
Tuktuk's page

67 posts. Alias of Nayr Trebrot.

Full Name

Tuktuk Belawok




Oracle / 2; HP: 18/21, AC: 15/13/13, F+2/R+2/W+3, Perc +2, Init +4




S; 3'5"; 39 lbs



Special Abilities

(Male, HP: 18/21, AC: 15/13/13, F+2/R+2/W+3, Perc +2, Init +4)








Common, gnome, sylvan, goblin


Carver / artist

Strength 8
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 10
Charisma 18

About Tuktuk

Tuktuk was born in Cheliax, and never found himself lacking for love or caring from his parents, but they were...well, eccentric. Each thought themselves to be masters of their craft, which was summoning those denizens of Hell that the lords and ladies of Cheliax payed so dearly to have in service. It was early in the gnome's life that he realized that he was soon to be forgotten by his parents, whose devotion to their crafts had reached obsessive levels. In addition, the creatures that they summoned made Tuktuk so uncomfortable that he had his doubts that he could follow in their footsteps.

As soon as he grew of age to accept responsibility, Tuktuk came to Westcrown to apprentice to one of the hundreds...of summoners who traveled to the great city to make a living dealing with the various demons and devils that make Cheliax their home. His uncle, a level-headed artisan named Zazwol, had a small business there and room for the young gnome to stay with him as he sought out his calling. It wasn't long before the small fellow learned that his talents lie in other areas, and summoning with a safe circle was a concept that he'd just never get. Three botched summoning and two half-devoured fellow apprentices later, Tuktuk was asked...kindly but find where his other talents may lie. It was all the same for Tuktuk, who felt wrong...dirty perhaps...after consorting with such vile creatures as his parents had grown so accustomed to.

Downtrodden...for a gnome...which was still relatively happy, Tuktuk thought of the things that made him so and, more importanty, kept his interest. It seemed to him that some of his favorite times where when he was working the wood toys and novelties that his uncle sold in his shop. Often the young gnome would walk out to the more wild areas around Westcrown, or even just find a tree and sit under it, spending hours working the wood and enjoying the depth of thought that such a practice allowed.

It was during one such trip to a small copse within the city grounds that the young gnome first discovered that he was haunted. He was chased from the copse by his visions, fear overwhelming his senses. Days later, he came to terms with the haunting sights and sounds, realizing that the images that came to him were actually quite pleasant and peaceful.

They still startle him when they visit, but Tuktuk has since found the power in them. His visions bring with them odd powers of healing and a connection with every living thing. Though he can't pinpoint the will of one certain god concerning his powers, his own attitude is most in line with that of Sarenrae, so he considers himself to be one of her chosen.

Now, with whispers being heard about the horrors that hide in the night in Westcrown, Tuktuk fears for the safety of his uncle and, particularly, his cousin, the young girl Penny. Having gotten so bad that one cannot go out the door at night, Westcrown has become a place that needs to be fixed.

While Tuktuk is not the bravest fellow around, he's fairly well convinced that something needs to be done about the present leadership in Cheliax, and Westcrown particularly. Just how far he'll go to engineer that change remains to be seen (would be RP'd) He calls several people in the community his friend, but the only blood ties he has there is his uncle, Zazwol, and her daughter (his cousin) Penny.

Tuktuk is a small gnome, even by his race's standards. He's short of arm and somewhat pudgy, and the features of his face are a bit cherubic in nature. Chubby cheeks, a ready smile, and wide eyes make him seem almost childish, and his diminuitive size does little to refute such a belief. His hair and appearance are typically not very well kept, and he finds some clothing and shoes too much of a barrier between his skin and the nature that he times, he likes to go nude, much to the horror of those around him.

Tuktuk is ready to smile, usually happy, though recent events have left him less than happy with the people around him. He's jaded, but only against those who rule against the common man....or gnome...with an iron fist, watching everything that they do.

Init +4; Perception + 2
AC 15 (+2 dex, +2 armor, +1 size), touch 13 (+2 dex, +1 size), flat-footed 13(+2 armor, +1 size)
hp 18/21 (8+2(con)+1(fc))+8+2(2nd lvl)
Fort + 2, Ref + 2, Will + 3
Spd 20 ft.
Melee: +0 / 1d3 (dagger)
Ranged: +4 (to 30', +3 over) / 1d6+1 (to 30', 1d6 after)(crossbow)


Base Atk +1; CMB -1; CMD 11
Feats: Point blank shot
Traits: Excitable (+2 init), Conspiracy hunter - know local (+1 trait to skill and makes class skill)
Skills: Craft (wood carvings)+ 3, Diplomacy + 8 (1 rank), Heal + 7 (with kit) (1 rank), Know History +5 (1 rank), Know Nature + 5 (1 rank), Knowledge local +6 (1 rank), Know religon +5 (1 rank), Sense motive +4 (1 rank), Spellcraft +5 (1 rank), Stealth +6, Survival +4 (1 rank)


Mystery: Life
Revelation: Channel (5 / day - 1d6) (3 used - 2 gobbos, 1 hellknights)
Curse: Haunted (standard action to pull gear; drop in random direction)
Low light vision
Gnome magic - 1/day: dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation, speak with animals
+2 save vs illusion; +1 DC when using illusion
+2 perception
+2 craft (wood carvings)
Warden of nature (alternate racial): +2 AC/+1 Att vs aberrations, vermin, ooze


4 gp
1 sp
Languages Common, gnome, sylvan, goblin

Combat Gear: Leather armor, Light crossbow, dagger, 20 bolts
Other Gear Backpack, Bedroll, Flint and steel, Pouch-belt, Waterskin, Whetstone, Healer's kit, 3 days trail rations, 4 servings wandermeal


0th level: known (5) - orisons
Create water, Detect magic, light, mending, spark

1st level: known (2) - 5/day; DC 15 (2 used)
Bless, Cure light wounds, Ghost sound, Mage hand, Shield of faith, Detect undead (Mystery spell)