Torgan's page

4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Kendrik, Lion of Ratik wrote:

I know you're looking for suggestions for intervening adventures, but like the others who've responded, I'm going to recommend that you reconsider.

It's quite delicate in this case. My GH campaign has been running for nearly 20 years now, and I find it hard to change every fundamental in the world because D&D edition changes. Most of the new rules where introduced smoothly, except for the experience rules, which make me feel much like a video game.

I like to include training times, meeting mentors, and making levelling something players should be proud of, not only pumping off a charachter in the middle of a dungeon.

By the way, it look likes my old-style play is not the rule anymore :)

I'll try to find some tweakings, but I'd be happy to make the AP last at least 10 or 15 years.

BTW, how can a wizard learn new spells during the Age of Worms ? Or create powerfull magic items ? With no spare time, a wizard is really the class for the poor isn't it ?


Hi there from France,

I'm having problems with the levelling pace in Adventure Pathes. I'm really fond of these adventures and the overall storyline, and my players are currently in a mine under Diamond Lake, barely trying to survive. But my point is : "How can anyone explain why young adventurers (1st level) can besome epic in one or two years ?"

I know it's because of the current D&D experience system, but I definitely can't include it in my GH campaign. How could I explain to my players that most PNJ never get beyonf level 12 in 50 years whereas they gained 15 leveles in one year ?

So I decided to slow down a bit the levelling pace, but I'm facinga problem : PCs don't have the necessary level to follow the AP adventures in a row. So I come to my point :

Do any of you have the same problem ? And what adventures would you include between AP adventures ? I'm thinking about the Red Hand of Doom in some time, and using some Modules from here and there, but right now, I don' know what to do after Three Faces of Evil.

Thanks in advance.

-- Age of Worms statblock provider @

GUTH wrote:

I continue to get the following error using internet explorer. If I use netscape, nothing happens at all.


I got the same error yesterday, but it's ok this morning. I just uploaded the statblock file :)

I just finished a document including all the statblock for the Whispering Cairn in the new format. Unfortunately, it seems the site is down. Any idea where I could put the file ?