![]() I just received 2 emails this morning at 3:19 am, eastern, telling me that my game time had expired and if I did not setup auto bill my account would expire in 6 days, then at 3:19 also another email saying my account expired. I bought into both kickstartes, almost $200. Included in that is 2 months game time. Up until now my account has not had any access to the game at all. I was actually complaining a while back about having spent so much on the kick starters and not having access to the game. And now my account is expired before I even get to play? I am assuming this is probly just a mistake of some sort. Has any one else gotten these emails? ![]()
![]() The unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email dose not work error 404. I could not find an option on the account page either. I payed almost $200 in both the kick starters and for some reason still can not play the dam game and so I do not want to receive emails from golbinworks and more and probably will not ever play this game. This is ridiculous. ![]()
![]() I am rolling up a Halfling Bard / Archaeologist and would like some advice on skills. My Int mod is 2 so I get 8 skill ranks. What do folks think would be a good set of skills, and also would it be a good idea t0 spread ranks out? Like maybe only one point in some skills just to get the +3 bonus? My charactor concept is kind of like a pint sized Indiana Jones. ![]()
![]() ?? Do I have to spend more money to form my own guild for the land rush?
Between the two kickstarters I spent $185. So I am hoping I am just missing something and do not have to spend more. ![]()
![]() So the community funds the project with two kickstarters and we still also have to pay to be in the beta? Has any one at paizo or goblin works risked any of there money? I may end up eating that question, but it just seems like wth man, part of entrepreneurial endeavors is risk, and with the risk there is a chance for reward. Its almost insulting to ask for more I think. sorry if this post is late, I was just one catching up on the blog. ![]()
![]() I was originally pledged at the 100$ level, there was an issue and the card I used I thought I might be canceling so I canceled my kickstarter pledge. I ended up keep the card and so I re pledged at the same level. My question is if there is any way I can still get all the daily rewards that I would of gotten had I not canceled. I originally pledged on like the 16, so I think I would of gotten all of the daily rewards. I am not sure if there would be any way for the folks over seeing this to check my original pledge date, but I though I would at least ask. Thanks ![]()
![]() I was wondering if trying to run paizo adventure paths and modules set in golarian with low magic would cause any problems with the stories in those products. I just do not like the idea of being able to get any magic item from any large city, I like how Tolkien did it in middle earth, magic items were rare and held by few. But would this conflict with story lines and such in paizo adventure paths or modules? Would it cause any problems dose any one think? ![]()
![]() ooo please let me play in your campaign. I have spent all kinds of money on the rules books,(Core,APG,UC,UM), but I can not find a local game to join, so I haven't ever actually played a game. I would play either a paladin or a cleric. It is Saturday morning, I will work on my character and post details by the end of the today hopefully. ![]()
![]() I am going to try to build either an quest arc or a campaign and I am looking for some k9ind of ancient being, either a god or less than a god, but it must be very very evil and powerful. This being is going to be at the center of all of the evil happenings in my campaign. Thinking about some kind of lover craft evil comes to mind. The kind of thoughtful, malevolent, pure evil. TH kind of evil that knows your name and will come after you alone. I was hoping I could find something like this in golarian so I do not have to make things up. ![]()
![]() I want to build a ranger for a pbp game, this will be my first pathfinder game. I want to use both a bow and sword or maybe spear. I want combat to be my main focus. I know rangers are the guides, and scouts with all their skill points, but I want to mainly focus on combat. But the idea of being the parties scout or guide is cool for fluff. So I have the core, APG, UM, and UC, at my disposal. ![]()
![]() I just got my copy of ultimate magic and was reading throught it, and came upon the spell books section, but it dose not seem to actually state what these are for. When a caster gains levels she can pick new spells, and memorize so many each day. So what are these books for if she can pick her spells every level? Are the spells in the book in addition to the ones she picks when she levels? All that it says is that here are spell books, they contain spells. Unless I am not very observant . . . ![]()
![]() justsomebard wrote:
exactly, and also it dose not follow the open world that true MMOs follow. GuildWars is an online co-op rpg. I just hope Paizo puts the development dollars and time into this game so it dose not fail, or stagnate. Every free to play MMO I know of is like and untended garden. It still bears fruit, but only because the rotten fruit from last year dropped its seeds. (edit)It also worries me because as of late there has been a growing discontent among the pc gaming community with developers releasing broken and unfinished games, and I think with a small company, and as a result a small name, if Paizo dose not get this right the first time out it will take a lot to come back from. Big names can afford to piss people off and release crap games, they have some killer titles in their past to keep customers, Paizo dose not have that. ![]()
![]() I was just wondering why the mmo format for the game.
I always thought a single player fantasy game would work best. With the Pathfinder adventure paths, Paizo has huge stock pile of game material for a base game and expansion packs. I just do not see MMO as the way to go. ![]()
![]() This game is dead before it lives if it is going to be free to play, or any variation there of. Name one notable free to play mmo that continuously makes head lines? None! There are no free to play WOWs or free to play EVEs. Free to play is another way to say, decent into mediocrity.
Every single free to play game out there is infested with some kind of farmer trying to make real world money. I am very disappointed. ![]()
![]() http://www.gnomegames.com/game-industry-news/new/pathfinder-battles-miniatu res-%E2%80%93-wizkids-paizo-team-up/ This is the first I have heard of this. Was it announced here at Paizo's sight and i just missed it? EDIT: The link is broken. if you go to the site and do a search for Pathfinder it should be the second result down the list. EDIT: from wiz-kids site, http://wizkidsgames.com/blog/2011/08/01/paizo-and-wizkids-launch-ongoing-pa thfinder-battles-prepainted-miniatures-line/