So my RotR group is going to hit 13th level soon. The bard is happy because he believes he can start two performances in one round with Virtuoso Performance: start first performance as a swift action, cast virtuoso performance as a standard action, start second performance as a move action.
The bardic ability says: At 7th level, a bard can start a bardic performance as a move action instead of a standard action. At 13th level, a bard can start a bardic performance as a swift action.
I have no problem believing that a bard could still start a bardic performance as a move or standard action after 13th level. If the bard wanted to start a performance the round after using an immediate action, and hence didn't have a swift action, I see no problem with starting that performance being either a move or standard action. If the bard had quicken spell and wanted to start a performance while casting a quickened spell and standard action spell, I have no problem with starting the performance being a move action.
I'm having problems with the concept of starting two performances the same round, whether it's a swift, move or standard action. I've noted there are other threads discussing the same topic in terms of a Paladin's lay on hands to heal himself.
Virtuoso Performance seems to support the idea that you can't start both performances in the same round. The text says:" While this spell is active, you may start a second bardic performance while MAINTAINING another."
So.... what does everyone else think about this?