Grand Necromancer

Tyan's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts (26 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.


Awesome, Thanks for the responses! All of it is extremely helpful. Dastis, I think what you are saying makes a ton of sense, I think I will go for something along those lines.

Thanks again!

Hey all,
I am GMing a game, and for the first time (in all the adventures I've ever ran) someone wants to do some crafting.

Here is his request:
Body Slot: Waist
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint; (DC 16) conjuration
Activation: command

While wearing a healing belt, you gain a
+2 competence bonus on Heal checks.
This is a continuous effect and requires
no activation.

In addition, the belt has 3 charges,
which are renewed each day at dawn.
Spending 1 or more charges allows you to
channel positive energy and heal damage
with a touch.

1 charge: Heals 2d8 points of damage.
2 charges: Heals 3d8 points of damage.
3 charges: Heals 4d8 points of damage.

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, cure
moderate wounds.

I just want to double check my calculations for this because he is insisting that its only going to cost 500GP

Here is my calculation:
For the +2 to healing 2*2x100=400GP

For the healing charges I am calculating this as 2 uses per day as the max heal is 4D8 so its 2 for SL x 3 for CL x 1,800 / (5/2) = 4,320GP

so 4,320GP + 400GP for the skill bonus = 4,720GP / 2 for crafting = 2,360GP total cost to create.

Does that look correct to you?

Thanks for looking!

I am very interested in joining, I would be creating an inquisitor who may possibly multiclass as a summoner, I don't know yet. Where should a put a char submission? Also is it okay if my reference source is d20pfsrd?

Thanks Nohwear, but I have a small hatred for goblins, they stole all my gear and took my left pinky in the last campaign I was in. I guess I want to be one of the core races. And yes a one shot is just fine. Also, the only thing I am new at is pbp, I do know how to play the game :)

Thanks again!

Hey everyone, so I am sorry if this is not quite kosher to post like this but I got so swamped by all the recruitment threads out there.

My experience is one mostly-unmodified pathfinder campaign with a group that met once a week at college for a face to face game. Anyway, I want to join a new campaign since our group disbanded. I am willing to learn a new system if that's the case... I'm not too picky other than I want a fantasy world.

Thanks all :)

Hey everyone, so I am sorry if this is not quite kosher to post like this but I got so swamped by all the recruitment threads out there.

My experience is one mostly-unmodified pathfinder campaign with a group that met once a week at college for a face to face game. Anyway, I want to join another campaign but now that I have this silly thing called a job I think pbp is going to be the starting point to getting back in. I am willing to learn a new system if thats the case... im not too picky other than I want a fantasy world.

Thanks all :)