Trixie99's page

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One of our major PCs is a drow (the drow in our game world are not CE, but rather LN). We would request that the elf ancestry have options that allow for a drow build.

Our game has a more historical, realistic approach, heavily influenced by Howard's Hyboria and Malory's Morte D'Arthur.

In our game we make heavy use of knights of varying kind. We would have loved to see the cavalier as a base class, or at least a solid build for fighters that allow such. It can be done RAW, but it is very awkward.

EDIT: So I just found the archetypes. I'd suggest that section be relocated closer to the classes. (Also, a witch archetype for the wizard and a spiritualist archetype for the sorcerer would make this book nearly perfect.)

Also, the mystical totems for a barbarian put the ability to build a REH-style barbarian right out. Again, RAW it can be done with the fighter, but it is rather dissatisfying.

We'd request fighter or barbarian build options allowing for the sword & sorcery end of the fantasy spectrum.