Darius Finch

Tristen Bell's page

48 posts. Alias of DarkestHeart.


Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen looks at the Duke and nods. "You would have to be blind not to have been a little... Interested... In Alessandra. Is it so strange then that I am in a state of shock and anger? That I would be keen for action..."

Tristen shrugs, downing the whiskey in his glass, before holding it out towards Whitey to fill. "No it is not. Bruce is the Wolf, Duke. You know it to be true!"

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen laughs softly, shaking his head. "Me? A Wolf? Nonsense. Am I acting out of character? Why yes, yes I am. I just witnessed a woman I was infactuated with, for quite awhile, turn in to a wolf and get blown away by a mad German. Excuse me if this has taken a toll on me. No you sidewinder you will not get away with this... Whitey, dear friend, you know what I say is true. Join me and cast Bruce down!"

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

"Lucky you took the gun Simon... I was just about to ask our friend Bruce here a few questions..." Tristen pushes away from the bar, before moving to stand before the fireplace.

"Bruce does not vote for the Professor in the last round, suggesting he is either working with her, or is blind to how things are. I know... I did not vote for Alessandra either, but that is beside the point. I was tired of the Duke accusing me, so I shifted my vote. Voting for the poor woman all of the time, would have hardly been fair..." Taking a long swallow of whiskey, Tristen turns back to face the man.

"As Bruce was the only one who did not vote for the Professor, this means he is the other Wolf. The wolves, we can assume, have met at this point. This means that Bruce is our killer and I should get that fancy silver fed gun back..."

Vote for Bruce

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen shakes his head, hunching his shoulders and laughing softly. "I'd leave... I'd get lost in the woods and I'd never come out. I'd hunt free. I wouldnt stay here. We shoulda all done it. Woulda been for the best Whitey. Woulda... Now there are six of us... One of us is a wolf and we have no Banner!" The gun stops on Bruce once again and Tristen stares at him sideways, before spinning the pistol again.

"Spot of blood on your coat there Bruce..."

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen takes the Whiskey with a smile, downing it in one, before liding the glass back in front of the barkeep. "Shoulda been a lot more wolves remaining... Shoulda taken her offer... Shoulda become a wolf. If you arent the predator you are the pray... Shoulda done it..."As he speaks, the gun spins idly under his hand, stopping every once and awhile, before starting again.

"Woulda been the end of fear..."

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Spinning the gun, so it comes to rest, facing Bruce, Tristen scoops it up off the counter, before cocking and uncocking it once, then twice. "I'll have a whiskey. And keep em coming..." He set the pistol down atop the counter once more, before spinning it once again, watching as it came to rest, hilt towards his chest. "Damn shame..."

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen brushes himself off and darts to the street, crouching for a moment, before moving towards Whitey. He steps in the door and puts the Doctors pistol on the counter, before taking a seat.

"By the Gods..."

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen crouches in the doorway of his house, staring out in to the street. "Should have taken the bite... Should have let her change me... Now I am dead. DEAD AS CAN BE!"

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen pauses for a moment before pinching the bridge of his nose in confusion. "Dear God... I can not tell if you are kidding me or not Alessandra. But I do know I would like the killing to stop..."

Null Vote

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

"Oh I respect your convictions Duke but I tire of them. You have voted for me often. Allow me to return the favor. Should it be you and I till the end, I know then that I have lost!"

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen frowns for a moment before staring shrewdly at the Duke. "You know what old timer... I think it is you. I did think it was the Professor but... I see from the look of hurt on her face, that it is not. No. It is you. The old and frail act fools me not!"

Vote for the Duke

Tristen turns to the Professor, staring at the ground before him. "Alessandra, forgive me? I am sorry. You are right... I saw the proof for myself. I am sorry I accused you once more. A moment of weakness!"

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen pauses, before nodding. "You are right... Of course. If I am to accuse you, I must look for proof on the others first. So... Gentlemen... Where will be more comfortable for you?" Tristen steels himself for the slew of nudity coming his way.

Heh! Called myself Simon there for a second... Not focusing on writing, while reading something written by a Simon and talking to my brother Simon, not a good idea!

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen had been cowering in his house, since the last horrifying rounds of deaths. He joins the group looking pale and sick, worn through. "I... I do not know what to think. Whitey is a good man... I believe him!" Tristen shudders softly, pulling his coat around him tighter.

"Professor... I am sorry... It just makes too much sense!"

Vote for the Professor

Sorry for the absence guys... Damn Internet was on the blink!

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen sighs lethargically. "What are we to do? Neighbor against neighbor is a terrible thing but for the greater good? I would gladly suffer the pain and torment, we need to endure for this moment in time, so that we may have a bright future. Or... For that matter... Any future!"

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Looking serene, Tristen steps out of the Library, smoothing his clothes back in to place. "Well... That was... Interesting!" Tristen coughs softly, tying his hair back tighter and making sure his spectacles are firmly on his nose, before patting Simon on the shoulder. "There there..."

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen swallows loudly before stammering out a response, "O-o-of c-c-course!" He blushes a little and sketches a bow, before turning to look at Simon.

"Why me may I ask, Sir?" Tristen frowns softly, accutely aware that Simon may be trying to lead him off to kill both him and the Professor at the same time.

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen stands there confused for a moment, before speaking. "Wait... What?"

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen composes himself slightly, running a hand slowly through his hair. 'The accusations are flying faster than before now...Everyone is as scared as I am it would seem!'

As Simon suggests someone should check the Professor over, Tristen goes to raise his hand, before clenching it firmly at his side and blushing furiously. 'No I could not... Not for something like... Like THIS!' He giggles nervously to himself before shaking himself back to reality.

"Well now that that is uhm... sorted... How about we move on to something else. Like the monument. Any ideas?"

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen pats Dan on the shoulder, before taking a meat pie. "If we get through this Dan, I owe you so much money!" Tristen smiles unsteadily, before sighing.


Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

When the Professor finished the Sonnet, Tristen smiled and was about to speak, when the screaming from outside drew him to the window.

"By the Gods not again..."

As people returned to the street, he made his way outside, hoping that maybe, just maybe the Wolf had been stopped. 'No such luck...'

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Finished with his prayer, Tristen moves to stand by the Professor, offering her a small nod. "It has been an honor to know you Madame. Even though it was a short length of time. If you are the beast, I apologise that this had to happen to you. If not, I apologise for blaming you, though you were innocent. In the end, god will see us right!" He nods, offering her his hand.

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen nods solemnly before moving to stand at the centre of the group, closing his eyes and bowing his head in prayer.

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen put his silver cross and silver necklace on Taraz body as a sign or respect. He was wearing silver.

Tristen joins the group again, perfectly dressed in his sunday best. He turns to the group and nods softly, before walking to the grave digger. "Sir, if it is to be me, I would like you to see that I am burned before buried. Somewhere beside a river would be nice. I thank you!"

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen stares shocked for the moment as the tide turns against him. "Oh mother why did I ever leave home? I could have stayed nice and happy in my own town, with my stamps and my small little house by the river!"

He gestures at the Professor before spluttering. "You call in to question MY vote from last night dear lady? I seem to remember you voted for Wowbagger first, before tossing in with the rest for Taraz, when you saw the vote was not going to favor the Outsider. I was wrong about Wowbagger and it pains me. I admit I was wrong and when my day comes, let god judge me harshly for it. But you... You cry your crocodile tears and hide behind your books whilst denouncing everyone else as the villan.." Tristen bristles visibly, before storming over to the Doctor.

"Here! Take my blood. You who have cast your lot in with the very woman who tried to start a movement to have you, where I am now. Yes, I was quite worked up last night. I was drunk and scared. But, dear Doctor, do you remember what I was worked up about? I was worked up about defending Taraz. Why would I have done that, if I were the Wolf? Why act as a voice of defence for someone who would have been my scapegoat? it would not be logical would it? And you were weighing up everyones merits to the community. To do that, you suggested I had little, what use is a lawyer after all? WELL AS A LAWYER SHOULDN'T I BE LOGICAL?!" Tristen sobs softly, offering the man his arm in a defeated manner.

"May you choke on your results..." He turns and walks over to the body of Taraz before fumbling around in his own shirt for a moment, before pulling forth a silver chain and cross. Sliding the chain off over his head, he lays the cross on the Cobbelers chest, wrapping the chain around his hand, before standing and brushing himself off.

"I will leave you now in a moment... If the vile temptress has twisted you all against me, I will be in Uncles house, waiting for you. Before I go... I would like to say one last thing... I am a simple man, quiet and polite. I deal with all of you, know you all on a first name basis. I am professional and courteous at all times. When have I ever caused trouble or been a nuicance?" Tristen turns on his heels, and begins to walk towards his Uncles house.

He pauses as he stops beside the Shop Keeper, pulling a familiar purse from his pocket, before dropping it in to the mans hand. "As I will most likely not see out the night, I see no sense in parting a man from his money. It has been a pleasure working with you sir!" He bows slightly, before moving off, towards the village.

Anyone who glances towards the village will see him sitting out on his Uncles porch, in his shirtsleeves, drinking whiskey and smoking a pipe.

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

I did not really make it clear enough I guess. It was silly of me to write something like that, without clarifying it. I only now see how it looks! Haha

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5
Tristen Bell wrote:
People walking home last night would have seen Tristen "destroying" his Uncles house, knocking a butter dish off the table, cutting open a downy pillow and even going so far as to tear up a sheet of paper, before tossing it on the floor. Tristen is quite a quiet young man, and to him, this is indeed messing up a house.

Tristens house is only destroyed in his own eyes. All he did was knock a butter dish off the table, tear open a pillow and tear up a sheet of paper. I tried to get across how timid and plain he was, by saying he viewed the house as destroyed, when really five minutes of cleaning will see it right again. Nothing big was damaged!

Unless Tristen is a neat freak as a Werewolf as well, that is a VERY clean transformation.

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen sticks to the back of the group, frowning softly in thought. 'The Doctor is quite open about his past but the Professor... She had that book for a good while, if she can be believed. Why bring it out now? To take the light off of her own misdealings? Possibly. I can not really approach her, and say it outright... But. I must!'

Tristen steps forward, clearing his throat softly. "Madame, why ould you bring this forward now, if you had it for so long? Does the fact that you are now the Werewolf in the village, mean that the Doctor must be lynched too? Perhaps you do not like competition, for who is the biggest monster, hmm?" Tristen stares at the ground, but slowly looks up at the woman.

"I can not believe I am saying this but... Professor... Uhm... What does that lovely dress hide? A bite mark perhaps?"

Vote for Professor Devries

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen looks hurt at the Dukes comment, as he is a quiet, kind young man, no matter if he is a lawyer or not. He pours himself a mug of beed and sighs, taking a sip, before setting down to work.

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen nods his head in acceptance, before offering to shake hands with the large Brewmaster. "Truce? We are all under pressure so..." He shrugs, straightening his spectacles on the bridge of his nose

Tristen nods softly, pulling his coat off and dropping it to over a head stone, before he rolls up his sleeves. "How can I be of service Master Gorski?"

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen looks up at the baker and nods, brushing a stray strand of hair out of his large, fear filled eyes. "Okay. Okay yes, you are right Dan, of course. That is what must be done!" He nods, pulling himself together visibly.

Tristen shrinks back, staring at the ground and nods. "Of course Mister mc White. Forgive me... I am just a little over my head!"

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen pauses, frowning slightly. "Well... Well damn Whitey what in the name of god are we meant to do?" He sighs, shrinking in around himself. "We can not just stand here and do nothing. For Wowbagger, for Taraz... We have to do something!"

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen bristles visibly before growling. "It is not that I distrust you. It is that I am surprised at you. Whitey you have been good to me but goddamn it man... Taraz was a wastrel. He harmed no one...!"

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen turns and glared at Whitey. "Well maybe for SOME of us, but no not for all. I was wrong about Wowbagger yes, but I was right about our dear Cobbeler. Taraz never hurt anyone. Wowbagger said some very mean things about my mother that were just not true... You did nothing but let your friend die!"

Tristen stood up straight, staring Whitey in the eyes. "I do not trust you Brewmaster!"

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen steps back, wringing his hands together and staring at the ground, before coughing. "Yes yes of course Master Thoen. Forgive me... I just meant... It IS Whiteys fault after all... Oh bother...!"

Tristen bobbed his head low, before moving over to listen to Dan. "Sounds like a perfect plan Dan. I will of course help out as best I can. I am small but I can lift things and put things... Ill help as much as you need!"

Turning to the shopkeeper, Tristen gets a concerned look upon his face. He walks over to the man, and offers him a hand up. "Of course Mister Ritter... I was being silly. All it was... Can I help you Sir? Perhaps something to eat? To help sober you up?"

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

"We will figure something out I am sur...!" Tristen turned as he spoke, the smile slowly falling off his face as he trailed off.

"YOU! This is your fault!" Tristen stormed up to Whitey, gesturing towards the cold body of Taraz. "He was your best patron. How could you do it? HOW!"

Tristen growls sharply, his fists clenching as he restrains himself from choking the ignorant Innkeeper out.


Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen deflates slightly but perks up once again. "Well... perhaps it was a little ridiculous yes. I have to admit I am not the most imaginative!" He nodded softly, frowning.

"Perhaps Dan has an idea!"

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen strokes his chin softly in thought, before brightening up. "Uhm... Well we take the gibbet, dig a trench around it, raid the church and fill the trench with all the holy water we find. Then we stock the gibbet high with wood and parafin oil, and hang a werewolf effigy from it, before setting the whole thing alight!" Tristen beams hoping excitedly from foot to foot.

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen nods softly, patting Dan on the shoulder. "Let us go talk to Eldon Dan. I hope you are right. I do not think poor Uncles house can take much more of this. I went home last night and practically tore the place apart in anger!"

People walking home last night would have seen Tristen "destroying" his Uncles house, knocking a butter dish off the table, cutting open a downy pillow and even going so far as to tear up a sheet of paper, before tossing it on the floor. Tristen is quite a quiet young man, and to him, this is indeed messing up a house.

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen looks puzzled for a moment. "I offered to use my silver on myself. Not on another man. And yes I have sent people to their death, murderers rapists and felons, not innocent young drunkards... It is my job after all, well, part of it. Arrangeing it. I do not pull the lever or sharpen the axe...." He frowns at the Baker for a moment before shaking his head.

In the Morning

Tristen sits quietly beside the stockade, his head bent in prayer, his fingers moving deftly over a set of rosarie beads, as he prays for the sould of the poor departed men.

"Well... Wowbagger I was wrong. I am but human after all!" He sighs softly, before standing and bowing his head one last time, muttering to himself a short prayer, "Requiem æternam dona ei, Domine.
Et lux perpetua luceat ei. Requiescat in pace. Amen."

Turning, Tristen frowns, before heading towards the Library, searching out the Professor.

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen splutters in indignation. "What kind of doctor are you? Hanging is quick and almost painless? As a man who has noterised a few orders of execution myself, I can tell you it is neither of these things. I would rather be mauled!"

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen giggles nervously, looking at the Duke. "Silver plated maybe, not pure. My Uncle was a notorious pinch penny, you know that Sir!" Tristen frowns for a moment.

"The shaving razor is pure silver though... Maybe I should use that instead. Might be the safest if I am the werewolf and I do not know about it..."

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen bristles softly, as he stares around at the rest of the crowd. "Well I shall not stand here and see this happen. No. I can not!" Tristen takes another slug of whiskey, looking more and more red faced by the moment. He stumbles slightly up to the Professor and points a finger in her vague direction.

"You... You with not even the stomach to say it. You want him out of the way so he cant infect someone? Say it then... You want him killed. Be a man, woman, and say it outright!"

Tristen sighs softly, before dismissing the group with a wave of his hand. "Animals the lot of you... I should have just went to Uncles and swallowed the letter opener..."

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen coughs softly, stepping to the fore of the group, tucking the bottle under his arm carefully. "I must protest... Taraz is a good man. He is just a tad... Lost in the world, shall we say!" The young man coughs softly, clearly embarassed to be speaking out, as he reaches up to settle his small wire frames more firmly on to his nose.

"I speak up for Taraz only because I know him to be good and kind. He is a tad... Over indulgent at times, but aren't we all? No Taraz is no killer... I think. Well I do not know who the killer is, you all know I am not the most... outgoing, so I would not really have any idea of that sort of thing. But I know all about you!" he points at the group.

"I know all of you, who have used my uncle, or my own services. I know you to be good people. Whitey can you really condemn Taraz, the young man that lived just down the street from you? Who is one of your best customers? And you Bruce? Who made those fine strong boots you wear?"

Tristen quivers softly, before looking up defiantly. "I for one speak out against the butchering of this poor bedraggled wretch! You are all ridiculous, nominating someone you know to be good." He moves to put himself between the group and Taraz, armed only with his spectacles and a bottle of whiskey.

'You've had a bit too much it seems old boy... Steady now. Show them how ridiculous they are being!"

"I nominate Tristen Bell!"

He waits for a moment, as a stunned silence falls over the group, as he stares around, daring someone to meet his eyes.

"This is how ridiculous you all are. You nominate a man you have known for years, when there are new people in the village, strange people. Why Taraz? I am an outsider, as is Wowbagger!" He gestures at the Alien.

"You nominate Taraz, you nominate yourself. I for one, now, nominate Wowbagger. May I burn in the fires of hell if I am wrong. Failing hell... Uncles fireplace is rather large and I rather small!"

He nods once, to signal he is finished, before stepping back beside Taraz and placing a steadying hand on his shoulder.

'What in the bloody hell have I just done? Oh lord I am mad...'

He gives Taraz a shaky grin and offers him the bottle of whiskey, after taking a long swallow for himself.

Vote for Wowbagger.
Sorry buddy!

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen shakes his head softly, before spluttering a little with laughter, too soon changed to a sob.

"Simon I have been afraid from the moment I came here... With a werewolf on the loose? I have changed my undergarments thrice already today. Uncles's house is big and strong. And besides... It has a nice strong support beam I am thinking of hanging myself from!" Thinking for a second, he shrugs.

"I guess I can go to the bonfire first though... Eaten by a werewolf, drowned in a copper tub or swinging from a beam, I'll be just as dead, might as well spend some time in company before I go..."

Seeing the shop owner at the Bonfire, Tristen crosses the area to him. "Ahh Mister Ritter ahm... I was wondering if it would be possible for me to get the money you owe me over that little..." He leans in, whispering quietly. "matter of the ownership of that particular item!"

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen stares gloomily around the Tavern before getting to his feet and slouching up to the counter. Putting his hand in to his coat pocket, he pulls out a handful of coins and points towards a dusty bottle of whiskey on a shelf.

"I'll take the bottle Whitey. I am going to go home and drown myself in whiskey, then in Uncles bath!"

'Just my luck... Werewolves and weirdness as soon as I move in to town...'

Male Human Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5

Tristen sits quietly in the corner, nursing a tumbler of whiskey, his head propped dejectedly on his palm. "Why did I come here? Why?" He sighed, trailing his finger round the rim of the glass in thought.

"It is not like I KNEW Uncle all that well. I would be better off at home, in Lancaster, where there are no werewolves, no aliens and no old drunken coots. Well... Atleast no Aliens and Werewolves!" Sighing, he takes a sip of whiskey and shudders softly. 'Foul stuff...'

Welcome back boss! :D

Today I would say. We will get our roles then Ryuko will kick things off. I'd like to think he was waiting for me, as I was SUCH an important part of the last game!
