Twiggie14's page

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so far, so good on the alchemist stuff. The inquistor seems okey dokey and all, but a little to similar to the ranger. A little more melee focus would fix that in a jiffy.

I plan on adding on some alchemist levels to my half-orc eldritch knight build i currently have. The mutagens are really going to help.

also, i was a little confused on the amount of times an alchemist could use their bombs. Do they only have as many as they prepared for that day, or do they have unlimited bombs, taking a move action to create each?

Well..... It's not my justiciar....
But it is still A-MAZE-ING!!!!!!
Very van-Helsing-esque. I like.

The Judgement ability could use to be used a little more often, say...
3+Cha (or other appropriate ability) modifier times per day, but if you switch it, you have to start a new one. After all, the judgement ability is central to the character. Or so it seems....

I'm really curious about this inquisitor class. Any ideas as to what it might be? I'm hoping its something like the justiciar prestige class from Complete Warrior. That would be awesome....

tejón wrote:
Jeremiziah wrote:
Picture Robert the Bruce the Elder in Braveheart. Not too charismatic, in my humble opinion.

Really? That's exactly the example I thought of to illustrate a hideous, rotting, high-Charisma character.

King Baldwin (Edward Norton) in Kingdom of Heaven is a good second place.

Remember the big beef about quotes in the early dnd days? some people were complaining that the books mentioned hitler as a charismatic (and in their minds, therefore, admirable) figure. I would agree that Hitler was extremely charismatic, but he was most assuredly not a looker. So, good point.

I picture the oracle the same way. I think the oracle fits the kind of thing like paul muad'dib was. u know? the sort of person with mystic, god-given abilities, but not extremely reverent, yet extremely charismatic. and he was blind by the end of Dune Messiah. hmm? sounds kinda like an oracle to me..... And that does sound like an a-maze-ing character concept anyways: divine, irreverent mystic demagogue....