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Material Manipulator Mesmerist

From my reading I would say yes, since there's no overlap in what the archetypes replaces, you would just lose all SLAs since you don't have any emotional focus, am I right in my understanding?

As a follow up question, if I were to dip in Dreamthief Rogue could I then gain the SLAs from the spiritualist as I would now have a emotional focus on my char?

But why do you want to roll for status?

If the goal is to increase character diversity why not having your players roll for their class rather than their stats? If the goal is to avoid min maxing you could just do character creation in reverse order, First you have then make and asign their stats and after that have they roll randomly to select a class.

Melkiador wrote:
Celobi wrote:
At level 6, a simple archer fighter with 16 str and 20 dex with Deadly Aim, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Rapid Shot and Manyshot will full-attack with +10/+10/+10/+5 to hit for 1d8 +10 damage.
Don't forget about Weapon training, for another +1. And by that level you can assume the fighter has at least a +1 bow, with a +2 bow being somewhat likely.

I actually put those numbers in the calculataion:

+6 (BAB) +5 (DEX) +1 (Weapon Training) +1 (Weapon Focus) +1 (+1 Bow) that puts him at a +14 to hit, however he was also Rapid Shoting and using Deadly Aim, which gives him a -4 to hit, bringing him to +10.

And his stats were 16 str, 20 dex (from 15 base, +2 racial, +1 from 4th level and a +2 belt) [16 str / 15 dex / 13 con / 12 int / 13 wis / 8 cha] was the spread that I used.

And I think this only speaks that the kineticist is a very capable class, since level 6 is when the Fighter Archer gains his power spike (going from making 2 attacks to 4) but the kineticist only gains his at 7th level, when not only he gains an extra dice from empower (at 6 it goes from 3d6 to 4d6, but at level 7 it goes from 4d6 to 6d6) but also can start using Composite Blasts that basically double his damage and also his options to overcome resistances and DR

At level 6, a simple archer fighter with 16 str and 20 dex with Deadly Aim, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Rapid Shot and Manyshot will full-attack with +10/+10/+10/+5 to hit for 1d8 +10 damage.

At the same level, a kineticist who invest 3 burn to get Overflow bonus and uses gather power to Empower (basically a full round action, the same as the archer) will attack with +10 to hit for 4d6 +17 (with deadly aim and a 20 dex/ 20 con).

To me this seems pretty much the same, the fighter will end up doing more damage than you, but you can do more stuff, like flying, healing, create cover or whatever else kineticist do.

Hi, my question is how does the class feature "Bonus Feat" should be aplied in this case, since both the Fighter class and the Monk share it.

Can I pick 2 feats (1 combat and 1 from the monk list) or should I choose only one of the choices at the levels they appear at the same time or I only use the bonus feats from only 1 class?