
Tsukitaro's page

20 posts. Alias of Aebliss.


Male Goblin Ninja 2 / Paladin 3

Hey, don't worry on our account; please focus on getting better! I'm glad you survived and are recovering.

Male Goblin Ninja 2 / Paladin 3


Male Goblin Ninja 2 / Paladin 3

Knowledge (religion) 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

"I am not intimately familiar with the faith of Cayden Cailean, but is he not a worthy deity who champions the protection of the innocent and the overthrow of tyranny?" Tsukitaro asks. "You would be well-served either way, would you not?"

Male Goblin Ninja 2 / Paladin 3

Sense motive 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

"Once more, our thanks to you, venerable one," Tsukitaro says with a final bow of the head. "Shall we adjourn, fellow travellers?"

Male Goblin Ninja 2 / Paladin 3

"Most assuredly, venerable one," Tsukitaro says, again bowing his head in a respectful manner. "You are clearly a wise elder of the community, and so it seemed most prudent to address my enquiry to you. My apologies if the sound of my voice offends; I am aware of my kin's foul deeds in this part of the world, but can not change the nature of my parentage. Only my own actions may I govern."

Male Goblin Ninja 2 / Paladin 3

"We thank you for your courteous assistance, venerable one," Tsukitaro says, politely bowing his head to the old man. "If I might ask - what manner of festival is being celebrated?"

Diplomacy 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

Male Goblin Ninja 2 / Paladin 3

"I shall rely on you all to ask the questions for the nonce," Tsukitaro says. "My species tends to disconcert people."

Male Goblin Ninja 2 / Paladin 3

Tsukitaro blinks once and focuses his awareness, scanning the crowd and the prison-like building for the effluvium of malice.

Detect evil!

Male Goblin Ninja 2 / Paladin 3

"I apologize for the delay," Tsukitaro says while scratching his grey mount behind the ear. "My trusty steed had misgivings about entering the teleportation circle."

The Goblin scurries up into the donkey's saddle and takes up the reins.
"Let us depart for our next destination," he suggests.

Male Goblin Ninja 2 / Paladin 3

Handle animal 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

With a mixture of gentle words, an offer of a fresh carrot and some judicious shoves and nudges, Tsukitaro tries to get Donkey into the magic circle.

Male Goblin Ninja 2 / Paladin 3

Fine with me! ^_^ Just nobody start nivknaming me "Shrek". ;)

Male Goblin Ninja 2 / Paladin 3

Uh... "Donkey"? ^^;

Male Goblin Ninja 2 / Paladin 3

"Ah... I have no need of horses. I already have a mount," Tsukitaro says, ears folding back at the mention of such Goblin-hated monsters as the iron-hooved ones...

Male Goblin Ninja 2 / Paladin 3

"A creature toppling houses must be bringing harm to the community. I will go," Tsukitaro says, thumbs hooked behind his swordbelt.

Male Goblin Ninja 2 / Paladin 3

Hey now, don't go cursing your Granny after helping her out... ^_^;

Male Goblin Ninja 2 / Paladin 3

"Thank you," Tsukitaro says, accepting the Wayfinder with a polite bow.

The Goblin does not verbally chime in with Ryder, but his left ear twitches when the Gunslinger asks his question.

Male Goblin Ninja 2 / Paladin 3

"On the contrary," the Goblin says, his voice shrill as is common for his kind, but surprisingly cultured. "It is I who thank you, for your trust and your support in this venture."

As the Goblin straightens up from his bow, even the less discerning eye may note the little greenskin is wearing a chain shirt and appears to be carrying not one, but three weapons with a rather foreign look about them, not to mention a very serviceable-looking crossbow.

Once the well-groomed man has departed, the Goblin gives a courteous nod to the people already waiting in the room.
"A greeting unto you," it says, its tone polite, its stance appearing relaxed - for now. "I am Tsukitaro. By the kindness of the Pathfinder Society, I am here to join the Cthonian Chroniclers. Might I have the pleasure of your names?"

Male Goblin Ninja 2 / Paladin 3

Well, my ability to deliver Sneak attacks should help out in combat situations.

That and Smite Evil, but that's a once a day deal, so... Yeah. ^^;

Male Goblin Ninja 2 / Paladin 3

Goblin in the house! ^^ Yeah, Tsukitaro will be prepared for prejudice. He'll try to win approval through actions and impeccable good manners - whenever feasible.

Introducing for your consideration: Tsukitaro!

The inspiration hit me and I thought he might make an interesting companion for this hunt. ;) Don't worry about him being too stuffy due to his Paladin ranks; as you can see, he has had an... interesting upbringing, and while he is devoted to the cause of Good, he is not unworldly.