Berserker Cannibal

Tophan Stormcaller's page

74 posts. Alias of Enaris.


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Male Half-Orc Barbarian


Male Half-Orc Barbarian

We still got this, even one catfolk down.
It'd do good to know the capabilities of the crew.
The first night, Tophan writes the challenge of an armwrestling tourney on the mainmast with his chalk, to be held in the crew quarters. Any who want for entertainment may attend, though he warns against shirking duties with a crude drawing of the cat-o-nine.
Of course, no wagers will be held, due to the naval code of behavior, but landlubbers may not yet know that.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Toph resigns himself to a long and dull voyage. He seldom has much to do on a ship save boarding or repelling duty, as his cursed disability kept him from carrying out timely orders on deck, and twas not thrilling work scanning the horizon for sails.
He'll have that much less to do on a diplomatic mission.
With a sigh, he sets to cleaning his equipment and organizing it for access during any storm.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Heal! 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (20) - 2 = 18

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Toph turns to Karval, drawing a quick anchor and a crude horse on his chestpiece with his chalk before wiping it away, and climbing deftly aboard to find his place and settle in his gear. He deposits his chest and most of his mundane gear beneath his allotted cot, and immediately leaves to orient himself with the crow's nest, as well as, to a lesser extent, the rest of the ship.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

As a GM I encourage pcs to fully describe their action, but I do adjudicate their rolls with some descriptive flashiness on occasion.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Some DMs tell players what the characters do, but I usually bow out of those campaigns. I suspect it's to save time and move the game along, but, I can post 3-5 times or more daily, so I don't really need that done for me.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Aye, I'm in four, including this. Two post daily.
I also GM second darkness and play a winter witch in jade regent.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian


Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Not gonna lie saw the "1 new" on my campaign page and I was like "&$%# yeah!" and then... 'bump'

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Toph, out of the public eye, loosens his scarf and lowers his hood, revealing his reflective eyes and sharp tusks. Snapping a well-executed military salute, he steps forward into line to introduce himself.
"Kavvan Hormgaller, Vappan Zamug."
He raps a knuckle on his wooden name-plate, hoping his papers specify his debilitation.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Toph makes two simple hand signs, the standard cant of the deaf or dumb, before returning Tong Kai's bow.


And You.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Toph looks at Rasamoro, slightly bemused. He gestures to the city at large in a grand, sweeping arc. Looking back at the towering Nagaji, he mimes first tusks, then terror. Pointing to the deck of the ship, he mimes removing a mask from his own face.

Toph chuckles a little, anticipating the catfolk from the tea shop would soon meet the little bird.
He wrinkles his nose as if something is amiss, but does not comment.
Must be the new air.
Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

He bows politely to both additions to the group, resolving to board ahead of the noblewoman, but not earlier- it would do well to be associated with her socially, as he was sure he would be able to stand out with his own prowess in battle.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian


Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Ha! A seven. That ought to fool them.
Actually, after reading the rules a mite closer, we've got a
3 + 2 + 5 - 2 + 2 = 10; 3roll+2charisma+5minor details only-2different race+2aid
Semiconfident the townfolk won't balk at his presence, Toph strides towards the vessel at a brisk pace, making sure his nameplate on his armor is plainly visible.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Toph nods at Karval, pointing at the ship's flagstaff.
He rocks his arms as if holding a baby, feigning as though he was about to sit.
Furthermore, he points slightly lower, at the lowest of the three flags, and makes the sign for hobgoblin- fingers in a V, placed against his scalp, to mimic their ears.
Before approaching the vessel in earnest, he takes a moment to pull his scarf further over his face, and removes his chalk from his gear.
Disguise as human 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

The sky being silent, Toph turns his attention to the Ardhanya to discern any secrets its construction might contain, and the sun's height to determine the tide.

ProfSailor 1d20 ⇒ 16

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Toph looks to the sky of his new port to determine it's mood, but the intricacies of the alien coastline elude him. He grimaces, sure that the sky's silence is an omen.
Read weather 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

That and bad action film is where I pull most of my narration from.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Haha, no, I don't. I do, however, spar, mixed martial arts, on occasion.
I'll have to slightly revise. After much deliberation and introspection, I will be going Oracle.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Iunno. We'll see when we get there. It's only useful in a narrow range of campaigns, really. Though it is neat.

I'd suggest expanding your niche, with Splintering Weapon, which would be most improvised weapons, or even Distance Thrower. You could also gun for Charging Hurler via Point Blank Shot.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

I'll just eat the -8 on attacks, haha, it's the image that was amazing.

Maybe once they're entangled I'll just let you throw them =P

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Think I can use an enemy entangled in the net as an improvised meteor hammer?

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Nailed it. Pretty soon I won't have to translate =P
Toph realizes belatedly his foot is still on Karval's chest, so he removes it apologetically and helps his friend up. He gauges the height of the sun in the sky, which has fallen lower still. He looks out at the lake near the horizon, miming a swim, then dusts himself lightly and mops his brow. It is, after all, a warm day.

Edit: PS. Karval, have you considered taking some Magus levels? I don't know how martially-oriented you intend to be, but, it's a thought.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Toph shrugs, wiggling his fingers with a mock jig, then points to Karval. Shaking his trident, he points to himself.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

That's the danger of total defense, my friend- you do not get any AoO's.
Toph easily slips past both attacks, surprised, as always, by the wizard's speed and prowess. With a victorious grin, he places his foot on Karval's chest, near his throat, and levels his trident at the downed hobgoblin menacingly.

Grapple, I think DC is 10? 1d20 + 5 - 4 ⇒ (10) + 5 - 4 = 11

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

I've played as long as I can remember, my first game was with my dad and it was AD&D. I played my own system that included Larp for a few years before playing 3.0 throughout highschool, upgrading to 3.5. Unhappy with 4.0, I've been playing pathfinder two to three times a week irl for about a year.
Toph, wary of the defense, nonetheless charges ahead. At the last second he drops to his hips, sliding across the ground, his trident hugged close. He seems not to fear the blade at all, for as he passes Karval, he holds the trident to the side, hooking both the man's feet. The hobgoblin tastes dirt, and Toph uses his remaining momentum to regain his footing.

Trip 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

They do provoke, if the opponent is armed. My last one did not because Kai held only his bow.
Toph dodges easily, catching the back of the hobgoblin's foot as he twists away, but his momentum carries him away from a steady grip. Ducking low, Toph spins off his outer cloak, spreading it low and wide under Karval.

Grapple 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Toph takes a few careful steps forward and throws the net, which barely clips the bottoms of Karval's feet. He scowls more with disappointment than surprise, and releases the trailing rope, as he will be forced to close without its aid.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

1) I'm using that assumption as it deals no damage, and it makes sense to me thematically, but I see the argument for a normal melee attack. It only threatens if no one is IN it, however.
Effectively, the feat reduces the unfolded penalty by 4, balanced with the EWP feat's reduction.
2) I've been using the rule that the rope is as long as the distance between you and the target; I'm assuming a "pull" combat maneuver is the new standard to reel in an opponent; in 3.5, my net and trident gladiator used opposed strength rolls to reel in foes, which is based on the listed strength check to move beyond the 10' range of the rope.


Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Interestingly, my group has an obsession with using the AoO to disarm, though there's no bonus. The cliche kicking the weapon away, I suppose.

I guess we'll see around Tuesday.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Throw the net and pull him in, using his superior strength to pin.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Toph laughs, his chest rising and falling as he catches his breath. He nods and bows, taking his place by his trident. He knows this will be more a test of finesse and strategy than prowess. He folds his net back onto his gauntleted left hand, and wields his trident reversed.
Initiative 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (20) - 2 = 18
Wow. How does that even happen?

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Well isn't this practically crit central?
Toph returns the bow, helping Kai stumble to the building and helps to lower him into a sitting position. With an apologetic smile, he fetches some tea from inside, and returns the samurai's arrow.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

No, it's good to iron these out now.
Sorry, but you can't stumble anywhere without an opposed STR check. If that's what that was, then
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Toph strikes in anger with a truly devastating open palm to Kai's chest, driving his breath from his body with a semiaudible "whoof", shaking the samurai to his core and lifting him from his feet. If Toph didn't hold the net, it's likely the large Nagaji may have even achieved flight.
Attack 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 271d4 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Confirmation 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 221d4 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Total damage= 15
Man, I sure roll when it counts... Ouch.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Therein lies my confusion, but alas, NA does not add to touch armor except against brilliant energy weapons.
Toph smiles as the Nagaji struggles; many foes falsely believe the net is simple twine, and that they may escape with sheer strength. Though, the Ronin had made a reasonable effort.
That bow is your undoing, samurai.
Toph grips the front of Kai's armor, his smile deepening, but his scaled foe is slippery as an eel, and his grip is tenuous at best. He scowls, but holds the net strings tightly, and passes his brass knife to his teeth.
Grapple 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Can't wait to start!

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

+ 1 DEX, ...?
Toph scowls but ducks under the shaft. He springs forward at a surprising speed, the turf underfoot twisting and bunching with the power of his surge.
He swings his net just ahead of himself with his momentum, catching Kai finally in its folds. With triumphant glee, he grips the strands of the net, holding the Nagaji close.

Charge 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

I target flatfooted touch with that, AC 10; but we'll say that happens. Also, an interesting anrcdote: I believe your AC may be miscalculated. Touch seems to me like it should be 11. Mine on my sheet is wrong too, it doesn't include wooden armor, whoops.
Toph grins wickedly.
I know it can.
With a sharp tug, he twists his entire body to the side, both dancing barely past the wrapped blade and pulling the net into his hand, but he is off balance from the ronin's ferocious attack, and his form is poorer still. He rolls backwards, springing to his feet just outside the Nagaji's reach, and spins the net again, rising the strands to envelope Tong Kai's weapon. He twists with a surprising finesse, and manages to; if barely; remove the wrapped steel from the dangerous Ronin. With a flourish, the net is back in his hand, and he begins to fold it deftly.

AoO with net. 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Five foot step away
Disarm with Net 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
First move to fold Net

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Initiative 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (17) - 2 = 15
Toph's eyes burn electric as he lurches forward, his cloak blowing as if in a gale, though not a lick of wind is in the air. His mouth opens in a soundless roar, his hood finally blown back around his neck, his dreadlocks whipping violently. With a supernatural speed, he whips a net from under his cloak and casts it over the hesitant Ronin, his sheer power and his opponent's unpreparedness outweighing his lack of form in the attack.

Tong Kai finds himself wrapped tightly in the copper-weighted net.

Net Ranged 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Equipped: Spiked Gauntlet(blunted); Net(deployed)

rules used:
... If you hit, the target is entangled. An entangled creature takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls and a –4 penalty on Dexterity, can move at only half speed, and cannot charge or run. If you control the trailing rope by succeeding on an opposed Strength check while holding it, the entangled creature can move only within the limits that the rope allows. If the entangled creature attempts to cast a spell, it must make a concentration check with a DC of 15 + the spell's level or be unable to cast the spell.

An entangled creature can escape with a DC 20 Escape Artist check (a full-round action). The net has 5 hit points and can be burst with a DC 25 Strength check (also a full-round action). A net is useful only against creatures within one size category of you.

A net must be folded to be thrown effectively. The first time you throw your net in a fight, you make a normal ranged touch attack roll. After the net is unfolded, you take a –4 penalty on attack rolls with it. It takes 2 rounds for a proficient user to fold a net and twice that long for a non-proficient one to do so.

Edit:PS. I used my net as a reach melee weapon with the Net Adept Feat, so I'm 5' distant and holding all 10' of the trailing rope.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

FYI, can't trip on the AoO to stand, as the AoO happens before the action, and you can't trip a prone opponent.
Toph sticks his trident in the ground outside and holds up his fists as if to start another duel. He rolls one hand over and over horizontally, inquiring "again?"

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Toph smiles, pulls a brass knife from his belt, and carves
"Who tells YOU where to sail?"
Into his bowl, and tosses it to the Nagaji. When the ronin looks up, Toph mimes an extremely sardonic salute, twisting his hand over his breast and bowing deeply.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

That made me literally lol.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Toph leans back in his chair, which creaks with dismay. A couple of quick signs later, he leans back forward, clearly intrigued.

"Is he supposed to have so many of the pieces?"

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Toph squeezes himself into a seat, turning the protestantly creaking wooden chair to better watch the board as he finishes off his soup.
This should be good.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Toph touches his fingertips to his ear and shrugs, his shoulders rising and falling with subtle bemusement, as if to say he'd heard nothing.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Toph simply nods, not in the least concerned. He holds forth his bowl of soup as if to say, "this too".

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Toph chuckles slightly harder, but he's seen the hobgoblin angry.
He puts one hand on his trident.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Toph chuckles, miming "snake" and "fangs".

Male Half-Orc Barbarian

Toph inclines his head to Lang, denoting his understanding. A few dark gray tendrils fall from his hood; the ash-choked and salt-filled locks of his hair, twisted into cirri one or two fingers thick.
He waves away the nagaji's offer of the flask politely, but fixes his eyes intently on his scaly lips. After a moment or two of the strange tongue, he shakes his head in exasperation and repeats to Karval his more-snake statement, this time with less mirth, before bowing low to the witch.

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