Tophan Stormcaller's page
74 posts. Alias of Enaris.
First, some context:
ACG wrote: Bloodline Development: The arcanist selects one sorcerer bloodline upon taking this exploit. The arcanist gains that bloodline’s 1st-level bloodline power as though she were a 1st-level sorcerer...If the arcanist already has a bloodline (or gains one later), taking this exploit instead allows her arcanist levels to stack with the levels of the class that granted her access to the bloodline when determining the powers and abilities of her bloodline. UM wrote: Eldritch Heritage
...Select one sorcerer bloodline...This bloodline cannot be a bloodline you already have. You gain the first-level bloodline power for the selected bloodline. For purposes of using that power, treat your sorcerer level as equal to your character level – 2, even if you have levels in sorcerer. You do not gain any of the other bloodline abilities.
So, yeah, how do these interact? If I select Eldritch Heritage (Abyssal), and later take Arcanist and select Bloodline Development, can I take Abyssal? Do I start getting the other bloodline abilities, since I already "have a bloodline"? I'm guessing not, that seems OP.
On a related note, I have an Arcanist/Fighter/Hellknight Signifer I want to have a bloodline. I can't select that bloodline using Arcanist (Blood Arcanist), because for it to not suck, I have to take it with the eldritch heritage feats, since my total arcanist level is only a max of 6, and taking bloodline development or the bloodline makes me ineligible for Eldritch Heritage later? What am I missing?
2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
In order of presentation:
ACG wrote: Animal Companion...A hunter may teach her companion hunter’s tricks from the skirmisher ranger archetype (Pathfinder
RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 128) instead of standard tricks.
Does this mean that the Hunter gains the ability, or that the companion gains the ability? With abilities like "Sic'Em" and "Heel", it would seem logical the Hunter gains uses of them. If this is true, how many times per day can they be used? If the animal receives the ability to use these, only a few make sense.
ACG wrote: Animal Focus...At 1st level, a hunter can take on the
aspect of an animal as a swift action...The hunter can also apply one of these aspects to her animal companion...The hunter can select or change the animal foci on both herself and her animal companion as part of the same swift action...
Can the hunter change her companion's animal focus without using a use of her own? Can she change her companion's animal focus at any range?
ACG wrote: Improved Empathic Link...see through a companion’s eyes as a swift action, maintaining this connection as long as she likes (as long as the companion is within 1 mile) and ending it as a free action. The hunter is blinded while maintaining this connection. If the hunter can see herself through her companion's eyes, does she still take penalties from being blinded?
Okay, so this is a little weird.
The abilities listed of a Seascarred are as follows:
1d6 Bite
Swim 30'
Well... this doesn't make a lot of sense.
First of all, Amphibious states "Amphibious (Ex) Creatures with this special quality have the aquatic subtype, but they can survive indefinitely on land."
and then aquatic goes on to say "...always have swim speeds and can move in water without making Swim checks. An aquatic creature can breathe water. It cannot breathe air unless it has the amphibious special quality. Aquatic creatures always treat Swim as a class skill."
Okay... So if I pick Amphibious, I get to breathe air and water and don't have to make swim checks and I get a swim speed. If I pick Swim 30' I get... a swim speed. Yay.
Second, Ferocity is not listed as a wereshark, shark, dire shark, or any other kind of shark ability. It looks like it was tacked on there for good measure. That's lame.
My GM and I have come up with this more reasonable list to evoke "shark power":
Amphibious with swim speed equal to land speed
1d6 Bite
+1 natural armor per four levels
Scent ability
Thoughts? Revisions?
Here's fighter feat progression:
1.Improved Shield Bash
1b. Weapon Focus Short Sword
2b. Dazzling Display
3. Intimidating Prowess
4b. Two-weapon Fighting
5. _____
6b. Shatter Defenses
7. Shield Slam
8b. Greater Weapon Focus
9. _____
10b. ______
11. Deadly Stroke
12b. Shield Master
I'm using a short sword as weapon focus to incur less penalty while two-weapong fighting, but at 12th I recieve shield master and that not longer matters.
So my rules question is: Can I swap weapon focus (short sword) at 12th level (using fighter bonus feat swapping) to weapon focus (longsword)?
Please reserve this thread for questions, concerns, and such.
Speech will be bold and internal dialogue in italics.
War is coming. War like this land has not seen for many turns, since before the elves walked boldly, before even the human races shed their barbarism for hedonism- a war from an age when the ground shook with the steps of its masters, and the oceans writhed with the fury of their inhabitants.
The land has been quiet these last few thousand years, but it is stirring now, and the Dwarven sages have felt that stirring, and have begun preparations to avert this coming war, and failing that, to wage it at all.
This is the reason you find yourself called to the mighty dwarven hall Janderhoff, where a small group of elite warriors meets to hear the words of the eldest sage.
This thread is specifically for out-of-character chat and *gasp* DISCUSSION!
Magical, isn't it, how aptly it has been named?
In any case, I'm going to put here some useful tips. First, you will find "how to format your text" in a spoiler whenever you add a post.
It will tell you how to use bold, italic, Out-of-Character, and even how to format bigger and smaller fonts.
Dice rolls will be conducted in the order in which they would happen in game, along with a description of what you were TRYING to accomplish.
Bluff: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
God I hope this works...
Frank makes a face of abject horror, fixing his gaze behind his opponent.
What in God's name is THAT?, he exclaims.
As the orc turns to follow his gaze, Frank ducks behind the shrubbery and tries to find his footing on the steep slope, sniggering to himself.
Bloody moron.
Obviously the Acrobatics check did not go well for Frank, and he has likely fallen down the hill.
Bold will be used for out-loud speech, with shouts bigger and whispers smaller. Internal dialogue will be in italics.
As for Initiative, I will roll for the entire group whenever it is called for, as well as pretty much everything the whole group would have to roll (some saving throws, knowledge checks, that kind of thing). This is to keep the ball rolling so we don't have to wait on one post to continue the action. I will accept actions in any order-Initiative mainly determines who is flat-footed when.
Good luck, and if you have any questions just go ahead and shoot!
The hunt returns victorious, if troubled. Despite worries the forray into the local wilderness has raised, the resultant feast is a tremendous success. Held at the Rusty Dragon, more than half the town, and certainly all the visitors, turn out for the event, which quickly becomes and impromptu festival of its own.
Merchants hawk wares, tumblers and singers perform (especially keen to re-enact scenes of bravery starring our heroes) and children play in the streets. For the first time in a very long time, it seems as though everything might be back to normal in the little town of Sandpoint.
I'm currently playing a winter witch in Jade Regent. The party is as follows:
- Samurai with large Katana focused on dishing and taking hits
- Drunken Master monk focused on maneuvers
I'm taking my first level in the winter witch prestige class, at character level 6th. I currently have the Hexes Misfortune, Cackle, and Feral Speech, and the feats Fey Foundling, Extra Hex, and Improved Familiar.
I'm currently looking at taking Charm, Disguise, or Evil Eye, but I'm open to arguements for other hexes.
23 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ.
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I have a few questions about the boar style feats in Ultimate combat.
These feats read:
Boar style (combat)
Prerequisites: Improved unarmed strike, Intimidate 3 ranks
You can deal bludgeoning damage or slashing damage with your unarmed strikes—changing damage type is a free action. While using this style, once per round when you hit a single foe with two or more unarmed strikes, you can tear flesh. When you do, you deal 2d6 bleed damage with the attack.
Boar Ferocity (Combat)
Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Boar Style, Intimidate 6 ranks.
Benefit: You add piercing damage to the damage types you can deal with your unarmed strikes. Further, you gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks to demoralize opponents. While using Boar Style, whenever you tear an opponent’s flesh, you can spend a free action to make an Intimidate
check to demoralize that opponent.
Boar Shred (Combat)
Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Boar Ferocity, Boar Style, Intimidate 9 ranks.
Benefit: You can make an Intimidate check to demoralize an opponent as a move action. While using Boar Style, whenever you tear an opponent’s flesh, once per round at the start of that opponent’s turn he takes 1d6 bleed damage. The bleed damage dealt while using Boar Style persist even
if you later switch to a different style.
The extra bleed damage in this third feat confuses me. Since bleed damage does not normally stack with itself, and since you have already torn flesh and therefore activated the 2d6 bleed from boar style, the 1d6 bleed damage from boar shred has no effect. It does not stack, and all bleed damage occurs on the opponent's turn in the first place.
Does it stack, so when you tear flesh that opponent takes 3d6? Does it progress, so they take 2d6 then 3d6 then 4d6, etc?