TyrKnight's page

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I'm thinking about mythic flaws and the sins they relate to -- for possible use in the RotR game I'm currently running. Honestly I don't really like the flaws as written. But putting that aside, Furious Rage works for wrath; Hubris works for pride; some variation on dependency would work for gluttony. Anyone got ideas for other mythic flaws to fit with the other sins.

So my RotR group is going to hit 13th level soon. The bard is happy because he believes he can start two performances in one round with Virtuoso Performance: start first performance as a swift action, cast virtuoso performance as a standard action, start second performance as a move action.

The bardic ability says: At 7th level, a bard can start a bardic performance as a move action instead of a standard action. At 13th level, a bard can start a bardic performance as a swift action.

I have no problem believing that a bard could still start a bardic performance as a move or standard action after 13th level. If the bard wanted to start a performance the round after using an immediate action, and hence didn't have a swift action, I see no problem with starting that performance being either a move or standard action. If the bard had quicken spell and wanted to start a performance while casting a quickened spell and standard action spell, I have no problem with starting the performance being a move action.

I'm having problems with the concept of starting two performances the same round, whether it's a swift, move or standard action. I've noted there are other threads discussing the same topic in terms of a Paladin's lay on hands to heal himself.

Virtuoso Performance seems to support the idea that you can't start both performances in the same round. The text says:" While this spell is active, you may start a second bardic performance while MAINTAINING another."

So.... what does everyone else think about this?

In the old rules, you could overcome DR if you had DR as a monster. If you have DR 5/silver, you have silver attacks for purposes of overcome other monster's DR. Is that still true? Can you point me to that reference?

So the PFSRD Summon Monster spell table links to a whole bunch of elemental types -- the traditional four, some combinations (like mud), and also positive and negative energy elementals. If you can summon a large elemental with a fifth level spell, are positive energy elementals permitted? I don't see anything RAW that forbids it, but it's getting far afield from the traditional wizard role of summoning those types of things.

The text reads: Armor with this special ability usually appears to be made from magically hardened animal pelt. The wearer of a suit of armor or a shield with this ability preserves his armor bonus (and any enhancement bonus) while in a wild shape. Armor and shields with this ability usually appear to be covered in leaf patterns. While the wearer is in a wild shape, the armor cannot be seen.

So a hide armor (+4) enchanted +1 with the wild property adds +5 to the AC when wild shaped?

That one seems clear.

A large wooden shield (+2) enchanted +1 with the wild property adds ... nothing to the AC when wild shaped, because it's a shield bonus and enhancement bonus to the shield and not, as the wild property suggests, an armor bonus?

That one comes from the specific wording "the wearer of a suit of armor or a shield with this ability preserves his ARMOR BONUS (and any enhancement bonus) while in a wild shape".

But, you could get a +1 large wooden shield with the wild property, and +3 hide armor, and gain +7 to the AC when wild shaped? Because the wild property gives you your armor bonus to your AC, along with any enhancement bonus to the armor, regardless of which armor item the wild property is on?