Two Headed Snake's page

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Midnight Anarch wrote:

Regarding Parnoneryx's use of vital strike, don't forget that PCs can make a FORT save for half damage against the corrupting touch attack. PCs with a decent (+15-ish) save for this level will fail it more than half the time even still, but it does blunt this somewhat.

Regarding what qualifies as a "corridor" in St. Ilnea's, only the corridor leading from B1 to B2 contains the fog/webs from Guards and Wards. With respect to that spell, the rest of the complex is otherwise normal with the exception of the suggestion effect on the fake fountain and the various arcane locks.

The more troublesome thing, at least for the party I ran through it, were the Forbiddance effects in each major area. The inability for them to dimension door or summon critters altered combats dramatically, and Ambrihama proved a serious challenge that found them teetering at the edge of disaster.

Yeah, about half the party has good Fort saves...the Battle Oracle who landed the killing blow, though...He's really tanky, but if he's not at full health when the ghost spawns, he's probably going to die. And he's the one with Breath of Life >__<

I overhauled Part 2 and the fountain pretty hard. I really dislike how the book just throws the dungeon at you, all but literally saying "nothing else about this is important except doing the Macguffin." The fountain isn't even super isolated or anything. Instead, I told them that the exact location of the fountain was a secret, but that it was likely someone in Taggun Hold might know the way. We spent about 2 hours IRL gathering information about the town, making checks, roleplaying, exploring the town, finding and NPC, etc etc etc. And whaddya know, it actually brought some life into Part 2, instead of just teleporting them into another essentially meaningless dungeon. I even got to hype them up about possibly finding an ancient sword wielded by a dead Demon lord.

I actually forgot about the elder water elemental like a genius, so they fought it inside the cavern, which I think turned out to be a more interesting and intense combat than it would have been otherwise. It was loud and drawn out enough that the guardian joined in at the end, so people were starting to sweat a bit. I forgot about several Forbiddance effects, but got enough in to stall them a bit. I totally removed the shield archons and couatls because they felt unnecessary. All in all it worked out pretty great. We just finished up at Barleybridge after about 5 sessions of hilarious RP. All crows dead.

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I had also considered giving him that template! I would suggest Legion archon-graced, as Mindaliel is right there right Oppian, and the Legion template is very strong.

Unfortunately for me, the party nuked BOTH archons in the tower stairwell *while* all being affected by Slow from the haunt and the fatigued condition for being in the room longer than 3 rounds. I managed to Bull Rush the cleric off the top of the tower using Oppian's Inheritor's Strike (which is AWESOME, btw), but the damn witch summoned a dire bat and saved him about 2 feet from the ground. Crap!

Having run that fight now, I would suggest statting up Oppian on his own sheet. He has several spells running on him when the fight begins, and all of them last long enough that they won't expire before he does. I bumped up his DEX, because no final boss of mine is going to have -1 to Initiative. I also gave him one or two feats, but nothing wild. Doubled his HP and used the simple advanced template of +2 to all rolls and +4 to AC and CMD...he ended up being almost untouchable with an AC of 31, as well as running Freedom of Movement (take that, Goblin strangler!), Air Walk, Bull's Strength, Bear's Ferocity, Divine Favor, and maybe one or two more.

Really fun conclusion to the book. Today we do our wrap up and TGIF fun time rp.