Darius Finch

Tristen Bell's page

48 posts. Alias of DarkestHeart.

Full Name

Tristen Bell




Blood Sucking Barrister / Lvl 5





About Tristen Bell

Name: Tristen Bell

Role in Village: Tristen is a young Barrister from two villages over. When the old Barrister, Belmy Clearwater passed away, Tristen, his nephew, took over his practice.

Apperance: Tristen is a small, slight young man, more pretty than handsome. His eyes are large and open, innocent, the color of the clearest skies. His wears his golden hair long, tied back in a wrist thick ponytail, that hangs down to his waist.

Backstory: Tristen is a slight young man, wide eyed, innocent and kind. He spends most of his days in the comfort of his late Uncles Practice, dealing with the villagers disputes.

Tristen likes nothing more that curling up with a good book, well, apart from stamps that is.

When his Uncle passed away, Tristen moved in to the Village. He has spent very little time with any of the villagers and is seen as some what of an outcast.

Reason for staying: Tristen refuses to give up his Uncles practice. More importantly, he refuses to give up his extensive Stamp Collection, a collection so large it would take two strong horses and a wagon to move.