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OK, if you think that the cover with a cheery halfling and a monk kicking a zombie cow means comedy, you're dead (heh) wrong. This is some of the most macabre (and weird) adventure Paizo did since Strange Aeons. Combat-heavy, I hope the next episodes lean more into intrigue and politics, but if you're looking for a girlsy horror module, this one is 5 stars for standalone value. As usual, the verdict on the whole AP will wait until all six books are out.

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Great class design


Psychic and Thaumaturge are some of the best-designed PF2 classes out there. I thought that Magus was great, but these two are even better. Fantastic blend of good crunch, evocative abilities and flexibility. Keep doing this, Paizo.

The lore elements of this book are great, too, although I'm not entirely sold on this being a hybrid GM/player book. I really like the inclusion of mini-adventures, perfect for one gaming night.

Overall, 4.75/5.

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Excellent GM resource, good player resource.


For GMs, the book is woah. 85 new undead monsters, gazetteer of undead lands of Golarion, an adventure, new haunts, lots of stuff to play with.

Special shout-out to the ghostly luchador and the return of night-things. Flying undead level 20 sharks ftw.

For players, there's some great stuff (skeleton ancestry, "regular" archetypes, items) and the heavily advertised undead archetypes which are fun BUT require special handling, because a bunch of level 1 ghosts could be too much for a regular adventure to handle.

It's 4.5 stars BUT I add 0.5 extra for the book tying into South American approach to death and a nice dusty pink/flowers/skulls theme instead of the done to (un)death "black, sick flesh, grey, death, angles and bones" theme most RPG books about undead use. A nice breath of freshly stale grave air.

Also, ghost corgi familiars.

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