
Typelouder's page

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I was really excited about this thread until people (mostly one person) showed up to complain about a term. Why? What was the point of that? You got irritated that someone showed up looking to make a character with a particular style in mind, used a term that probably 75% of the people on this board probably understand. That term is something the reader can relate to pathfinder and find something that works to accomplish something similar.

Also why get angry at people that played WoW? outside of the people that already played table tops, the MMO's probably did more to change the perception of tabletop games in a positive way.

You knew what he meant and that there is effects (antagonize, Divine Prankster enrage ability) that have existed in 3.5 and pathfinder that accomplish something similar.

Back to the thread: If you don't have the feats to really invest in the trip line of feats, Stand Still might be a nice addition. Preventing people from moving past you. I think Agile manuevers might be worth it in general...but if not you it wouldn't be too awful of a check with full bab and if you aren't dumping str for a finesse build.

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Silent image: create a globe of darkness. Basically giving them the blinded condition. Create areas of dense fog.

Shocking grasp + conductive weapon.

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I am toying around with a character concept that focuses or uses breath weapons/spells strongly.

So far the ways I can think to accomplish getting some type of breath weapons is the following:

Firebreath (Spell lvl 2)
Dragon breath (spell lvl 4)
Sorcerer: Dragon bloodline
Improved Eldritch Heritage feat
Half Dragon Template
Dragon Disciple Prestige Class
Bloodrager (Dragon bloodline)
Breath Weapon Bomb (alchemist)
Qinggong Monk (Breath weapon ki ability).
Chakra: Navel.

Am I missing anything?

So far the basic idea I had in mind is to use the breath weapon anytime I need to move in a round, then use full attack actions in melee. Besides the breath weapon use (Ideally more then once a day), I am open on all other aspects. What do you guys got?

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Eldritch knight then into Hell Knight signifier. Play level one as a fighter, then level up as a wizard. It's nothing fancy.

For a polymorher I like the alchemist a lot more. Better hit die, bab, saves, and class abilities to compliment (vivisectionist and mutagen).

Transmuter really needs a change to the school powers: changing from enhancement bonus to insight or some other different bonus type.

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From what I read about the netharese (pretty sure that's the shade empire), one of the warlocks loved to collect monsters and beasts and put them in stasis. When you have a floating city it makes sense that there could be some pets there for the sole reason of having the ability too. Also experimentations. Maybe a medusa guard levels

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what are some non standard (mercenary company, shipping, tavern) business ideas for characters in game?

Some of the ideas I have already: A Loan office with steep interest rates, green house that specifically grows rare herbs and regents for Mage schools/alchemy, and a messenger pigeon between cities/towns.

Need some more outside the box ideas

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This class really needs a win. Making masterpieces separate from performances would make many of these actually worth the feat/Spell known to take.

I still wish Bard would get a rework making it a full spell caster (9 levels vs 6) but with the limited spell list.

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Why couldn't this have been an archetype available to all classes... Thus focusing on the secret identity aspect and having the core combat rules already be built into other classes.