision of the Cursebound I devised working in some of the proposed tweaks.

The Cursebound:

In life, the master of the arcane arts wield great and terrible power. They hone their minds and the spirits to master the magic of the universe, but what about in death? Not all go willingly to the next plane of existence, some fight, claw and struggle against the dark and their spirits go astray from the path of the afterlife, becoming wandering phantoms on the mortal world. Be they in their final moments of life, or somehow after death, they latch their own souls to the willing or unsuspecting and in doing so curse their host to live a life bound to the soul of another.

Primary Class: Spiritualist
Secondary Class: Witch
Alignment: Any
Hit Die: D8

Class Skills: The Cursebound may select three Witch skills to add to his class skills in addition to the normal Spiritualist class skills. The Cursebound gains a number of ranks at each level equal to 4 + Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Cursebound is proficient with all simple weapons, kukris, saps, and scythes, as well as with light armor.

Spellcasting: A Cursebound uses their Intelligence in place of Wisdom when learning or casting spells, in addition to calculating DC for saving throws against the Cursebound's spells.

Esoteric Phantom: (Su) Cursebound are intrinsically linked to the spirit of a powerful arcane caster. This ability works in all ways like the phantom ability of a normal spiritualist save for the following differences. Esoteric phantoms are not born out of a strong emotion or feeling, but rather cursed magic. Rather than gain an emotional focus, Esoteric phantoms gain a small portion of the magical ability they once had in life. This manifest itself in the form of the ability to hex targets of their choosing. At 1st, 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th and 19th levels the phantom learns any one witch hex of the phantom’s choice. While manifested incorporeally, the phantom may hex any target within range, even corporeal foes. Starting at 11th level, it may also select from the list of major hexes available to witches. The DC for any hex cast by a phantom is 10 + ½ the cursebound’s level + the phantom’s charisma modifier.

Though at one point they may have been powerful spell casters, esoteric phantoms have been reduced, literally, to a shade of their former spells. Their spell knowledge is limited, and as such they act as a patron to the host they are bound to. At 1st level the cursebound selects one patron from the list of witch patrons. She gains the esoteric spells and bonus spells known, though only those from 1st-6th level.

In addition, the esoteric phantom gains a number of ranks in Spellcraft and Knowledge (Arcana) equal to its hit dice. While bound to the cursebound’s subconscious, it grants it host skill focus in each of those skills.

This alters Phantom

Esoteric Tether: (Su) Esoteric phantoms are weaker than normal spiritualist phantoms due to their method of creation. While they lack the strength of will to become manifested in ectoplasmic form, they are suited to different strengths. While incorporeally manifested, an esoteric phantom may spontaneously cast any spell from its list of esoteric spells known itself, using its charisma modifier to determine the DC of the spell. Casting a spell this way requires and sacrifices a spell slot capable of casting it from the cursebound host.

Spells cast by the phantom (with the exception of Patron spells) are cast at -2 caster level, as the phantom's ability to manifest itself is limited, and lacks an ectoplasmic form.

This alters Etheric Tether.

Arcane Bonded Manifestation: When using bonded manifestation, a cursebound cannot use an ectoplasmic bond. However, the strength of two casters is united together. In addition to the normal effects of an incorporeal bonded manifestation, while active the cursebound receives a +1 bonus to the caster level and DC of any patron spell she casts. This bonuses increases by 1 at 8th, 13th, and 18th levels, to a maximum of +4.

This alters Bonded Manifestation.

Esoteric Interference: (Su) At 4th level, as long as the cursebound is within 30ft of her incorporeally manifested phantom, she gains a +2 bonus on saves verses spells and spell-like abilities.

This ability replaces Spiritual Interference.

Arcane Understanding: Starting at 7th level, the Cursebound may trade one of her Spiritualist spells per day to instead spontaneously cast a witch spell of a lower level (such as trading a 4th level Spiritualist spell for a 3rd level Witch spell). Every 4 levels thereafter, the Cursebound may trade an additional Spiritualist spell per day.

This replaces Calm Spirit.

Greater Esoteric Interference: (Su) At 12th level, whenever allies are within 30ft of the cursebound’s phantom, they gain a +2 bonus on their saves versus spells and spell-like abilities. For the cursebound herself, this bonus increases to +4.

This ability replaces Greater Spiritual Interference.

christos gurd wrote:
Dread Knight wrote:
Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:
Dread Knight wrote:
I remember there being a Monk/Oracle one that wasn't Elemental Savant. I think it was like Closed Eyed Oracle or something and there was a Zen Mystery. What happened to it?

It was an Oracle/Monk called the Open Eyed Oracle.

** spoiler omitted **...

Ah yes thank you do you or anyone else know where a full write up for Open Eyed Oracle can be found?
if i can find the doc where all my mcas were kept i'll post it up.

Got you covered! It can be found here in the Divine Champions PDF Critique

Denorisn wrote:

These are really good suggestions. You might be right about the phantom's spellcasting might be a bit too much, so I definitely would let them be cast at -2 caster level. In the same vein, I would go further and base the phantom's hex dcs off 1/2 the phantom's own hd rather than 1/2 the spiritualists level, to be more on par with other phantom dcs. Its a nerf, sure, but its not that punishing.

As for arcane understanding, what you are suggesting is basically spontaneous access to most of the entire witch spell list at a cost for two spellslots? isn't that a bit much?

Hmm. perhaps if the Cursebound were to trade a Spiritualist spell to cast a lower witch spell? (trading a 5th level spiritualist spell for a 4th level witch spell for example)


I think I understand what you mean AVoltoro, and if this is the case, I think it may be more fitting for the class to be a Gunslinger/Bloodrager, and combining the Grit and Bloodrage abilities into a single 'point spend' system. Bloodrager also has more combat-oriented bloodline powers that would compliment the Bloodgunner theme.

The Cursebound

This class seems fairly well balanced to start off with, though it does need a little tweaking to fit.

I would suggest that the Arcane Understanding ability instead allows the Cursebound to sacrifice 2 of her spells per day from any level (1-6) to instead cast a Witch spell of equal spell level.

I'd also say that allowing an incorporeal phantom limitless spellcasting may be a bit overpowered, even if it spends the Cursebound's spells per day. I'd suggest that spells cast by the Cursebound's Phantom are weaker somehow, since they cannot properly manifest themselves physically. Maybe if they were to work at -2 caster level in addition to spending Cursebound spells per day it may be more balanced.

Hi Denorism,

As Lindley said there's no occult classes just yet, so spiritualist/witch is up for grabs. If you have a working idea, feel free to post it up.

I'll be working on a refined version of the Prowling Poisoner soon, does anyone have any input for it in it's current form?

I devised a list of Investigator Talents available to the prowling poisoner and the expanded extract list;


Alchemist Discovery: This functions as the talent of the same name, though instead the Prowling Poisoner has access to the following discoveries; Celestial Poisons, Chameleon, Combine Extracts, Concentrate Poison, Deadly Excretions, Dilution, Enhance Potion, Eternal Potion, Extend Potion, Infusion, Malignant Poison, Nauseating Flesh, Poison Conversion, Sticky Poison.

Rogue Talent: This functions as the talent of the same name, though instead the Prowling Poisoner has access to the following rogue talents; Black Market Connections, Combat Swipe, Cunning Trigger, Deft Palm, Disease Use, Green Tongue, Hold Breath, Iron Guts, Lasting Poison, Trap Spotter, Wild Magic.

Untraceable Poison: With this talent, you are able to conceal any poison you create from mundane or magical means of identification or discovery (such as the Detect Poison spell or Poison Lore ability) for as many hours equal to 1/2 your Investigator level. At 10th level, this ability instead lasts a number of days equal to 1/2 your Investigator level instead. You may choose not to use the full duration, but the ability must be spend in hour (or day) long intervals.

Toxicology: You are able to use the Wild Empathy Ranger ability against animals, vermin, plants or magical beasts with the 'Poison' natural ability, using your Investigator level as your Ranger level.


1st level extracts: Decompose Corpse, Endothermic Touch, Frostbite, Itching Curse.
2nd level extracts: Accelerate Poison, Feast of Ashes, Frigid Touch, Pernicious Poison, Pox Pustules, Unshakable Chill.
3rd level extracts: Aggravate Affliction, Contagion, Cup of Dust, Fungal Infestation, Poison, Stench of Prey.
4th level extracts: Touch of Slime.
5th level extracts: Greater Contagion, Poisonous Balm.
6th level extracts: Epidemic, Overwhelming Poison.

The extracts are treated as both a poison and an extract, and are affected as such for all Prowling Poisoner abilities and talents.

Browman wrote:
Tyrannical wrote:
Browman wrote:
Toxic strike seems to be weirdly worded and I had to read it a couple of times to figure out. What is the DC of the save vs Toxic strike?
Same saves as the initial attack plus the poison, so two separate saves to land the hit.
That is not clear to me from the current way it is written.

changed it to be more comprehensible;

Toxic Strike: At 4th level, the Prowling Poisoner can make a Toxic Strike against an enemy, enhancing upon the virulent nature of the poison in use, becoming increasingly deadly or narcotic. Making a Toxic Strike requires the Prowling Poisoner to attack with a poisoned weapon, and should the target fail the saves against both the initial attack and the poison, it is subject to additional Acid or Non-lethal damage (decided when the Prowling Poisoner Makes the Attack).

Browman wrote:
Toxic strike seems to be weirdly worded and I had to read it a couple of times to figure out. What is the DC of the save vs Toxic strike?

Same saves as the initial attack plus the poison, so two separate saves to land the hit.

Since Browman and AVoltoro may take a while tweaking their concepts, I'll post up one of my own MCAs in the meantime, and whenever either concept is ready to be posted they'll be up next!

I could use a little help ironing out the creases if anyone wants to take a look;

Prowling Poisoner:

Poison has been used by both scoundrel and scholar for purposes both noble and nefarious. It is the tool of choice when wishing to end a life with little bloodshed or evidence as to who the culprit is, often finding it's way into the goblets of nobles and heroes who have been deemed marked for death. While poison is a grim weapon by nature, it may also be used to painlessly fend off attackers or incapacitate your opponent before they can unleash their assault upon you. The Prowling Poisoner is an expert toxitician and wields poison as his weapon of choice, whether for good or evil.

Primary Class: Investigator
Secondary Class: Ranger
Alignment: Any
Hit Die: d8

Bonus Skills and Ranks: The Prowling Poisoner may select three Ranger skills to add to his class skills in addition to the normal Investigator class skills. The Prowling Poisoner gains a number of ranks at each level equal to 6 + Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Prowling Poisoner is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the switchblade, short sword, syringe spear, shortbow, flask thrower, hand crossbow, launching crossbow and dart gun.

Toxic Alchemy: This ability functions identically to the Investigator's Alchemy ability, with the addition of the following extracts; (I'll add some extracts here soon, they'll fit an enemy poisoning theme). These select extracts are augmented by the 'Touch Injection' spell.

Poison Lore: The Prowling Poisoner gains this ability at 1st level instead of 2nd.

Favored Enemy: At 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th level, the Prowling Poisoner may choose a Ranger Favored Enemy. This ability replaces Inspiration.

Toxitician: At 2nd level, the Prowling Poisoner adds 1/2 his level (minimum 1) to Sleight of Hand and Stealth skill checks when attempting to secretly poison an object or creature. In addition, he may cast 'Detect Poison' as a spell-like ability at will. This ability replaces Trapfinding and Trap Sense

Poison Resistance/Immunity: As normal

Investigator Talent: As normal (there will be more added and some tweaks to the current ones to fit the class)

Infuse Poison: At 3rd level, the Prowling Poisoner gains the Infuse Poison feat, using his extracts in place of spells. This ability replaces Keen Recollection.

Tailored Toxin: At 4th level, the Prowling Poisoner can create Tailored Toxins. To craft a Tailored Toxin, the Prowling Poisoner designates one of his Favored Enemies while crafting any poison, and from then on that poison gains an increase to the DC of saving throws to resist the poison equal to the Favored Enemy bonus (default +2). This bonus only applies to the Favored Enemy designated while creating the Tailored Toxin, though the poison can still be used normally against other enemies. This ability replaces Studied Combat.

Toxic Strike: At 4th level, the Prowling Poisoner can make a Toxic Strike against an enemy, enhancing upon the virulent nature of the poison in use, becoming increasingly deadly or narcotic. Making a Toxic Strike requires the Prowling Poisoner to attack with a poisoned weapon, and should the target fail the saves against both the initial attack and the poison, it is subject to additional Acid or Non-lethal damage (decided when the Prowling Poisoner Makes the Attack).

The damage is 1d6 at 4th level, and increases by 1d6 for every 2 levels thereafter (to a maximum of 9d6 at 20th level). Enemies immune to poison, or non-lethal or acid damage types are not affected. This ability replaces Studied Strike.

Swift Alchemy: As Normal

Poison Master: At 20th level, the Prowling Poisoner becomes a master in the arts of poisoning. He may apply poison to a weapon as an immediate action, and may bypass the normal poison resistances of any of his Favored Enemies. Enemies are still subject to a normal save to escape the effects, and may still be resistant to the effects of the poison (such as Undead resisting Constitution damage).

AVoltoro wrote:
Has anyone done gunslinger/sorcerer and bard/sorcerer? I have ideas for both, but it would require separate types of bloodlines, like with the bloodrager.

Hi AVoltoro,

Neither of those combinations have been done according to the PDF Critiques, so either are up for grabs. Creating new Bloodlines is fine, as many of our previous classes have done so before, highlighted under the 'Suppliments' section, and in the general dump.

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